Ricerche multiple
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Facebook Search
di nut84
224 download settimanali
Facebook Search without logging in! Search Facebook Messages, People, Applications, Music, Video, Groups etc. For more it allows one to search for specific texts on the walls of Facebook subscribers en masse. Make your keyword search around Facebook!
di katfan
223 download settimanali
iDope is a torrent search engine with over 16,530,350 torrents on the site. The https://idope.se site is Ad-free, clean and safe. There was also an APP for Android.
SocialBlade Youtube
di EduRebecca
208 download settimanali
Social Blade Youtube - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
100 Search Engines for Firefox
di SearchGirl
188 download settimanali
Why use one search engine like Google, Yahoo, or Bing when you can have those search engines, plus piles of other search engines. Why Searchalot? Over 100 search engines for you to use to find what you are looking for on the Internet.
DuckDuckGo (HTML SSL)
di DuckDuckGo
179 download settimanali
DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (non-JS HTML version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!
Google Scholar Search
di Search Master
146 download settimanali
Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research
o-o-0-o-o ricerca
di o-o-0-o-o
135 download settimanali
o-o-0-o-o makes google ricerca better, open popular sites by 1-2 letters, gives you a lot of ricerca shortcuts and show 30 google results. Addition o-o-0-o-o wingOwing.
Russia - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)
di Binary App Dev
134 download settimanali
The #1 Russia Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Russia." Binary App Dev (End-to-End Encryption & Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Internet Archive Search
di jeffkaplan
133 download settimanali
Search add-on for Archive.org
Internet Archive: Universal Access To All Knowledge.
Private Anonymous Search (Google + Bing + HTTPS)
di SearchSecure
128 download settimanali
Privatelee.com (HTTPS) combines the best results from Google and Bing with the ultimate private search engine.
Privatelee does not save IP address or set uniquely identifiable or ad network cookies.
Features like WOT rating, infinite scrolling
di maple
118 download settimanali
DuckDuckGo (Lite SSL)
di DuckDuckGo
117 download settimanali
DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (non-JS Lite version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!
People Search Engine
di Search Master
112 download settimanali
Deep web (invisible web) search engine that supports Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Myspace, Google+, Windows Live, Intelius, Tagged, hi5, WhitePages, Spokeo, Archives, PeopleFinders, PeopleSmart, PerfSpot, Bebo, Addresses, Classmates, Plaxo, and more
All-in-one Internet Search (True SSL, TLS, & PFS)
di Binary App Dev
109 download settimanali
The #1 Internet Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Firefox."
(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
(True SSL, TLS, & PFS)
Binary App Dev
Google traductor: Auto » Español
di camilomaiden
108 download settimanali
Traduce automaticamente desde cualquier lenguaje al Español con Google traductor.
di MingXi
106 download settimanali
360 search engine using HTTPS secure connection, safe, accurate, reliable.
Provide search suggestions, is applicable to various versions of the Firefox search engine extensions.
New Ixquick HTTPS - Français / Europe
di SMed79
104 download settimanali
La nouvelle version en Français de moteur de recherche Ixquick qui vous permet d'effectuer des recherches privées sur Google en plus d'une connexion HTTPS cryptée empêchent de fouiner dans vos requêtes.
Risorse aggiuntive
- Scopri ulteriori informazioni sulla barra di ricerca di Firefox
- Scopri altri provider di ricerca su mycroftproject.com
- Crea il tuostrumento di ricerca personalizzato
Per creare una tua raccolta devi avere un account per Mozilla Add-ons.