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i update to FF45. if the alert slider appears, when i close FF with the red cross, FF process remain in background but if i close FF via the menu FF process stop.
If the alert slider is disable all is Ok.

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Within the last couple of days I have not been able to drag and drop bookmarks unless I disable ReminderFox after years of no problems with this Add-On.

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I don't know if it's Mozilla or Reminder fault. Since updated to FF 45, whenever I delete and/or change any reminders, both Firefox and ReminderFox hang for about 20 seconds. I cannot do anything until the process I am doing is done. Then everything is back to normal. I have many reminders each day and need to delete/change all day long. It's very inconvenient as well as time consuming if this happens all the time. Please fix it, either Firefox or ReminderFox.

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As reported by others, not only you can't drag and drop or move tabs anymore, but even images on a website are impossible to move. A fix is needed asap for this awesome 5* extension.

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I love ReminderFox but with the current update I can't move my tabs anymore and it's driving me nuts. This needs to be fix because I really want to keep using it.

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ReminderFox is causing problems in latest Firefox, I can't drag and drop or move tabs anymore. Otherwise it's an extensions that I can't live without.

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When using the latest firefox release, reminderfox will make one unable to move tabs around

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I often manipulates the tabs (moving or copying) by sliding or CTRL-drag but it don't work when ReminderFox is activated

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Reminderfox was a wonderful tool.
I used it for years as a Thunderbird add-on, and had no doubts on contributing with some money.
However, version just stopped working and I can't get any help about.
I have Thunderbird 38.5.1 under Kubuntu 12.04.
(It still works on Firefox 44.0.2)

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Also using it for years. It is well organized with many functions and is simple in operation.
I just wish you could correct a years old bug. When there are two or more reminders on the same date, completing one should not turn calendar date color gray. It should stay yellow until all reminders are completed.
Personally found only minor bugs. Otherwise, a great addon.

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Have had this on dozen of machines in the last five years, some cases I was unable to set options (and bypass some by using about:config and search for reminderfox), but now I'm gradulately switch to Nightly, and had to disable it for the first time as it was preventing me using drag drop, moving tabs or bookmarks, etc. Please get this up and running correctly for Nightly.

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Cannot save options at all !
Xubuntu 15.10
Thunderbird 38.5.1

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A very usable "remind me - calendar style" App, and one worth installing, using as much as prudently possible and keeping over the long-term. Very usable features, few if any "stay in your face" when you don't want them to, and those that you need are very useful indeed.

Only real "negative" seen here: Versions prior to ReminderFox MAY make Firefox version 43+ Add-On unit call "...can not be signed and is disabled..." errors, generally easily fixable by updating to version or greater.

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Please add an option to disable the notifications while the browser is minimized, or make it so that it doesn't minimize/tab out of fullscreen applications.

It keeps throwing me out of my games when the browser is running, this is really annoying.

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It works pretty well with my iCal file, I use it in Thunderbird though, as I try to use as few addons in Firefox as possible, for performance reasons.

Suggestion: Please implement an option to completely turn off the alarms set by events to pop up.

I use a different app on my phone for that and I really hate the duplicity. I dont want the alarms to pop up on my PC as well. (There even seems to be a bug, displaying alarms for events that ended way way in the past)

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Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

The latest version fixes the long lasting ftp sync problem, now it syncs perfectly without any problem or data loss. Only one minor remark: In slovak translation in new reminder window the term "Whole day" should be translated as "Celý deň", not as "Každý deň".

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Addon works for me, but the input box of the pull down menu (setting the time of Quick Alarm) is too small. I can only see one digit at once.

@developer: for the case you have problems to fix the width of the menulist, perhaps the following could help you?


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Entiendo que me pasa lo mismo que a peyar, la sincronización vía ftp ya no funciona.

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Very nice idea, i try this today ;)

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Genau richtig: Klein, übersichtlich, präzise und dennoch für den eigenen Gebrauch und persönliche Vorlieben zu figurieren.
Besser kann man ihn sicher nicht machen!

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