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Nome Paul771
Utente da Dic. 11, 2009
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Le mie recensioni

Contacts Sidebar

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@ Blake

0.7.1 not, of course, but 1.4 pre can be installed in TB10

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Contacts Sidebar

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1.4, sorry

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Contacts Sidebar

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@ blakelylaw

Yes it can.
Not the old stable 0.7.1, of course but the 4.4 pre which can obtained here :

cf above in this page

and more generally all extensions compatible with TB 4

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Contacts Sidebar

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Non, aucune acrobatie n'est plus nécessaire !
The compatible with TB 4 versions are now compatible with TB10 and further. The 1.4pre is now compatible with TB 10 which now available.
Compatibility rules hava been modified since FF 10 and TB 10.
However there is no stable version for this (excellent) extension and the pre are buggy.

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Contacts Sidebar

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Donation already done by a lot of users. There has not been any compatible (and non containing issues) stable version for years. 1.1 is a pre-release and it contains a lot of non-fixed issues.

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Contacts Sidebar

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Great add-on but no longer maintained.
This functionnality should be built-in in further TB versions (as it was in former Outlook Express)

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Contacts Sidebar

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I don't undestand why this functionality is not built-in in TB and why an extension is needed. It was built-in in former Outlook Express (but does not exist in other more recent MS equivalent programs).
The last stable version of Contacts Sidebar (0.7.1, 2007) was compatible with TB3 and the last stable TB is now version 6 ! In that cas, why does Mozilla still mention it in this addons page ?

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Contacts Sidebar

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Massic80 : that's right, your method works fine.
However this extension has not been updated for one year now and has not been validated (it's a pre-release). It's developer no longer works on it. Is it prudent using it again ? Next time (TB6) I will let it desactivate from my TB.

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Contacts Sidebar

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Frédéric Jeanbart :
A pre-release compatible with TB3 but with some non-fixed issues is available in the authors's site
But it seems he doesn't wants to continue...

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Contacts Sidebar

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Frédéric Jeanbart :
A pre-release compatible with TB3 but with some non-fixed issues is available in the authors's site
But it seems he doesn't wants to continue...

xSidebar for Thunderbird

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Good add-on. I withdrew my previous message which was a bug report with TB3

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.6) del componente aggiuntivo.