Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Although it's still a Beta extension, it's a must-have for me.

There are a few issues I'd like to mention before moving on to full release?

* the active tab seems to have a "curve" design in them, but it looks like its more like a overlay than an actual replacement of the tab. Personally I'd leave that out, and keep design to the active theme. Possibly an option in the plugin to turn them off?

*Mouse-over tabs seem to slighly change the height of the tab.

* Compatibility with themes in general: text becomes "invisible" when installing a dark theme.

Other than that: no massive problems, maybe the options to install icon packs, but I think people already mentioned this.

Keep up the good work!

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Leider macht dieses Theme Probleme.
Es zerschießt das ganze Aussehen von TB.
Und der Hammer, es lässt sich nicht wieder entfernen.
Im Themes-Fenster steht nur der Standard-Theme und
OutlookAlike ist nirgends aufgeführt.
Das ist Sehr schade, Kann einer weiterhelfen.

Outlookalike ist kein Theme sondern ein AddOn und ist demnach auch nicht bei den Themes aufgeführt, sondern bei den Addons, dort kann es auch wieder entfernt werden und sollte dabei wieder den Original Zustand herstellen (ggf. müssen die normalen Menüleisten wieder eingeblendet werden).

Darf ich fragen, auf welchem Betriebssystem Sie das Problem haben und welche anderen Addons Sie installiert haben? Bisher hat sich noch niemand mit einem ähnliche Problem gemeldet?

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The skin is absolutely gorgeous and very functional too. I wanted to congratulate you for your work and Thank you.

I have 3 suggestions to improve the skin, although it looks already awesome, if you find the time and want to implement them:
- Where you find An: you could use To: in the international version. I know what An: means, but it looks nicer with To:
- In the New message, could you include at the end the spelling menu with a nice Icon. I've tried customizing the bar by adding it manually but ultimately it always goes to the beginning of the toolbar when I start a new message and that's annoying.
- I know this is asking a lot, but can you customize the Main Pane, where you can see all messages inside a folder to have 2 lines and look a bit more like Outlook.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

The dutch language would be very usefull

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Great plug-in! I am however not able to show the toolbar when I open a message in a new window.

Unfortunately this is the "normal behavior", internally it's a different window with its own user interface and till now I did not add the outlookalike toolbar to this window. It will be added in a futur release :-) but I can't say when, because at the moment I don't have much time to spend with my addon :(

Рейтинг 2 из 5 звёзд

I use Windows 7 64bit Home Premium Service Pack 1.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

excellent extension for a profession environment, I think it would be one of the most valued and most downloaded extensions for users, but needs to be more polished, for example in the texts of new message, new event and new contact, the color of text is blank without the focus, which is lost in the background, perhaps by changing the white with some gray a little dim, turn out to be more legible, between the alignment of icons and other small details, so commented it is excellent but needs to be polished, continue with great job.

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Thanks for your feedback :)
May I ask you which operating system you use? Till now the addon is manly optimized for Linux with KDE desktop. I discovered a lot optical differences between other operating systems, but for now (in the beta phase) functional tasks are more important. Giving it the final polish is planed for a later phase ;-) - also new icons, they are kind of terrible, but free, easy and fast to use ;)

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

while this does enhance the thunderbird appearance..I had to remove this as this add-on seems to be suppressing the meeting invites. Meeting Invitations link that are usually highlighted at the bottom is no longer visible after installing this add-on.

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Hello krish,

thanks for your feedback, I will check this. It was not planed ;-)
I don't think my addon "suppresses" the invitations, it might only hide the visual part of the invitation.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд


Really good job on that module. If you need a french translation you can mail me the english files (I'll let you know my mail address).

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for your feedback, vote and offer! Translations are wellcome everytime ;-). You can contact me via mail by the support link on the right or the user profile.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The addon is great, that's just how to switch the Russian? Or none at all.Аддон отличный ,вот только как на русский переключить ? Или его нет совсем.

Разработчик ответил что русский и другие языки будут добавлены в следующих версиях.

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Thanks for your feedback and rating! I'm not sure if I understood you right, but with the next release there will come support for the Russian language as well as the posibility to manually switch between the supported languages (till now this are: German, English and Spanish. And Russian with the next release).Unfortunately I have to do a lot of work till end of this year, but I plan to release the next version in early january of 2014.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I like it, it looks fantastic. Unfortnuately I use Slovak language and menu bar is in German. Please, let me know how can I help you translate it.
RE: Hello Andreas, I can't find your email address. Please, send me all neccesary files for translation to my email address: matus.kromka@gmail.com

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Hello Matus,

thanks a lot for your offering. If you send me an email, i will send you a file containing all location specific variables (in english, german, spanish or russian. Please tell me what you like most). And if you translate them and send this file back to me again I am able to add Slovak as new language. Unfortunatly I am very bussy at this time, but by january at the latest I will upload a new release. Till now this one also contains russian as new language and hopefully slovak as well ;)

best regards,

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Auriez vous l'amabilité d'indiquer comment changer la langue manuellement.
Pouvez vous réaliser une version traduite en francais?

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Hello Chniel,

thanks for your positive voting! I will add your suggestion at my todo list. But unfortunately I will not have much time till end of this year for working on my addon. So you will have to wait till january '14, but maybe a french translation might become real earlier.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

A nice addition. Please, add the language switch. If Thunderbird language is not English or Spanish, German is selected by default.

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

please make this available for windows - looks very promising ;-) thank you!!

EDIT: tried to find a download link for the xpi, however all I can see is that the add-on is not available for my platform (win 7, 64 bit, TB 17.0.7)

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well you could install it on windows allready, download the xpi file an install it manually, but sometimes it's a bit buggy (more buggy than on linux ;) ).. i hope in the next release it will be available for windows too, but i do not have much time to work on it a the moment

Edit: try this link https://addons.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/addon/outlookalike/versions/?page=1#version-

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

It's not available for my TDB platform :'( (v17.0.6)

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this might be only a little code change, but i have only v19 for testing, but i could build a "nightly" version of outlookalike for v17 and send it to you for testing - would this be okay?

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

thanks for replay.

two suggestions.

* add text wrap in subject for longer subject.

* Make icons as different tool bar than 'main toolbar' so that I can switch off the main toolbar instead of removing default icons.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

I only wait for spanish translation!!!

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I uploaded a new version with english and spanish translation. So if your Thunderbird the spanish/english one the AddOn will automatically switch to spanish/english :)¡Que te diviertas!If there are some translation errors please tell me, also if you know a shorter version for "Ejecutar controles de correo no deseado en la carpeta" :D ... it looks a bit strange ;)