Tb: Composing & Sending
di Aryx
Informazioni su questa raccolta
19 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta
Mail Merge
di Alexander Bergmann
72.799 utenti
Create and Save or Send Multiple Individual and Personalized Messages from a Draft
di John Bieling
126.733 utenti
Quicktext is an extension for Thunderbird that lets you create templates that can be easily inserted into your own emails.
Attach from Clipboard
di Michael Ganss
6.301 utenti
Create file attachments directly from the system clipboard.
MRC Compose
di Michel Renon
118 utenti
Remplace la liste d'adresses par les champs standards (Pour, Copie à, Copie cachée à) avec l'autocomplétion.
Provides standards fields (TO, CC, BCC) with autocomplete to Thunderbird's compose pane.
For bug reports, please use support email.
Reply to Multiple Messages
di Jonathan Kamens
18 utenti
Add menu commands for replying to multiple messages at the same time.
Dictionary for recipient
di Jorg K
3.847 utenti
Sets the spell check dictionary based on the first recipient
di Ric
4 utenti
(there will be no more updates, I can't keep up with the changes in Thunderbird).
Manages & applies multiple HTML templates when creating/replying messages.
Reply to All as Cc
di ClearCode Inc.
28 utenti
Send a reply for recipients as CC except the sender, when you do "Reply to All".
Reply As Original Recipient
di Qiqitori
32 utenti
Reply with the From: field set to the To: field from the original email.
Highlight External Addresses
di Dan Smith
5 utenti
This extension helps to warn the user when composing a message to a mixed group of people both in and out of the sender's organization. External addresses are highlighted in orange as a reminder.
Large Fonts
di Hiroya Matsuba
1 utente
This add-on enables you to change the font size of the plain text editor of Thunderbird.
Too Many Recipients
di Johann Lapierre
5 utenti
Contourne la limite du nombre de destinataires/e-mail des serveurs SMTP.
Gets around the limit on the number of recipients/e-mail of SMTP servers.
Evita la limitación de número de destinatarios/e-mail del servidor SMTP.
Identity Checker
di Unified Communications Inc.
0 utenti
This add-on checks to sender identity when send a message.
Che cosa sono le raccolte?
Le raccolte sono gruppi di componenti aggiuntivi che ogni utente può creare e condividere.
Esplora le raccoltePer creare una tua raccolta devi avere un account per Mozilla Add-ons.