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I just downloaded this and used it to fix a large Sent folder and another Sent subfolder which had been corrupted with duplicates and was slowing Thunderbird. As long as you don't overwhelm the Remove Dup Messages add-on with a huge number of sets (duplicates) it is great and reliable.
I found that it still worked on 40,000 messages with 14,000 duplicate sets.
Great Add-on

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I've tested the extension with over 90,000 messages, but not as many dupe sets as you had. Good to know :-)

Also - readers should be reminded that if you include message bodies as a comparison criteria the extension would be much slower (although it should still get through them eventually).

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Après de nombreux essais peu concluant, je viens de découvrir que si je décoche la case "comparer les adresses simplifiées et triées", le module fonctionne enfin correctement...
Auparavant, une fois sur deux elle partait en loop interminable, avec des messages de windows au sujet de script, et l'application ne répondant plus..
il doit y avoir un bug avec cette coche, donc je ne comprends par ailleurs par très bien l'utilité? C'est quoi une adresse "triés"?

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EDIT: breaks for some cases with large folders / large messages. (Plugin will hang, and TBird must be killed.) Also gets confused by differences in some client-side headers (X-Antispam, in my case). For now, I'm using a combination of this version and the original Remove Duplicates, in order to work around these problems.

Will update this review when I have more info.

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Abandoned? Not really... I'm releasing a new version soon actually (no major changes, mind you). You should try actually talking to people or having a look at the Bugzilla before declaring thing to be abandoned. Please consider retracting that.

Anyway, about the "taking a long time" experience - I haven't gotten such complaints. Can you open an issue at so we can get to the bottom of this?

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works smoothly and accurately. Some messages may not be defined as dupes because of the Compare Size option. Playing aroung with settings makes good result to avoid wrong removing!

Hey Eyal,

Sorry for my previous review :)
Do you plan further extention development?
Why there are duplicate messages which look absolutely the same, but one of them has the size =0 Which one I should consider to keep?


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The extension supports a wide customizable range of comparison criteria; the messages you want to define as dupes are (almost certainly) actually different somehow: Different second of arrival; extra newline; different order of recipieints; etc.

It is actually a safety feature that, by default, the comparison is very strict. I'm sure you'll agree it's better to fail to delete some dupes, by mistake, than to delete non-dupes, by mistake. When you set the appropriate criteria you get the result you want.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Dommage que ce programme ne soit pas une fonction initiale de thunderbird tellement il est utile.
Testé sur : thunderbird portable 52.2.1 (x32).
fonctionne très bien pour ma part.
Régulièrement et à cause de mes paramétrage de transfert / copie selon mes filtres mis en place dans thunderbird et Gmail ou autres provider pour lesquels je ne peux rien faire mieux j’ai 90 % des messages en doubles.

Vive cet addon !

Pour un réglage permettant de réellement effacer uniquement les messages en doublons, pour que tout fonctionne à la perfection, je conseille de cocher ainsi :
- Comparer les adresse simplifiées et triées
- expéditeurs
- Destinataires
- Date d'envois
- Sujet

Si vous coché autre chose, vous ne pourrez pas supprimer correctement les messages en doublons.

Faites ces réglages précis avant de croire que le programme fonctionne mal : cet addon fonctionne très bien une fois les paramétrages fait.

Bonne continuation

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First - think your, Olivier, for the compliments. I'm glad you found removedupes useful.

About the choice of comparison criteria: I don't think there is a real single "correct" choice. I set the default to be rather conservative: It's better for people to fail to remove some duplicates than to remove too much by mistake. At the same time I have made the criteria easily accessible on the drop down menu so you can experiment and find the right combination for you. I feel it is a reasonable combination; but I am open to be convinced otherwise if you believe I should change the default. You can email me about it you like.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Hatte ein großes Problem mit "keine Rückmeldung" von TB. Alle paar Minuten war TB am hängen. Nachdem ich alles gemacht hab, damit es aufhört - es aber nicht aufgehört hat - ist mir aufgefallen das ich viele Unterordner mit Duplikaten hab. Daraufhin, kurz über Google gesucht und dieses Add-on gefunden, zaaack - alles läuft wieder flüssig - schon seit Stunden nicht mehr hängen geblieben!


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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Worked perfectly the first time! A MAJOR time-saver!

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Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

would like this to work but when I'm looking at a subfolder full of duplicates and am telling it to find duplicates based on sender, subject, and file size and it doesn't then I'm not sure what it's log file that I know of to see and no way to debug as far as I can tell. Guess I'll have to dig thru the js and hope to see what it's doing or not.

Update: Ok, maybe it is finding and deleting duplicates but the subfolder in which it's finding the duplicates never updates to show that the duplicates are gone. I can find the duplicates that were deleted in the Trash but when I go back to the subfolder where the duplicates were found they still show. Even Repairing the subfolder doesn't fix the issue, nor does a restart. This happened in TB 43 and now 52.

