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70 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 6.0.4
* Added: Plug-ins Now include reported version number Firefox 3.5 (might work with 3.0 though)
* Added: Initial support for Seamonkey 2.0 - manually re-enable Tools|Extension Options and Theme Switcher if they're not showing up
* Added: Now supporting generic Gecko Toolkit version 1.9 should future proof for newer apps
* Added: Codebase now detects and supports Postbox 1.0 and 1.1
* Updated: Now sorting About Plug-ins list
* Updated: JA locale updated, thanks Orro.
* Updated: extensions.checkCompatibility updates for latest 3.6 branch and trunk builds
* Updated: Total cleanup of legacy global namespace pollution
* Updated: Addtional support for more nightlies brand names in a few spots
* Fixed: Patched leakiness and startup sequencing in Extensions window
* Fixed: Properly checking for Extensions and Themes filename extensions, allows archiving from AMO and other paths with querystring variables, etc. (must still have a file extension of either xpi or jar though)
* Fixed: Now really supporting Sunbird 1.0pre/beta builds, main xul window location, etc
* Fixed: About Plug-ins broken with Firefox Nightlies
* Fixed: Title functionality now includes (Private Browsing) labeling when applicable
* Fixed: 'Get More Extensions' linnks were not resolving due to changes in 3.7 codebase
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza Mozilla Public License, versione 1.1
* Updated: added vi-VN locale and updated the rest
* Updated: More legacy code cleanup
* Fixed: Shredder support has been resolved
Versione 6.0.3
* Updated: Finally updated all locales and have updated Babelzilla
* Fixed: Debug message was breaking Add-ons for Thunderbird and possibly other non-browser related applications
* Fixed: Locales where missing a string
* Fixed: Throbber click fix was triggering link for all toolbar buttons
Versione 6.0.2
* Added: Initial support for Mozilla Fennec (Mobile Firefox)
* Updated: bumped supported versions
* Fixed: Middle-clicking Extension or Theme toolbar button will now leave Add-ons tab open
* Fixed: Throbber support for Firefox 3.1 has been restored
* Fixed: about:about in SeaMonkey now uses built-in version fixing bustage
* Fixed: Spelling error in add-ons window
Versione 6.0.1
* Added: Option to hide the new Firefox 3.0 "Get Add-ons" search pane
* Fixed: Disable My Config, Sort Button or Field Filter in Add-ons toolbar were not working
Versione 6.0
- Updated: bumped Firefox to 3.0a9 and Sunbird to 0.7
- Fixed: slight issue with the "Get More ..." links in main Help menu which fixes things with Sunbird
Versione Released
- Added: el-GR, fy-NL, sv-SE locales
- Added: "Titlebar Tweaks" to the list of extension to check for and prompt to uninstall as their features are already included with Local Install.
- Updated: All locales have been updated
- Updated: ExtensionsMirror labels and links are now pointing to new Add-ons Mirror site.
- Fixed: About window display by removing Translators
- Updated: version number needed a little bump for SeaMonkey
- Updated: Removed unused locale that snuck in last build
- Fixed: Issue with My Config - Save Text
- Fixed: Help button in Local Install options menu now works and loads Local Install homepage.
- Fixed: Visit Homepage link in Add-ons about window would not load (long standing issue), thanks menet.
- Added: "About Menu" to the list of extension to check for and prompt to uninstall as their features are already included with Local Install.
- Updated: Bumped minimum Firefox support to 3.0a2 and Sunbird to 0.4a1
- Updated: All locales have been updated
- Fixed: Blank entry in Themes list for SeaMonkey, thanks to Philip Chee for pointing out the fix
- Fixed: Fix for the fix, one word in one line can bring down the house of cards
Versione 5.3.1
- Added: "Clear Private Data... (Add-Ons)" and "QuickRestart" to the list of extension to check for and prompt to uninstall as their features are already included with Local Install.
- Added: tr-TR locale and updated several locale translations have been updated
- Fixed: Misspelled "safegaurd" in disable install delay prompt, fixed again.
