Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

After a bit of effort figuring out how to get this to work I got the signature to randomize. However, there are always some funky caracters at the beginning of the signature (example: ). Anybody know how to stop this? Once I get this resolved I would rate 5 stars. Thunderbird 10.0.11 on Linux. Thanks

These funky characters look like a BOM signature. This may result from converting the file(s) to UTF-8. There should be an option to disable this BOM signature in your editor or converting program.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I was having the problem James Nigh cites in his 12/21/12 review, but I resolved it by updating Thunderbird. Now this great extension is working again, spewing random wisdom just exactly like I want it to.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

thx after i had convert my file it's works fine
thx a lot of

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

comme vous l'indiquez, j'ai converti le fichier fortunecookie en utf 8 (l'ouvrir dans le bloc notes, on peut changer l'encodage en bas) et ça marche de nouveau.
Merci pour cette super extension

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I have changed the signature-file to UTF-8 and it works perfectly.

Thank you!

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

after using v. 1.5 with satisfaction, i now installed v. 1.6
but my citations - which worked perfectly with r(s) v. 1.5 - with v. 1.6 sometimes remain truncated. i think that it has something to do with r(s) because everything on my side remained unchanged (folder for citations, filenames, etc.)
any idea?
with many thanks

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I had to change the required default encoding for the fortune cookie files to be UTF-8. Please convert your fortune file cookies to UTF-8 in order to prevent the resulting signature from being truncated.

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

After upgrading from version 16 to version 17 the extension stopped working?
Some incompatibility with this version? How can I solve the problem occurred?

translated by google

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That's right. I noticed it as well. The signature file doesn't get updated. I will update the extension as soon as possible.

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I want a random singature file to be located on Samba network. How do I access it from Linux (Ubuntu)?

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Doesnt work any more with TB 9.0 :-(

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Does not appear to work with Thunderbird Portable. Path to signature file uses drive letter which of course changes every time you insert thumbdrive into different systems. Using different random sig for each email would be much better than rotation by time. Thanks to the jnridlinghafer for instructions. I would never have gotten this installed without these instructions. One step is missing though. Have to go into Account Settings and check the "Attach the signature from a file instead".

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Coole Erweiterung.
Ich habe aber leider ein Problem mit Umlauten (ä,ö,ü,ß). Gibt es da Tipps oder Lösungen?

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I have just upgraded to TB5.0, works perfectly.

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Its simple:Create a simple text (notepad works perfect) document with a quotation, or your favorite sayings or whatever, with each of them separated by a blank line with only a percentage character % such as the following line
then save it with the name "random_sig.txt" (or whatever you like. This is going to go where it asks you for the "fortune cookie" file later on.

Now create another text document, and this one will have your normal signature in it such as your name, phone, cell, email, physical address, etcl or any other information you want in your normal signature.
Save it with a name such as "my_signature.txt" (or whatever name you want, this will be the "signature file" asked for later on in the options menu

NOW - Go into your mail client and at the top Menu under Tools click on Add-Ons
Scroll down until you find "Random Signature" and click the "Options" button
Select the Fortune Cookie "Choose" button and select the file we named "random_sig.txt"
Click OK
Now scroll down to where it is asking for the "signature file" and select "choose" and find your file we named "signature_file.txt" and select OK

That is all you need to do. You can change the frequency it updates the random signature file in case you have it automatically changing or something otherwise just leave it at the 30 second default which should be fine.You can ignore the prefix and suffix or play around with them by adding text to each and see how it changes your signature.

I Hope this helps a little
--Jarrett Ridlinghafer

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Works great. A bit labour intensive to configure, but it works great.

Concept is this:
-Thunderbird 3.x can still only read from a single signature file
-This add on writes new signatures into that file, at a frequency you specify
-You will need to populate another file, called a "fortune cookie" with the list of signatures you would like TB to use.
-Add on reads fortune cookie, grabs new signature, writes to the original file, TB reads from that file, and presto!, you have a fresh signature that will not match the last one.

I had 60+ signatures I was using in Apple Mail. By carefully aranging window placement, I was able to drag and drop from Apple Mail into the fortune cookie file. Having the delimiter (an "%" symbol on a line between each signature) in place before hand made it much easier to accurately drop the signature into the fortune cookie. It was still tedious but much easier than doing a copy and paste for 60+ times.

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Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

This sounds EXACTLY like what I've been looking for. However, without any instructions or supporting documents it's been a waste of time. I cannot get it to work no matter how I try. Instructions for us obviously dense fools out here is highly recommended and would have been appriciated. --Frustrated and disappointed.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

this extension works like a charm. it does what its supposed to (btw to a few other reviewers here: if you dont want changing random signatures, then just dont use this extension. but dont complain about one existing that does that.)
i especially like the fact that prefix, suffix and random quotes fortune cookie files are separated, so that the fortune cookie file can also be used by different applications.
very. very. nice.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Super Idee, genau das brauche ich!
Leider lässt es sich auch nicht mit Nightly Tester Tools auf 3.0beta installieren.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Super Idee, genau das brauche ich!
Leider lässt es sich auch nicht mit Nightly Tester Tools auf 3.0beta installieren.

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

This extension is *exactly* what I've been looking for! Does the job, just like OSX Mail does, and does a much better job than Signature Switch(which is what I had been using). I like this one a lot more than SS for a couple of reasons: 1) It never screws up and places the sig. at the top of the email. 2) If you decide not to write the email, it doesn't force TB to ask if you want to save it. So wonderful!

PS: Ferdie, you're a jerk.

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Works fine although I'd prefer to have the randomness selected on a per message basis rather than an on-time basis.

Be nice if it was updated to the latest TB 3.0

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