Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Love this theme, readabillity in awesome! Reminds me of PS6 beta :)

Would love to see email content ( plus conversation plugin ) in same colors. I guess i have to style it myself.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Just installed 1.6.3 on TB 11.0 on XP.

I agree with most everyone here! I love the theme! My wife isn't so sold on it yet.

However, we have multiple accounts and it would be ever so nice if it was easier to be able to tell which account had new eMails and then somehow better highlight the new eMails.

Still, it's a simply terrific look!!! Keep up the great work!


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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Love the theme, my only complaint is that it is hard to tell the new emails apart from the rest, please fix!!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Dark themes are by far to rare for TB! Great work!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I absolutely love this add-on! It gives my screen a break from the otherwise "boring" normality of my desktop and inspires creativity.
It was a little difficult at first for my eyes to immediately register the unread emails from the others but the more I've used it, the more I love it.
I'm new to Mozilla Thunderbird. I was previously using Microsoft Outlook and switched because to me, Thunderbird makes it easier to organize my emails. I was disappointed at first with the layout of Thunderbird compared to Outlook but soon had it customized with great add-on's including this one and I wouldn't go back!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I really like this theme, but I find it hard to know where new mail is. I have lots of folders with sub folders. The bold folder name indicates new mail is present in that folder or a sub folder, but I find this hard to distinguish from a normal unbolded folder name. Can you make it so that the little yellow sunburst icon is present on all folders that contain new mail not just the top level one?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Fantastic dark theme for Thunderbird - Finally! Excellent contrast between the dark grays make for an enjoyable dark theme that is easy on the eyes. However, for some implementations (or monitors) it may be a bit dark. (especially on Plasma or LED-LCD displays). Perhaps a "TT DeepDark (light) is in order with the brightness bumped up just a few shades. After years of using dark GTK themes in Linux to get the desired dark theme needed in Thunderbird, this theme makes tbird look almost as good under windows :)

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Very nice. I find the inbox view being very dark throws off all my tags, based on the normal white on black view. It is a little harder to see.

Having the message window down the bottom in bright white really clashes with the rest of the theme but that said it's pretty and I will try it a few days to see if I get used to it - but that's me not your work. :)

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Thanks for your feedback :) Concerning the window down, you can set by your own the color you like (as the font color too). White is the default one, but you can change it. I didn t touch that part, because it s up to users to chose the color they like in the options panel. You can also set the color of the mail compositor.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

First off, this is a very beautiful theme. Very well done.
But there's a bit of an issue with the drop-downs (File, Edit, View, etc and Right-Clicking as well). The program will act like there is a menu, but the menu does not actually become visible. For example, if I clicked File, the word itself will turn blue, indicating that it's active, but no menu is actually visible. If I move the pointer along the bar, the other words will also change to blue. If I click in the area where the menu ought to be, then does what it would normally do. The only issue is that I can't see it.

I haven't seen anyone else mention this issue yet, so I'm wondering if it could just be me or if no one else has realized it yet.

I use Windows 7 and I just downloaded Thunderbird not too long ago, so it should still be a recent, if not up-to-date, version.

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Thanks for your review :) I didn t notice any problem when clicking on the menu buttons. They all display the drop-downs. By the way if the theme had such issue, I think that Mozilla's reviewers would already inform me when they checked my work, because it s not some little issue when a dropdown doesn t display correctly. The problem should be somewhere else.
I don t know if you noticed in the addon description but now there is a short text to describing few things to do when facing an issue and, among them, what is very important so I could understand well what is the problem is to provide me a screenshot or a short video. Like this I m sure we are talking about the same thing. But still, I really don t see why you are facing that issue, because I never noticed any problems with the dropdowns and no one else told me about it.

Edit : when you rollover a menu which is active in the main menu bar it s supposed to become blue, but when you pass on an inactive menu I don t know if you noticed but the color is white and after that it closes the dropdown. So I think that what you are trying to describe is when you rollover from an active to an inactive menu then the dropdown disappear. It s a normal behavior, the default theme do that too. Maybe what I could just simply do is to make more difference between an inactive and active menu. But try with the default theme, you ll see that s the same. So it s not an issue, it s simply that inactive menu when not hovered should be a bit darker so we could better notice they are not active. I ll change little bit the inactive menu font color in the 1.3.7 version which will be uploaded soon.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Like the theme very much, thank you for the theme. Just a minor glitch (I'm not sure if this just happen to me only)... I'd sort all my mail in inbox and group them by date. And it seems bizarre that group title (in my case: 'today' / 'yesterday' / 'last week' / 'old') appeared in white colour pretty 'random'. Here is the screen captured:



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Hi there,
Thanks for your review. I fixed that before for a previous version, but it seems I touched something with the last update and it came back. I ll fix that with the next update. it will be ok with the version.
Thanks for your message.

Edit : here is the fix ;) > https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/addon/bloomind-tt-deepdark/versions/

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Thanks for a great theme for Thunderbird. I enjoy dark themes a lot. I only find this one is a bit too dark for me. Let me explain.

I'm using a great dark Windows Seven theme called SkullTrail ( http://x3remes.deviantart.com/art/Skulltrail-161452367 ). IMHO it's a perfect dark theme, with good colors and excellent contrast.

I'd love to see TT DeepDark or another theme that would be closer to SkullTrail (thus a bit lighter). What do you thinks ?