- Fixed: Issue in My Config if show guid option was enabled and you had disabled extensions or themes
Versione 5.3
# Added: In the settings dialog there are now two distinct paths that can be set for doing extension/theme local installs and for doing extension/theme archiving
# Added: "Edit My Config" toolbar button now has a matching right-click context menu so you can disable the dropdown without losing the menu options.
# Added: Theme Switcher is now in the Extensions/Themes Toolbar right-click context menu
# Added: "My Config" window now has drag-n-drop support for installing extensions and themes
# Added: fa-IT and pt-PT locale translations
# Updated: Added support for new "Calendar" branded Sunbird nightly builds
# Updated: Added logic for preference observer to detect main window versus Extension/Theme/Addons manager windows
# Updated: All locale translations have been updated
# Updated: Removed "stock" right-click menu options in Local Install toolbar icons
# Fixed: Could not clear Archive/Install paths, pref would not save in options window
# Fixed: Remove Build ID toolbar button from Sunbird, can't really use it
# Fixed: All Thunderbird, Nvu and Sunbird Toolbar button right-click context menus are now working :)
# Fixed: "Get More..." links in Addons and Help menus were broken with latest 2.0 branch builds, due to Bug #348076
Versione 5.2
- Added: Option for previously hidden feature to right-align version number in Extension/Theme/Addons window in the Manager Hacks|Layout tab of the options window. This version works with newer Addons window, previous hidden hack didn't.
- Added: Option to hide Extension/Theme count in Extension/Theme/Addons window under Manager Hacks|Behavior tab of the options window.
- Added: Option to remove text labels from the Addons Manager icon bar in the Manager Hacks|Layout tab of the options window.
- Added: Option to hide the Install button in Extension/Theme/Addons window, this is due to Bugzilla #342656 where they have disabled showing the new Install button by default
- Added: "Simple Add-ons Button" is now on the list of extensions to check and prompt you to uninstall when you open the extension manager window, as the functionality is already included in Local Install.
- Added: bg-BG translation and updated a few others
- Updated: Major refactoring of Extension/Theme/Addons window padding and margins, also consolidated some duplicate code
- Updated: Additional disabling of unsupported features in the Options window based on version being used
- Updated: Cleanup of quite a few pieces of code in the Options/Settings window
- Updated: Updated list of non-local install preferences that should be exported/reset
- Updated: Better fit for temporary status messages in Extension/Theme/Addons list when installing, updating, uninstalling, disabling or enabling and extension or theme (applied when either Slimmode or Align Version to the Right options are enabled)
- Updated: Slight reorganizing of Manager Hacks|Layout tab, moved some options to the new Manager Hacks|Miscellaneous tab
- Updated: Added support for recent changes to Addons when installing
- Fixed: Addons window would not show previously opened list on restart
- Fixed: Issue with hiding Extension/Theme manager window button images in Thunderbird and possibly other themes.
- Fixed: Issue where hiding My Config image from Addons toolbar would temporarily remove it from main window toolbar till next restart.
Versione 5.1.1
5.1.1 Released
- Added: Option to hide all Extension/Theme/Addon window button text/labels (must reopen window to re-enable them)
- Added: uk-UA translation and updated a few others
- Fixed: Crappy code on my part caused issues with recent Addons string changes for "Get More ..." links which broke main window, extensions window and toolbar icons for Bon Echo 2.0 and Minefield 3.0, Bugilla #255724
- Fixed: Temporary work around for Addons window issues with Minefield and Thunderbird Trunk builds.
- Fixed: Throbber support for Nvu was a little off, even with the checks I had put in.
Versione 5.1
- Added: Due to Bugzilla #329601 I have re-added full Throbber clicking functionality, with options to disable or change the url. Options available under the Miscellaneous|Throbber tab and work with all mozilla applications. Also middle-clicking will open in a new tab to match previous functionality.
