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ChiudiRecensioni per CardBook
485 recensioni per questo componente aggiuntivo
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J'ai passé ma soirée à configurer des smartphones et ordinateurs pour gérer mes contacts stockés via un serveur CardDav sur un NAS Synology et seule cette extension ne veut pas importer mes contacts... Pourtant, ça s'est très bien passé partout ailleurs (Android, Apple, Windows et osX) !
EDIT au 09.03.2018 :
Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais après plusieurs tentatives, ça fonctionne. Merci au développeur ;)
j'ai un ticket en cours chez Synology... le workaround est d'utiliser http au lieu de https...
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Address autocompletion works much better now, at least in Mac OSX, as it puts the most used contacts first when you compose a new mail and start filling out the recipients names.
This alone is worth 5 stars in my humble opinion.
The other features (I need to use) also seem to work as expected.
Works like a charm when connected to Mac OSX Server address book service, which is a VCard service.
If you are on a mac, I'm sure you'll find this add-on to be "the missing Thunderbird address book" that will fill an important gap compared to other clients.
Please note that all of the above is my humble opinion.
Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
I wish there was a better help section but overall a very good program
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (26.8) del componente aggiuntivo.not understood, may you contact me by email :
Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle
It's a really nice addon which can do a lot if you found out how it works. The categories are very nice to sort all of the contacs but after setting them a few times I give it up. They allways get deleted and I spend a lot of time for nothing. Since more than a year now it's not working.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (26.8) del componente aggiuntivo.this is due to the Google CardDAV API which is buggy...
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if CardBook is active mailing lists don't show up in the contacts sidebar
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (26.7) del componente email please :
Edit : this was due to an incompatibility with an addon (for the moment unidentified)
Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
Most of my collegues use Outlook, so having a vCard-compliant address book works well, allowing me to send contact info and vice versa. The ability to add secondary emails to contacts directly, without copy/paste is also great. A current lack of documentation however hurts its role as a power user upgrade.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (26.5) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
first: thanks for cardbook. Works as advertized for my Thunderbird on Linux.
Having said that, I want to comment on the person who wanted documentation on video (" There are no videos on YouTube or Vimeo about this extension").
In my opinion video is about the worst vehicle to communicate this kind of information. Facts that you can assimilate by glancing at a text page for just a few seconds, take much, much longer if you have to sit through a video of several minutes or even longer.
Therefore, if you decide to create documentation, please do it in text first...
My two cents.
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J'utilise MyPhoneExplorer pour synchroniser mes contacts entre TB et mon téléphone. MPE ne sachant pas exporter au format vcf V4.0, seul reconnu par CardBook, je passe par le format csv.
Et il y a 2 fonctions que j'ai pas trouvées quand j'Importe en cvs dans CardBook :
1/ un champ "neutre" pour les colonnes à ignorer
2/ la possibilité de sauvegarder la correspondance des colonnes. Ce qui éviterait d'avoir à sélectionner les champs correspondants aux colonnes importées (29 dans mon cas) à chaque fois.
dans la version 26.2 (qui est toujours en cours de validation chez Mozilla), vous devriez trouver ces deux fonctionnalités :O)... si vous êtes pressé contactez moi par mail ;O)
Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle
It's clear that a lot of work was spent by the developer, putting sheer attention to details, delivering a product which looks professional and complete.
However, there's no documentation at all.
There are no videos on YouTube or Vimeo about this extension.
Anyone first arriving to the product will be confused by so many things to configure and/or tweek... and will only see an empty list of contacts, which is something absolutely useless.
Ideally, the extension should infer some useful CardDAV servers, from the email accounts I have configured. So, if I have a gmail account, chances are that I have contacts there... and the extension should try to access them.
As I said: the extension looks great and extremely professional. However, after 15 minutes spent with it, visiting forums and trying to find documentation... nothing happened. And I simply uninstalled it.
you're completely right : documentation is one of my next priority... after having been installed CardBook proposes to import your contacts from the Thunderbird standard address books and it's a very good idea to also propose to download contacts corresponding to your email address ;O)
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
This addon is a good choice to synchronize your addressbooks with CardDAV. Works perfectly with owncloud / nextcloud.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (26.0) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
J'ai installé sur Thunderbird 52.5.2 version EN deux extensions : Ce module (CardBook) & un autre module agenda (Lightning).
Cardbook est toujours en Francais alors que mon Thunderbird est en Anglais. Si je désactive le module d'agenda, CardBoook devient en anglais.
Vraiment c'est étrange !
y'à t-il une solution pour conserver les deux modules et que CadrBook soit en anglais ?
--------------------------------Soucis Résolu-----------------------------------
CardBook ne semble pas être en cause.
J'ai installé de nouveau Thunderbird, et j'ai ajouté ce module et ça fonctionne correctement.
Je vous remercie Philippe pour votre suivi.
étrange problème... essayez d'installer l'addon Simple Locale Switcher pour voir dans quelle langue vous êtes vraiment... avez vous des erreurs dans la console CTRL+SHIFT+J ? (la suite par email :
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
extremely useful!
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (25.9) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
Hi Philippe,
I updated to version 25.4 and cardbook has stopped working with the same Thunderbird 58 beta 2 that I've been using with the previous cardbook versions.
Is it me?
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Nice add-on, very customisable ( types, new attributes) , import / export.
with large number of contact (1600+) some operations can be slow (i.e. mass change of a category), even "never ending" , but a stop and restaet has solved the issue .
anyway it seems to better to stop / restart afte r a massive change or load .
how to configure SIP usage ?
solved : the VOIP agent ( in my case jitsi) has already registered a SIP handler in Windows
hence , "just" declare a new IMPP N-uplets , under "Telephone" , as
code : SIP ,
label : SIP ,
protocol : sip
( the important thing is the protocol)
then add you numbers to contacts, including the prefix ( if there is a needed prefix ) ex 0 xx xx xx xx xx of outside national call , 0 00 xx xxx xx xx for Int'all call ( from france)
so it works fine
Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle
Hi Philippe,
The first contact with the module: I lost ALL my iCloud contacts because I just activated the Read/Write mode. Workaround: Read mode and reload the iCloud server archive of my contacts. All is perfect in read mode: easy to use,
I would like to use the read/write mode but I would like to know how to use this mode without angst.
One more thing, the iClouds groups are not managed (they are not displayed)
Good module the synchronisation from my devices is perfect.
Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle
The add-on appears to be quite powerful, but I am unable to find any documentation for it at all. The User interface is not sufficiently facile that it's obvious how to perform certain functions, such as importing the Thunderbird address book, or syncing multiple instances of CardBook.
The greatest tool in the world is literally almost useless if users can't tell how to use it.
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Espero que alguno conozca el Seridor Caldav y Carddav de Yahoo. Gracias. Sigue siendo la mejor.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (25.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle
After update Thunderbird to v. 58. I am lost my adress books
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (25.2) del componente email ;O) :
Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
Bisher hatte ich meine Adressen auf dem Büro-Server, auch die Privaten. Jetzt habe ich mit Nextcloud eine neue Umgebung aufgebaut mit Thunderbird und CardBook. Läuft perfekt. Der Service ist hervorragend: Hinweis auf US-Adressformat, das für Europa nicht geht - nach zwei Wochen ist das Thema gelöst. Mails an den Entwickler werden sofort beantwortet.
Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (25.2) del componente aggiuntivo.Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle
I hope the dev/s will get into the core development team and integrates this into TB.
We just asked the dev about a change and he was just astoundinly nice to us.
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