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The extension uses Thunderbird facilities to move messages to the trash or to delete them. With the default action - move to trash - you can always see what was deleted by checking out the trash folder, as you've also noticed.

Now, about the dupes still showing in the source folder: I use standard Thunderbird facilities to move messages; if the folder from which a message was moved does not update, that is a Thunderbird bug. And I do know some of these exist, especially in IMAP rather than local folders. The thing is, I can't start sticking my head where it doesn't belong and try to mess with Thunderbird's core behavior - that's a recipe for even bigger trouble.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

For the momento, works fine in TB 52.1.0. I've made three tests and all perfect

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

My duplicates came from a Thunderbird bug (almost has to be) where every couple of years all the messages in an account are duplicated for unknown reasons. When I found this it was great to be able to fix it it. You gave away your labor for free (thank you) so don't take these the wrong way but a few things:

1. The description of the add-on says good for Thunderbird 3 to 31 but we are now up to 52 so it wasn't even clear it would work - almost didn't download it.

2.On one account I rmb clicked on Inbox to set it as the next folder to remove duplicates from and then ran the remove. Worked fine. Then I went to the next account and rmb clicked on its Inbox and when I tried to run the removal it said it wouldn't search special folders. Both were pop3 accounts to the same ISP so it's hard to see where the difference would be. Eventually I just stopped trying to select a specific folder within the account folder and crossed my fingers and told it to delete without a selected folder - it seemed to work ok. It wasn't clear which folders it was selecting to work on though - scary!
Then out of curiosity I went back and tried to repeat my actions on the first folder and this time it complained about not searching special folders...???

3. It seems to automatically compact after removing duplicates... would kind of like opportunity to decline that.

4. Some comments reference documentation... I'm not seeing any documentation.

Overall it did the job so I'm grateful - thank you!

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Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

The original version is better

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I tried this, but decided to use the original for the actual deleting, because it allows me to delete the larger duplicate, and this one doesn't. Also, most of the features the author of this addon says are missing from the original are not actually missing, except for maybe the license and the toolbar button menu, neither of which I care about nor looked at on either extension.

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In the review dialog, sort by the number of lines or by the message size, and you can keep the largest/smallest message by "Keep First"ing or "Keep Last"ing That certainly is a feature.

Also, the missing features in the original were missing when I started work on this. I had wanted to join forces and collaborate, but the author of the original never bothered to return my emails...

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

Very useful, however its accuracy in detect dupes is not perfect (it miss just a few ones) and seems not possible to delete dupes in personal IMAP folders (you've to move them in a local folder > search for dupes > put back in imap folder).

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Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

1. The documentation needs a lot of improvement. I had to search reviews to discover features. Getting to utility options was not obvious (For example: I had no idea the Sent folder was disabled until a review sent me to the Options). Anyway...
The program worked fine for other folders but the duplicates were initially left in place on the Sent folder despite a whole search and dialog being generated. I told it to Delete Selected but nothing happened that I could see. There was no indication I could see of anything like a count down happening which would have told me to wait. I gave up, and restarted TB when I discovered to my amazement that the duplicates were in fact gone.
Win 10 64 bit, Thunderbird 45.5.0, Most recent Add-on as of November 2016. TB says there were 21,000+ messages in Sent but the Add-on reported a few hundred fewer. This made me apprehensive though it may not mean anything.

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Could you please file these bugs, separately, on ?

As for the documentation, I guess it could be clarified more, or I should possibly indicate in the dialog that special folders were skipped.

Assegnate 2 su 5 stelle

Nice to have such ad-dons, but it should works automatically on new mails received, otherwise it's useless.
I also can't get it works 100% with 45.4, it doesn't detect some duplicates.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Großes Kino, genau hiernach habe ich gesucht! Funktioniert 1A, wo mich zahlreiche Alternativen - Datei- oder Outlookbasiert - im Stich gelassen haben. 1000 Dank.

Thanks, works just fine!

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Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

Would not work, on Thunderbird v24.6.0 Starts just fine, but then never does anything. No error messages, no screen appears, nothing. I only saw searching for duplicates in the status bar, but even letting it run for hours...nothing ever happened.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Works great on 45.2, thanks for making this tool, you are saving many people from the plague of duplicated IMAP messages...

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Прекрасно справляется, ищет дубликаты сразу во всех подкаталогах, очень удобно.

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Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Über Jahre hinweg nervte mich Thunderbird mit doppelten Emails. Erst jetzt bin ich auf die Idee gekommen, dass jemand vllt. bereits eine Lösung für dieses teschnische Problem programmiert hat. Und ja, es gibt sie mit diesem Add-On. Es funktioniert einwandfrei und auf einen Klick, ohne Wartezeiten.

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