- Added: Added "Enable Addons Compatibility Checking" so that you can enable/disable it with latest Bon Echo 2.0 Branch and Minefield 3.0 Builds, for more inform see Bugzilla #330895. Option available under the Miscellaneous|XPI Install Options tab.
- Added: Hidden preference to Show Custom Update Throbber in Extension/Theme list during "Find Updates" can now be configured via the Settings dialog window.
- Added: Hidden preference to Enable Session Manager/Crash recovery session restore on restart can now be configured via the Settings dialog window.
- Added: Repair Extensions/Themes List in Help menu for Firefox/Thunderbird 1.5 and newer Mozilla based applications is now enabled by default and hidden menu option can now be configured via the Settings dialog window. I've also added a confirmation prompt and information when menu item is selected.
- Added: "Get more Extensions" and "Get More Themes" to Help menu for Thunderbird 1.5 and higher.
- Added: "Throbber Button" is now on the list of extensions that will get checked and will be prompted to uninstall when you open up the Extensions/Addons manager since the functionality is now included in Local Install. -
- Added: he-IL & lt-LT translation
- Updated: Better highlighting hack for JS Console & Console², thanks to Thomas Tampe
- Updated: Options dialog cleanup for options that are not available on 1.0 vs 1.5 based applications.
- Updated: Converted Thunderbird Help|about:config menu entry from being programmatically generated to being generated statically and it now uses the localized labels that already existed.
- Fixed: Resolved a few nits with Thunderbird and menu icons either not showing at all or not showing/hiding when menu icon options where selected.
Versione 5.0.4
- Added: da-DK, hr-HR and mk-MK locale translations
- Added: "Profile Folder" by J. Newbry has been added to the Auto-Check Uninstall Prompt when you open the Extension manager window, as this functionality is already included with Local Install:
- Updated: Extensions/Themes/Addons Manager window Links menu options can now be fully customized by translators.
- Updated: Tighter layout for new Addons window.
- Updated: Optimized xpi locale files shaving 11k from full installer (before new locales where added).
- Updated: Optimized JavaScript Console and View Source overlay code shaving 1k from installer.
- Updated: Many locale translations have been updated or cleaned out.
- Fixed: JavaScript/Error Console errors with Firefox 3.0 trunk builds
Versione 5.0.3
- Added: mk-MK locale
- Added: Chrome Editor now supports userChrome.js extension (default test will appear if no userChrome.js file is found)
- Updated: Chrome Editor's "prefs.js" tab now has button to load Chrome Editor settings
- Updated: Chrome Editor settings are now in their own subtab under the main My Config tab
- Updated: it-IT, pl-PL and ru-RU locales updated
Versione 5.0.2
- Added: Thunderbird 1.5 and above nows have a about:config toolbar button with dropdown menu, only supported about: functions are listed in the dropdown.
- Added: Thunderbird 1.5 and above nows have a "Clear Cache" toolbar button, this clears memory used for caching xul elements images, etc and Extension/Theme update manifests.
- Added: "Add-ons Sidebar" is now on the list to prompt to uninstall since the functionality is already included in Local Install,
- Updated: de-DE & sk locales updated
- Updated: If "Show button bar above list" is enabled, then "Show Theme Preview Below Theme List" is now automatically enabled too, it has to be this way or Show button bar option will not work
- Fixed: Really, truly fixed the command bar button issue, it will now show up on top if preference is enabled
- Fixed: Couldn't open EM/TM in Netscape
- Fixed: "Unknown" error message with Override maxVersion feature was borked
- Fixed: Show Install Button Image will now automatically hide if EM/TM window is open and changing options
Versione 5.0.1
- Updated: es-ES, fi-FI & fr-FR locales updated
- Updated: If "Show Button bar above list" is selected, the hide command bar will be reverted back to false after first use
- Fixed: Issue where "Override 'maxVersion' compatibility checking" was choking with Firefox 1.5 builds, (still works with 2.0 & 3.0)
- Fixed: Toggle sidebar off if open was busted with 5.0
- Fixed: In the Extension/Theme/Addons manager "Show Button bar above list" should now work properly with all builds and themes
- Fixed: My Config dropdown option changes were not being applied till restart, changing this preference will now apply instantly without restarting.
