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It doesn't work for me. At least not all the time. Sometimes it does, but, oddly enough, most of the time, after a few seconds of the message "Please wait", the translation window disappears without a trace, leaving me translationless. I've tried all the options with no result. I'm using Vista, BTW. Maybe that's the problem.

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...it translate even when middle-click on... tab (in order to close tab)! ;-)

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ein total einfaches Werkzeug und absolut alltagstauglich und man muss sich nicht auf einen Anbieter festlegen, also einfach Klasse

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look: we can change the shortcut for the translation panel and restore the Firestore quit one. ;)

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Translation Panel works very well and gives the user a selection of translation services from which to choose. I have poor vision so the ability to resize the popup box and text size in future versions would be most helpful.

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The shortcut key for opening the panel, CMD-Q, conflicts with the Quit Program shortcut for Mac users. It\'s a great add-on otherwise, but after a few days, this is driving me crazy and I must uninstall. If a new version becomes available that allows the user to change/disable the shortcut key, I\'d definitely use it.

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Пока не оценено

In the Theme Vista Mail not work correctly, the traslate very good, in theme default

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Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

This extension is an awesome idea! Allows translation into 15 different languages, with convenient sidebar and pop-up from selected text. Also, language can be auto-determined, which adds to the overall speed and convenience. There are still bugs to work out of this, however. The pop-up translation does not work. Also, include descriptions in your settings window. Overall this extension is very handy. Thanks!

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