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The most useful addon for firefox. Just love it! Thanks guys!

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The tiny "fix" for Firefox 36 is incomplete. DTA has to be registered as download handler every time Firefox is started and DTA frequently fails to complete downloads it had no trouble with prior to Firefox 36. DTA still requires major fixes to modernize it and restore its functionality.

Use something else. Anything else.

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Hi! Since a couple of days I installed JSON-handle ( and caused DownThemAll (2.0.18) to start with a "Size mismatch" error on *every* download.
I'm using Firefox 36.0.1 under Windows XP and Windows 7 64bit. Does anyone know how to fix it?

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Upon installation, this app helps itself to changing your "network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server" value silently, thereby making FF's native download manager less useful.

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Parlo da inesperta; scarico solo film e serie tv,direttamente dai siti di streaming/download ( non con torrent) in una zona in cui la connessione (Alice) è molto più lenta di quanto sbandierato nella pubblicità. Aspetti positivi:1)DTA è semplicissimo da usare e in ITALIANO, lingua che ormai nel web sta diventando una cosa in via di estinzione, da affidare alla protezione del WWF. 2) Quando aggancia i link di download( quasi tutti) presenta un evidente aumento di velocità, che può andare da un terzo di quella normalmente possibile senza di esso , scaricamenti infiniti che spesso falliscono , al doppio o anche quadruplo a seconda del server e dell'orario. 3) permette il download parallelo , senza esagerare, e qui nasce un problemino 4) permette di sospendere e riprendere, e qui nasce un altro problemino 5) segnala il completamento del dowload ma qui ci sono due problemini...
E' un programma estremamente utile ed efficace, quelli che chiamo problemi ( da inesperta) sono solo imperfezioni ma sarebbe meglio correggerle.
2a) Non aggancia tutti i link presenti nei siti di streaming, specialmente i più recenti o i meno usati. Ma non è un gran problema,il vecchio nowdownload c'è sempre per tutto.
3a) i dowload paralleli diventano sempre più lenti a seconda di quanti se ne mettono, questo è ovvio. Il guaio che ho riscontrato è che oltre i tre,diciamo se ne metto 4 o 5, spesso mi si blocca addirittura la connessione.
4b) Se si spegne il computer, il download in pausa non riprende più: penso che sia normale, ma non lo è il fatto che mantenendo la connessione e sospendendo uno scaricamento quando lo si riprende fallisce. Raramente, ma dispiace. Ho notato che film con file pesanti, diciamo su 1 giga e qualcosa, ogni tanto si bloccano e bisogna riprenderlirli, sperando che lo facciano: qualche volta la ripresa non riescee comunque DTA non ti avverte del blocco. E' roba che torni lì dopo un'ora e il file è bloccato da tre quarti d'ora.
5) Il segnale acustico di completamento è davvero esile, se stai a tre metri o in un'altra stanza non lo senti; non dico di metetrci una fanfara ma qualcosa di più energico sarebbe opportuno. Poi, segnala il completamento regolare ma NON il blocco o fallimento di un download: e così non ti accorgi che lo scaricamento che hai lasciato un'ora fa è d fallito dopo due minuti.
Nel complesso sono soddisfattissima di DTA, vorrei solo che si potessero eliminare gli a spetti negativi che ho riscontrato.

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Useful for me :)

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Menos mal que estan uds. es el mejor para firefox 36 ya que muchas otras extensiones han dejado de funcionar con firefox 36 menos esta es veloz y rapido gracias

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So much comfort!!! :)

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It's a great 'must have'! I really like it, almost perfect. But there is a annoying thing: the accessibility of the preferences (e.g. setup of download folder) is deplorable. I just don't understand, why is so hard? I set up a folder, and DTA don't use that folder, overwrite over and over. I've not seen such a uncomfortable solution so far. This is why I rate only four stars.

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It can not save video, I can not save web pages, so what is it for?

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I am using latest firefox browser. The downthemall plugin stays for about one day at the most and then disappears the next day and whenever I want to use it, I have to re-install it. This is happening since last few months. Thanks for reading and all the support. :)

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For those of you who love azn threads but can't take the time to save every pic then this addon is amazing!

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Eine schöne APP. Vielleicht sollte überlegt werden ob man irgendwo einen Quellenhinweis in z.B. die Grafiken einfügt (Meta: vom 11.02.2015 ). Ansonsten eine tolle Downloadsoftware.

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This was working fine till yesterday! For some reason it refuses to load up my history and when I click to open up the manager now, it just freezes my firefox and I have to close it. How do I clear history as it might solve this problem??

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This download manager produces corrupted downloads under some circumstances. There is a high risk of corruption for very large files (~1GB and up).
Although DTA shows a green tick indicating the download was successful, the checksum of the received file does not match the expected checksum in such a case.

I also tried other download managers (non FF-addons), and they worked as expected and never produced any checksum mismatch even for very large files.

So either DTA has a bug causing corruption to very large files, or DTA (unlike other download managers) is very sensitive to noise from my internet connection, or there is a bug in Firefox.
In any case, DTA's internal download component should be improved to be more robust.

I give 3/5 stars because DTA is without any alternative at the moment and the developers did a very nice job so far.

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I have used this add-on with great success for a long time. 5 stars.

Updated 2015-0121: Latest update today fixed the bug with FF36! Thanks.

Have always been very pleased with DTA. That's probably why some of us happy users take immediate notice... if/when it doesn't work ;-) Works for me in FF 35 (release), and in FF 36 (beta?), that is for builds as of about January 21, 2015.

Thanks for the great add-on, and I encourage your good work

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need some help. since last 3-4 days download speed on any site is not crossing 10 Kb/s. When i try download using firefox from the same sitem it is approx 200 Kb/s. tested on lots of sites. can anyone help? i did not change any settings at all

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Decent but can starts off dirt slow with 2.5gb or bigger files you have to wait a min of 2min before the download will go full speed. If I download the file directly it only take 5 to 10 seconds before the download goes full speed. Please speed this thing up I hate waiting 2min to 10min to process big files before going full download speed. Fix this problem and I would give it 5 stars no problems.

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Definitely a great tool!
Their latest version (v.2.0.17 is of July 2014).
Their v.3.0 (5th beta) has been released 1,5 years ago, July 2013.. Has the development come to a standstill? Hope not.

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you are getting it for free... are you asking the author to give you a copy that he reserves for contributors? That's like walking into the store and expecting a dozen donuts for free after they give you an unlimited supply of donut holes for free... especially since it is not crippled really at all. Support the author if you can since that's how many of us programmers pay for food and shelter.

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