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so sweet.............

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i've loved this theme since I first saw it years ago. it makes me smile because clearly those 2 birds are either havin girl talk or are on a hot date. either way, i love them and i wish i could frame them on my wall forever and ever :]

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

very clean and pretty.Nice job. Thanks for sharing it.

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This one was my FF theme for more than a year. Nice

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Lovely. What are these birds called, in nature? They are very so pretty. Thank you.

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Love it! Thanks!

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Nice,but it's not my style

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Tenho lembranças de quando era pequeno e morávamos numa ilha do rio Santa Maria, onde o meu avô construiu uma palhoça bem no meio da mata. Era uma casa tosca feita de paus, bambus e de barro, coberta de sapê.
Quando amanhecia o dia, a passarada fazia uma algazarra lá no matagal. Eu devia ter uns quatro anos de idade e me encantava com a luxuriante floresta que circundava a choupana.
Haviam muitos animais silvestres na ilha e uma grande mangueira onde costumava subir.
Ainda guardo na memória o cheiro do querosene queimando nas lamparinas e do meu avô me pondo pedaços de peixe assado na boca... Depois ele e minha avó me contavam histórias fantásticas e me colocavam na cama e me ninavam ao som de um violão.
Como eu era feliz na minha infância quando desconhecia as malvadezas do mundo.

Lembranças de reviver - Daniel Amaral - 29/03/2014
PS: I liked the theme. Nice and beautiful!

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Once upon a time, there were two little bird friends who were called "pas" and "tel". One beautiful morning they decided to buy a bubble toy and then they started filling the world with millions of colorful and magical bubbles. People were so astonished by the beauty of the event that the whole world became a more peaceful and soothing place from that day forward and people from all over the world were grateful to pastel and everyone lived happilly ever after. The End.

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Nice Theme <3

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A very elegant, attractive and subtle design by someone who understands how to layout a browser theme.

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Kellemes, hangulatos színek és jól olvashatók a feliratok is! Nem nyomja el a kép, vagy a minta a tartalmat! Ez a legkedvesebb témám! :)

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This is one of my absolute favourite themes. I'm constantly switching back and forth between this one and Retro Notes Reloaded, it's just so sweet, and I love the style!

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I love this theme. Birds are my favorite creatures on this earth. We sit on the back patio with our cameras and take pictures of them along with the hummingbirds.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

Beautiful theme

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I like it, but the one thing that bugs me is that it fades to yellow at the bottom, so my bookmarks bar looks like the "popup blocked" warning from the corner of my eye.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

pretty (;

erg mooi en een kalm/rustig thema (:

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ИСпользую несколько лет на работе.


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I love the colors in this.

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Simple nice and cute. The colour is subtle and pleasing on the eye. I love it :-)