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История версий Thunderbird Conversations

144 версии

Будьте осторожны со старыми версиями!

Эти версии отображаются только для сведения и в целях тестирования. Вам следует всегда использовать последнюю версию дополнения.

Версия 4.0.5 577.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0a1 - 102.0

* Attempts to fix issue when opening attachments with non-ascii filenames.

Версия 4.0.4 577.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0a1 - 102.0

* Fix issue with setup assistant failing to complete.
* Fix the "Always show remote content from..." action.
* When using quick reply, choose the more appropriate identity based on the email addresses of the received message.
* When picking identities for replying to messages, always use case insensitive comparisons.
* Fixes issues loading messages that have not been indexed by the global indexer.

Версия 4.0.1 576.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes display of attachments when Thunderbird's global indexer hasn't indexed them yet.
* Ensures all selected messages are display when Thunderbird's global indexer hasn't indexed them yet.

Версия 4.0.0 576.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 91.0a1 - 102.0

* Re-introduced quick reply. A basic plain text only version to begin with.
* First install assistant now does not switch to the unified view for folders.
* First install assistant now provides a clearer list of changes being made.
* Fixes S/MIME and OpenPGP signed/encrypted display tags and adds extra details on click.
* "Print this Conversation" functionality has been re-enabled.
* Fixes integration with the DKIM Verifier add-on.

Версия 3.2.35 958.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Attempt to fix issue with message pane not displaying after upgrading to Thunderbird 91.

Версия 3.2.34 958.0 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

Thunderbird 91 fixes:

* Fix printing of single messages.
* Fix display of signed state of PGP based messages.

General fixes:

* Fix being able to send an email from the contact-popup when the message is in a global search tab.
* Fix scrolling to the right location when opening a large conversation in a tab or window.

Версия 3.2.33 956.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* The position and size of the standalone message window are now remembered when using Thunderbird 91 or later.
* Detach and Delete for attachments are now in a drop-down menu next to the attachment item itself, rather than in the context menu.

Thunderbird 91 fixes:

* Fixes being able to delete messages
* Fixes clicking on links in message
* S/MIME signed status is displayed again
* Fix forwarding conversations
* Moved and fixed attachment delete/detach items to be displayed in-message since context menu support has been reduced in Thunderbird. Also easier to support long term.
* Fixed layout of the contact detail footer.

Версия 3.2.28 954.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Various fixes for running with Thunderbird 91 beta: Fixes message display and layout, previewing pdfs, and calendar integration for invites.
* Excludes remote address books from contact lookup to keep fast performance. Better fix to come later.

Версия 3.2.26 953.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fix an issue where starred emails would have the star removed when viewed.

Версия 3.2.25 953.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fix a performance regression when loading large message threads.
* Fix opening attachments on the latest Thunderbird preview versions.

Версия 3.2.24 953.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Use the Conversations add-on icon for the favicon for the various pages that Conversations provides.
* When fetching contacts, do less work, and avoid breaking on profiles with LDAP address books in TB 91 betas.
* Add icon and tooltips for when contacts are present but are read-only (TB 91 onwards).

Версия 3.2.23 951.2 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fix an issue where contacts could be mismatched in the message display if the email address was a substring of the contact email.
* Removed Bugzilla snippet handling in the short summaries of emails displayed when Bugzilla emails are collapsed.

Версия 3.2.22 950.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes display of setup assistant on first installation.
* Fixes "Send Email" contact button that was not working in local folders nor in the global inbox.

Версия 3.2.21 951.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Improve caching of contacts for faster message loading. Conversations now caches contact details for the whole session (up to a limit).
* Fix display of friendly dates in the message pane.

Версия 3.2.19 904.7 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes to restore message view functionality in Thunderbird 90 beta versions.

Версия 3.2.17 868.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes message display corruption when a draft is updated.

Версия 3.2.16 868.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes opening a conversation in a new tab in Thunderbird 88 beta versions.

Версия 3.2.14 868.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fix display of contacts at top of messages to progressively hide contacts when the display is too narrow (rather than hiding a whole contact at a time)
* Remove unnecessary identity indication that had appeared in 3.2.12.

Версия 3.2.12 868.7 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Improved detection of block quotes.
* Fixed the contact detail pop-ups to correctly fade-in/out
* Fixed some issues with the latest Thunderbird Beta and Daily builds.

Версия 3.2.11 866.6 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes issue in the setup assistant.
* Fix clicking on links in the subject header.
* Update Ukrainian translation.

Версия 3.2.10 870.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Now lets the mail start page be displayed on first start.
* Better handling for restoring the correct showing/hidden state of the "Between" column.
* Fix RTL display in the message preview area.

Версия 3.2.8 869.4 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes a regression in scrolling to the selected message on initial display.

Версия 3.2.7 869.3 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Adds option to hide quick reply (new quick reply still in work).
* Fix: Stops the conversation scroll position moving when a new message is received into the conversation.
* Fix: If full header details are being displayed, new messages received into the conversation will show the details by default.

Версия 3.2.6 860.9 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes toggling a conversation as read/unread in the conversation header.
* Fix opening/downloading attachments with apostrophes in their filenames.

Версия 3.2.4 861.5 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Further improvements to handling of signed/encrypted PGP messages.

Версия 3.2.3 862.8 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Fixes decoding of subject lines for encrypted messages.

Other 3.2.x changes:

* Drops support for Thunderbird 68 due to the complexity of supporting both.
* Fixes Enigmail / OpenPGP support in Thunderbird 78+.
* Fixes displaying conversations in a case that can sometimes happen when a draft is updated.
* Fixes display of non-ASCII characters in messages in Thunderbird 78.

Версия 3.2.2 862.7 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.0

* Drops support for Thunderbird 68 due to the complexity of supporting both.
* Fixes Enigmail / OpenPGP support in Thunderbird 78+.
* Fixes displaying conversations in a case that can sometimes happen when a draft is updated.
* Fixes display of non-ASCII characters in messages in Thunderbird 78.

Версия 3.1.24 937.4 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

* Fixes automatic collapsing of blockquotes.

Версия 3.1.22 937.4 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 81.0

* Fix character encoding handling for Thunderbird 79 and later.
* Update Conversations to work with Thunderbird's built-in pdf viewer in TB 81 and later.

Версия 3.1.21 937.1 KiB Работает с Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 78.*

* Fixes for Thunderbird 78 to load properly, and to fix the friendly dates.
* Improvements to the Russian localisation.