Excelsior 4

di FujiSenseiSan

299 Componenti aggiuntivi in questa raccolta

Bing Images di koula.koula

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An easy tool to help you find images in the web.

AlltheWeb di Ahmed El-Mahdawy

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AlltheWeb search

Tooltip Plus di Albert Lee

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0 utenti

Show tooltips for links and images with URLs, icons, alt text, and long titles.

Focus Regainer di mikhail_s

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1 utente

Return focus from embedded object back to browser on browser hotkeys pressed.

safeSERP di dekadenz

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6 utenti

Prevents Google and Yandex from obfuscating and hijacking links in SERP.
Allows to copy/paste *direct* links from Google/Yandex search results instead of redirects.

1-click Online Document View di vinay

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8 utenti

Open DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX and TIFF files linked in any webpage directly with Google Docs viewer using "1-click Online Document View", with a single left-click of your mouse / trackpad!!

BeeFree di honey.bee

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1 utente

Removes tracking links from several web search engines.

CleanHide di Peter Pan, 21690191

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if you find some web page use Hidden Text insert in normal articles,try this.

DE Google-Suche per IPv6 di 2dlux

Nessun voto

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DE Google-Suche per IPv6

Peachphone il vostro webcam inviato in MMS di Peachphone team

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1 utente

L'invio di SMS e MMS, l'invio di video webcam in MMS, video da Youtube, l'invio di foto, gestione dei contatti (Thunderbird, Outlook, MSN, Yahoo)

RC Print di mehtuus

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5 utenti

Adds a "Print" option to the Right-Click context menu.

Black Google Mobile di bGoog.com | Google Search

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Google search with a black background that saves battery power, loads faster, uses less bandwidth and reduces eye strain. Basic and modern modes, black image searching, search settings for country, language, result count and filtering level.

Hash Password Generator di Tim Anderson

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1 utente

Generates different passwords for each website using a choice of multiple algorithms.

Nibbo di Josep del Rio

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Nibbo is a new concept of search engine that will collect search results from multiple sources and merge them on a single results page. It's highly configurable, and it's even possible to create custom search engines.

SnappyWords Visual Dictionary di SWDict

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Snappy Words is a Free Interactive English Dictionary and Thesaurus that allows you to finding meaning of words and other associated words in a visually interactive display. Lookup a word and see other related words of main query, each with meaning.
  1. 1
  2. 13
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Risultati 226240 di 299

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