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Thank you for make me enjoy customizing firefox ^_^

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A button for "New Private Tab" would be awesome.

Also, it would be nice if this addon had its OWN UI with search functionality so that I could search for actions/buttons and then this extension would add them to my bars. Manually scanning through 100 actions with an arbitrary sort mode is quite an ordeal.

Edit: yes, I meant "New Private Window". Thanks! I've found the button.

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I have it from a Firefox developer that due to how Firefox works a "Private Tab" is not possible. Only private windows, and there is already a button in Firefox to do that. So sorry I can't at this point possibly do that for you.

As to doing a search UI, I am planing on doing that, but I would likely put it in separate extension. For now, I also have a tool for creating versions of the extension with just a selection of the buttons in it

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The add-on works as advertised, but the literature says there is a Not Junk button for Thunderbird which is really the only button I am looking for. It isn't in the list of available buttons under customize. Is this button still there and if so, where?

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That is an over sight on my part, I should remove it from the description. The button was removed, because Thunderbird added a "Junk" button that acts as a toggle, so it made the button redundant.

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A great add-on but any chance you can add an option to assign keyboard shortcuts to the buttons?

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It is something that I am working on. But it is complex, because there are a lot of buttons, and if I assign keyboard shortcut to too many, I would simply start conflicting with everything else. I also need to work out good defaults, and then ways to change them easy. But it is something I would like to get done eventually.

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Muy buena app

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Мне нравиться это дополнение, почему то я не вижу ему замены, но у меня впечатление что оно заброшено и в новых версиях ведет себя не идеально, а так для меня это МастХэв!!!

Желаю ему развития!

После перерыва в использовании Firefox'са - поставил себе в 2015-02 последнее esr версию 31.4.0, настроил все (под Win8.1) и что же? Никаких шероховатостей в работе свеженастроенного браузера! Не считая того что я не в восторге от дергающейся перерисовки окна и всех элементов при входе/выходе в режим изменить. - пример моей настройки окна.

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no stop and reload button, i need it, because in the few last version of firefox, the stop and reload button can't be moved

Edit 1 :
Thanks, but the button response feels late,
ex : the page loading stopped, a few ms after the button is pressed, instead of an instant stop...

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Those buttons are in my beta, and you can already get them from

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не все работает

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Nice to see this button pack updated, been using it for years.

The latest nightly already has a break with one of the buttons though; they redid the Page Colors setup in Options so that button no longer works. Hope you can fix it, that has to be my most used one.

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Thanks for the heads up, I will download a nightly and have a look into what they changed.

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It provides a ton of buttons but I use it to add just the close button on the address bar. That is great because it allows me to remove the title bar and the window border from Firefox 31 on Debian on a wide TV with low resolution. Now I have only the tab bar and the address bar, besides the web page. Thank you, Michael, for publishing this under the GNU license.

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very usefull, thanks

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I love this add-on. I was eager for the new version to get the Address Go button. But my Toggle Bookmarks Toolbar and Page Colors buttons lost their icons, so I had to restore v1.0.

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I posted a fix on my forum for that yesterday, and will upload it here very soon.

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Great add-on, however there is one very cool button for Thunderbird "install add-on from file", when I click on it it'll allow me to select a file but then nothing happens, so I have to use the add-ons manager. Could you please look into it.

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Will be fixed in the next release.

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Very cool, thank you!

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This is still an absolutely indispensable extension. I'm very heartened to hear that the developer is working on it again, as some of the buttons don't function anymore.

If there's one criticism I'd make, it's that you end up with so many buttons in the Customise window that it takes forever to find anything (although the extension Sort and Search Customization Dialogs helps with that). If the developer's website comes back, then in future I might use the main extension as a taster to find out what buttons I need, then uninstall it and re-install them individually from there.

One button I'd like to see would be one to close all empty tab groups, like the one on the Pano extension. If you save Tab Mix Plus sessions with empty groups in, they restore badly.

Can't wait for the update!

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Sorry about the web site, looks like a currupted setting messed it up. But the custom button page is working again fine I understand your problem of two many buttons making it hard to find them. That is a lot of what the Custom Button Tool is supposed to help with also. Also been considering adding something like "Sort and Search Customization Dialogs" and other tools into Toolbar Buttons to help with that too.

I also the problems with many buttons means I don't want to be too hasty to add more. I have a new simplifed bug tracker to help with that. If you add a request at and it gets enough votes it will make it into the Custom Toolbar Button Maker, if it proves popular there, then into the main Extension. I am starting to use the CTBM as a test grond for new buttons, and using the statistics form that to decide what gets added. As such there is already a few extra button there, which will not be in the next release.

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Thank you to the team!!!! This add on is a "must have" ;-)

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There are several buttons in this addon I can't live without, and I'm glad the new Firefox didn't eat them. I will second the person who asked for the back/forward and stop/reload buttons. They are the only thing I'm missing from Firefox now that I still have this addon and two more that restored the things I use most. I did see you're planning on adding them, I am looking forward to when you do. :)

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One of the first add-ons I install, initially for the restart button to facilitate easy installation of other add-ons. I now use several and appreciate the improved productivity.
Now indispensible! Negates the need for many other add-ons.
Thank You!

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Please add simple buttons for stop loading current page, reload current page(or combined them) and navigation buttons. firefox has messed up these buttons in australis ui by moving reload/stop button to move far right in address bar i want them back as before like in previous firefox i'd realy apperciate it .. i'd have posted this request in your forum but for some reason i cant go there it shows error unable to fetch guest information

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Sorry about the forum, I need to get around to fixing that.

I will make a note to add those buttons. But if I get time over the summer (and I may not) I am considering doing an extension that replaces the interface with that of an older version of Firefox. Hope that is just a lot of copy and paste, but I will have to look into it. The new one annoys me.

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This is a great add-on: despite the ugliness and all the stupid changes of FF Australis, this add-on (together with Classic Theme Restorer) mean that FF, though much diminished from FF28, is not yet unusable. Just hope the idiots don't cause more and more add-on developers to give up trying to stop the conversion of FF to Chrome.

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