- Fixed: "All-In-One Sidebar" compatibility issue when "Show Button bar above list" was enabled (still working on an install conflict)
- Fixed: Cleaned up some duplicate variable declarations
Versione 5.0
Added: Massive updates to support new Addons interface for Extensions and Themes, should be 99.9999% compatible with Bon Echo 2.0 and Minefield 3.0
Added: Hidden hack to hide Menu icons has now been super-streamlined and added as a preference in the Menu Options|Miscellaneous tab of the Options window (css hack no longer needed and reusing hidden pref of "local_install.hideMenuIcons")
Added: You can now add "Tab Count" and "Window Count" to the customized window title, for example (${TabCount}/${WindowCount}) would yield (5/2) if five tabs were open in the current window and there were two browser windows open, check General|Window Title Options in the Local Install options window
Added: You can now move the Extension/Themes/Addons button bar above the list view, check Manager Hacks|Layout in the Local Install options window (currently not compatible with Bon Echo 2.0 but works with 1.0.x, 1.5 & 3.0 builds)
Added: "Show Extension Directory" is now on the list of extensions to prompt to uninstall when you open the Extension manager window as this functionality is included with Local Install.
Added: For Sunbird users "about:config" is now a toolbar icon
Added: Hidden setting to Show Attachment box for Email Compose window now has a Option window setting in the Miscellaneous tab
Added: Hidden setting to Always save Chrome Editor files now has a Option window setting in the My Config|Chrome Editor tab
Updated: Properly setting options tabs when no archive directory is set and user selects Archive from context menu
Updated: Now hiding Nightly Tester Tool button image if hide default images settings is enabled
Updated: about:plugins and about:config toolbar context menus now include recently added about: functions
Updated: removed some unused Sunbird context menus till I get a chance to fix them, saving about 2k
Updated: fr-FR locale updated
Updated: Moved "Hide 'Paste userAgent/Build ID' from Textbox/Input Context Menu" to the Menu Options|Miscellaneous tab of the Options window
Fixed: Long standing issue with duplicate tabs being created for the Extension & Theme manager when installing and already having a tab open and additionally updated to include any time Extension/Theme is viewed in a tab it will refocus there despite target preference
Fixed: Slight issue with supporting custom locale useragent in Disable XPI Delay install dialog
Fixed: Theme switch was broken with older Firefox/Thunderbird 1.0.x & Netscape 8.x versions
Fixed: Opening My Config to sidebar from the Extension/Theme Manager menu icon was not working if EM/TM was loaded in a window.
Fixed: Text flicker on Extension install dialog if Nightly Tester Tools was installed also
Fixed: bogus "gExtensionsView.selected" error message in Extension/Themes manager with context menus
Fixed: properly hiding "Make Compatible" if no extension/theme is selected
Fixed: disabling Extension Options and Theme Switcher for Mozilla Suite/Seamonkey in preferences as these options are not available with those apps
Fixed: Preference listener leak in My Config window (found using Leak Monitor,
Versione 4.6.4
- Added: Officially added "about:about" protocol which will list all the currently available "about:" options in a webpage (ala old school Mozilla Suite and Seamonkey)
- Added: "about:about" and "about:myconfig" have been added to the Help|About:? menu
- Added: "Chrome Plus" and "Chrome 2" have been added to the list of extensions to prompt you to uninstall when you open the Extension manager as these features are already included with Local Install.
- Updated: Changed "Edit My Config" toolbar button from just a menu to a menu-button, the default action for the button is to open the Chrome Editor.
- Fixed: With the "Edit My Config" toolbar update above, recent Trunk build issues with dropdowns in menu toolbar buttons are gone.
- Fixed: Support for "About:Config" extension for older Thunderbird versions has been restored.
Versione 4.6.3
- Updated: de-DE & zh-CN locale translations
- Fixed: Theme Switching preference listener was causing slowdowns on some extensions when updating preferences
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