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Using this plugin works for normal passwords, but it makes Firefox Sync require reathentication every time firefox is opened. This is becuase the session key stored in the Firefox Password Manager at chrome:FireFoxAccounts does not seem to be synced

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It stopped working on Kubuntu 16.04 recently (I am not sure is that Firefox or KDE wallet fault).
Firefox just can't see any password. They are still present in KWalletManager.
Moreover, it is impossible to save credentials on every website (Firefox doesn't ask about that).

Switching this extension off makes password manager working well.

When entering any website Firefox's browser console shows "Services.logins is undefined" error with the following stack trace:

LoginManagerParent.updateLoginAnchor<() LoginManagerParent.jsm:488
next() self-hosted:947
TaskImpl_run() Task.jsm:319
TaskImpl() Task.jsm:280
createAsyncFunction/asyncFunction() Task.jsm:254
updateLoginFormPresence/state.anchorDeferredTask<() LoginManagerParent.jsm:476
createAsyncFunction/asyncFunction() Task.jsm:243
Task_spawn() Task.jsm:168
this.DeferredTask.prototype._timerCallback/<() DeferredTask.jsm:282
next() self-hosted:947
TaskImpl_run() Task.jsm:319
TaskImpl() Task.jsm:280
createAsyncFunction/asyncFunction() Task.jsm:254
Task_spawn() Task.jsm:168
this.DeferredTask.prototype._timerCallback() DeferredTask.jsm:280
bound () self-hosted:752

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It's work great for me.
I'm going to sync kwallet with some my intra-company passwords storage, that's why it's very usefull to store firefox passwords in kwallet for me.

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For me thunderbird always crashed, when using your kwallet5 addon. I found out why:

In this function:

int32_t KDE5Wallet_Init() {
qDebug() &lt;&lt; "Start";

// KWindowSystem requires a functioning QGuiApplication or it will segfault
if (!app) {
int fakeargc = 0;
char *fakeargv[] = { NULL };
app = new QGuiApplication(fakeargc, fakeargv);

if (!app) {
qCritical() &lt;&lt; "Could not create KApplication";
return false;

return true;

the local variables fakeargc and fakeargv (both are handled as references in QGuiApplication) are undefined after the function returns, so there is a segfault.

The fix: define both variables globally above:

uint32_t disabledHostsBufferCount = 0;
char** disabledHostsBuffer = 0;
int fakeargc = 0;
char *fakeargv[] = { NULL };

the contact form on your website does not work in chromium, because the captcha cannot be loaded because of some
EDIT: thanks, fixed!

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Excellent add-ons.

I also had a crash at startup some weeks ago. After removing the password from the sync Firefox Account, it had never crashed again.

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I have been using your extension for a month but when it is enabled and I logout of Plasma 5, Firefox always crashes.

Can you help?

As another user mentioned - the contact form on your site doesn't work.

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Fails (Firefox doesn't start if active, it crashes) with:
openSUSE Linux
Kernel: 4.1.20
QT: 5.5.1
KDE Plasma: 5.5.5
KDE Framework: 5.5.1
OS: x86_64
Wallet Manager: 16.04.0
More details: Works when first installed, but once you close and reopen Firefox, it doesn't, having to deactivate it for Firefox to work.

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Thanks very much for reply Guillermo! It seems masterpassword addon uses DBus from js-ctypes to tap into KWallet - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/files/browse/359914/file/lib/dbus.js#L21 - does that not allow us to use full power of KWallet?

There is a jscpp-types which is just some code we can drop into our addons - https://github.com/ochameau/jscpptypes - would you be able to use this to bypass the .SO file? I am super eager to see someone use js-ctypes to use C++ stuff on Linux. I did it on Windows with COM here - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/js-ctypes/Examples/Using_COM_from_js-ctypes - if you have sometime and could try to use this to do KWallet with no .SO I would be so so interested to see that! I would document/blog about it :P If you get a chance may you please try? :) haha

> Thank you
> by Guillermo Molina (Developer) on November 22, 2015 · permalink · translate
> Thank you but js-ctypes works only with C, not C++:
> "Note: js-ctypes only works with C libraries; you can't use C++ methods directly. Instead, you'll need to create a shim library that uses C functions that then call into the C++ library for you. Examples can be found here: Bugzilla :: Bug 505907 - Support C++ calling from JSctypes"
> And AFAIK there is no C interface for kwallet, cheers.
> ------------------------------
> > 5 STARS
> > by Noitidart on November 22, 2015 · permalink · translate
> >
> > This is a very cool addon. You use a native .SO file and tap into it with js-ctypes.
> >
> > There is an addon here that bypasses the .SO file and uses the platform API directly with js-ctypes. You might find it interesting. I mentioned it because I'm hoping the two you authors can get togather and have some synergy :) To make an even cooler experience. :)
> >
> > Here is the addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/masterpassword-firefox/

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Both are excellent ideas, but right now I am involved in another open source project, I don't have the time. I will try to do it but I can not promise anything