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I love this add-on, but it doesn't work anymore with version 45.0
When I press 'copy to' it only states 'recent' en no more choices... Can you please fix it?

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Die fehlende Kopierfunktion für Ordner und Ordnerstrukturen durch ein Addon nachzurüsten ist sicher eine gute Idee, doch leider funktioniert dieses Addon nicht zuverlässig. Wie in anderen Bewertungen bereits geschrieben, werden nicht alle Emails eines Ordners kopiert. Ich habe in einem umfassenden Versuche viele große Orderstrukturen kopiert und fast bei jedem der ca 150 Ordern fehlen einige Emails. Es ist auch nicht nachvollziehbar welche Mails fehlen. Wenn man eine fehlende Mail gefunden hat, kann man die problemlos "händisch", also ohne das Addon, rüberkopieren.
Aufgrund dieser Unzuverlässigkeit ist das Addon leider unbrauchbar. Es wäre schön, wenn der Entwickler sich hier mal auf Fehlersuche begeben würde.

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I used this add-on to copy mail to our new mail server as we migrated to a different host. A few bumps with folders that weren't subscribed to in the destination account, but other than that it worked perfectly! :)

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Tried to copy gmail to local. Copies less than 1/2 of 144,000 emails. Tried copying a group of folders and each folder and sub folder is missing one or more emails. Some folders have emails copied that are corrupt. Space usage says 101% at 15 gig, on a Mac this limit should not be happening. Unreliable. DO NOT USE THIS ADDON!

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Wonderful idea, wished it would work OK,
But unfortunately not working. Randomly 'forgets' messages to copy in a subtree.
(I could show the developer screenshots of the differences)
It's more than nothing. It does copy all the subfolders. So the structure is copied at least, then per (sub)folder I copy or move the messages and then remove the duplicates.

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It creates folders from saved searches (virtual folders) in the destination, and then it freezes after creating the folders, without copying anything.

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I'd rather MOVE than copy the messages. If copying, you'll end up with lots of duplicate messages because the copy process never runs through but you'll have to start over several times.

Btw, this is the typical WTF-moments you unfortunately get with Copy Folders after like three hours:

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v 2.1
if i select multiple folders it copies only the first one. so then i select one by one and it wont copy the subfolder content. but then again working randomly. try/testing gmail to hosteurope. win7 x64 TB 38.1
nice idea if it would work

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Debian testing amd 64 bit
Icedove 31.7.0-1

Randomly misses copying all messages. I really could use something like this if it ever works more accurately.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (2.0) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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This is seriously S..L...O....W. And now I am reading emails in my new IMAP hotmail account and they reverse their "Read" status back to "Unread".

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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This is the extension i was looking for. Unfortunately I cannot use it because:
It does not work between IMAP and LOCAL folders. All emails are marked as new!
When an email message is stored in a local folder Thunderbird adds some extra control records. (x-mozilla....). Copy Folders should ignore these records when comparing IMAP and LOCAL folders.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Ne fonctionne que pour les comptes en imap apparemment. Ne fonctionne pas sur les comptes en pop (0 dossier, 0 message alors que le dossier est bien crée).
En imap je n'ai testé que sur une petite adresse email. Vu le problème sur le pop, je n'ai pas osé tester sur un compte contenant 16Go de mails ...

dommage ... avait l'air prometteur ..

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Alas what is so desperately needed simply doesn't work. Well, it works some of the time and copies the messages from some of the folders.

However, it's pot luck how many messages get copied and one has to go through by hand to find the folders which haven't been missed and then run those seperately.

What should take a couple of minutes to run can, in actual fact, take hours to do manually because, sadly, this tool doesn't do the job correctly.

Please, please do fix this.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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Only copies 487 messages.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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It does not copy the content of folders unless each single source folder is refreshed by hand. In addition each existing destination folder must be refreshed to avoid duplicates of the messages that already exist.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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I have tried to move a parent folder from my IMAP account to 'Local Folders' with Copy-Folders, but it only created the subfolders without copying their messages. You then have to manually move the messages, subfolder by subfolder. It's unfortunately useless.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.61) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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I have been using it a long time and it run perfectly.But althought it says that it is compatible with TB 31 it doesnt copy anything,it doesn't even run.I tried it on 2 computers and it doesnt run,Is my TB broken?Maybe an addon conflict?Or what?!

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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I was thrilled with this. It did have a little problem with downloading but after spending weeks trying to find a way to save my emails to my documents / flashdrive it was like a miracle finding this. It works very easily and smoothly. Thanks

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5) del componente aggiuntivo. 

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In thunderbird 24.5.0 I encounter with copyfolder 1.5 unlogic and erractic and false behaviour, which makes it impossible to use it productivly!

Executing copyfolder on a sourcefolder TEST with numerous subfolders and numerous mails results in a targetfolder TEST in which the subfolders are copied well, but with numerous mails missing.

Clicking on the copied subfolders with mails contained, makes most of the mails disappear!!!

Please see here

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5) del componente aggiuntivo.  Questo utente ha inserito 2 recensioni precedenti su questo componente aggiuntivo.

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I wanted to use this add-on to copy my Gmail folders from one gmail account to another one.
The add-on did it job well with Inbox and Label-folders but it couldn't copy folders under [Gmail] folder which is a special one as when you try to specify this folder as a destination the 'Copy here' option is disabled.
Otherwise the add-on does it's job.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.5) del componente aggiuntivo.