Thanks again & Best regards. :)

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Thanks for your review :) Indeed, maybe it could be something good to make the theme a bit brighter. With my screen and my brightness settings it looks good, but I guess it s not the same for everybody. I ll have a try when I ll have a bit more time. I need to change lots of code to modify everywhere the dark color and maybe I ll need also to make the font a bit brighter if I do it. So i ll need hours of work to do this simple change, because they are lots of code to modify and I need to be careful to apply the changes everywhere. Til then the theme will be in his acutal color, but I ll have a try and see if it s ok.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It's awesome! Love it!
I use Thunderbird for couple of years now.
I have never found as nice looking theme as TT DeepDark is, not just that, it also fits my personal color / style taste -.-

There was always something missing by other Themes. However as already said, this theme is amazing!
I suggest it to all, who like dark themes ;)

steva, you just gave me an early Christmas present hehe
Thank you! xx

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I m really glad that you like my work :) Thanks for this nice review:)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Amazing work - really unique and stark! Not just another Mac or Aero theme.
I only wish it came in white as well.

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Thanks for your review :)

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Easily the most aesthetically pleasing theme for TBird, in my humble opinion. Leagues better than the competition - especially since there's a matching Ffox theme!

UPDATE: I WAS having a problem with version 1.3.4, but after describing it here, the problem has been fixed in the new (experimental) version 1.3.5. The fix looks great and is quite usable.. Praise for the quick fix. That was the only thing missing for 5 stars!

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Thanks for your review :) Regarding the filter buttons, I think that they are clearly highlighted, at least on my computer it s showing quite well. Here is a link so you could see how it should look http://www.stefrosselli.com/webpages/dd6_screenshot.html
I think that the dark background is making the highlighted filter to show up quite well on the blue bar? But maybe there is a little problem with the Linux version ? I ll have to check again. The screenshot I provided is on Win7. It s suppose to look like this.

Edit : Just try to install the version to see if it solves something. Here is the link for download > https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/addon/bloomind-tt-deepdark/versions/

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Awsome dark theme with excellent colour and lighting, makes plugin windows look amazing as well, which is the problem i had with other themes. it's clear that the artist/devloper put a lot of work into making this theme and did not copy the theme from areo or office and attacked it with photoshop.

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Today I ve fixed the issue with the 1.3.4 version. Here is the link for download > https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/thunderbird/addon/bloomind-tt-deepdark/versions/
Could be nice to come back here and edit your review.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Thank you I love black!,i have been using it for a while and really like it, besides it seems to me that in the last update you have improved readability, so i'm grateful, it helps a lot when you are using thunderbird on a notebook outdoors

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This theme made me switch to Thunderbird in the first place, but I don't like the newest "design improvement". I'm an Aero addict, and I thought it was absolutely perfect (and worth the donation) before the Aero was removed to provide better readability (I was able to read it fine before.) I can't even seem to find 1.3.1 to revert back and I'm rather disappointed in that fact. If I could at least have a choice, that would be wonderful. The Aero is most definitely missed though. :(

Update: Since I can't seem to reply to you and I don't want to submit a whole other review for no reason, I'll just edit this and hope you see it. Thank you for the quick response, and I do appreciate it very much. It's a shame about 1.3.1, but I understand. The 1.2.4 is what I reverted back to until I saw how badly lightning looked with it, so it's not an option. I'm sure it's probably not possible to add an option to enable/disable Aero, or probably worth your time, but that would be a fantastic compromise.

I'm probably going to stop using Thunderbird, as the issues I have with it aren't balanced with how awestruck I am aesthetically. Thank you again for the quick and friendly reply. It really is a wonderful theme. ♥

Edit 2: A separate Aero version would be the best thing ever. I understand not having much time, but I will most definitely keep checking often. Your theme makes Thunderbird so beautiful, that even despite a few quirks of TB I don't like, I can't help but be happy with using it. ♥

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thanks for your review. I m sorry that you don t like the new design, but depending what is open behind the window, the aero glass effect is quite disturbing. It messes a bit (especially with the main menu and inactive tabs, the text shadow is not enough to make to show up well the white text). If you want, you can revert to the version, but few things I ve fixed in last version won t be available. Here is the link for download > https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/bloomind-tt-deepdark/versions/
You can t acces anymore the 1.3.1 version because the one you installed was not reviewed by Mozilla so when I uploaded the 1.3.2 version Mozilla disabled the 1.3.1. I ll have to see if I have still that file on my computer. usually I only save the reviewed versions. So I don t think I still have it.
For the moment I ll leave the theme as it is. But if I receive massive requests to set back the aero, I ll change it. Thanks for understanding and sorry again for inconvenience.


Edit : Indeed lightning addon doesn t render as before with the version because the new lightning version overrided my settings (I needed to fix that in the 1.3.2 version). For the moment I don t have enough knowledge to create a theme that can allow user to switch between aero and non aero. Only thing I can do, is to create a separed aero version, this way, who likes aero download it and who wants the version with solid background can aslo have it. I don t have time right now, but I ll think to do that. So check time to time if there is a new version available. I can t do more than this for moment, because of my knowledge and also because of time.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

As I already said that's my favored skin for thunderbird and firefox.
I got only one issue with the today's update: tags color are no more displayed inside folder view (everything is gray).

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Such a beatiful add-on, such a beatiful look.
I love the way everything looks on this add-on.
What a nice job! Congratulations!
It's just what I wanted, to give TB that special touch of dark that i love. Works like a charm!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

hello again. I updated to version 1.3.1, but the issue remains. This link show my the issue

I hope to help you... tks :D

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Thanks a lot :) Yes it helped me :) I ve never tried to open this sidebar. It ssems I didn t customize it. I ll fix that soon. Just come time to time here to see if there is a 1.3.2 ;) Thanks again for your feedback.

EDIT > I had a look and it s really easy to fix. I ll do that later or tomorrow. I won t need lots of time for this little issue. Thanks again for feedback

EDIT EDIT > Done ! ;) You can enjoy the 1.3.2 version now :)