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This is the only extension that I could find that would actually add startpage to the "Default Search Engine" menu and not just the shortcut-search-engine menu. Works like a charm.

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I use Startpage because I refuse to be a cash cow for Google. I'd say that Startpage is 90-95% a good as google, which is usually good enough for me. I'm willing to lose some convenience and capability to recapture my personal privacy.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Effective, and protects me from data mining (unlike Google).

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Cette app protège nos vies privées.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Great creation and greatly needed protection in this era of personal privacy violations.


Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Secure, easy to use but quite customisable if required.zxcc

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I like the privacy of Start Page and I'm beyond annoyed that Firefox changed my browser to Yahoo, which I hate and despise.

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Its what it doesn't do that I like!

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I have used this search engine for years. It does what I want it to do and doesn't share my information.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Absolument excellent.....

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"""We only collect referral data and browser and platform type and register the date and time you visited the site and your search terms. Like most standard Web site servers, we use log files to collect and store this anonymous user information."""

They just admitted to browser fingerprinting and the storage of search queries along with timestamps. That's not anonymity, folks. Who cares if they don't log your IP? Your browser fingerprint is what truly identifies you and it's next to impossible to avoid. Sure, you can spoof referer data, your browser, etc. But spoof too much information or do it in the wrong way and you actually stand out form the crowd.

They also state that they will hand over data to law enforcement officials. Why is there any data to hand over in the first place? I thought this was the "anonymous" search engine! That, simply put, is a bald-faced lie.

WAKE UP, people Anonymity is a complete and total myth. I'm not saying to roll over...not at all. People just need to educate themselves. Look into fingerprinting if you haven't already.

This stuff should not only scare you, it should anger you.

Your anger is a gift.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Nice to have this well

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I like the idea of not having Google as the beall and endall. I do not like their attitude of deciding what is politically correct and who to vote for and basing searches on that. They were found to have been doing this and have admitted it, blaming it on contractors.

Not sure if this changes with StartPage because they still use Google.

I used to like Chrome, (for my Mac) but do not trust Google anymore. So now I use Firefox.

I found the Ixquick searches were not great, so I gave it up quite awhile ago, but I find Startpage works great and have recommended it to my friends.

Thanks StartPage

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I just came back to startpage, lost it/forgot it briefly after an update of software or maybe a harddrive (not exactly sure). Anyways, I used it with great results before for years.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Although it uses the the google engine, so the results are equal to google, you can be rest assured this big brother doesn't get their hands on your search engine data

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and certified by the EU.

SP ist die beste, da anonyme, Suchmaschine und von der EU zertifiziert! Benutze sie schon seit min 7-8 Jahre. Erst Ixquick dann SP! Google dient da nur noch als Slave für SP!

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إضافاه جيده ... أقوم بأستخدامها في البحث عن فيديوهات الشروحات والدروس وتفي بالغرض (good)

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I've used this with Linux (no MS here!) for a few years now & have found it fine. I also use the EFF's HTTPS everywhere which slightly negates the benefit of Startpage but doesn't offer the 'proxy' service; DuckDuckGo is OK (certainly prettier) but doesn't offer a timeline - when querying a problem in programming I don't want OoD info from 2004! In it's own way, short of moving to Tor, Startpage has to be 'Top of the Pops'

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Startpage gives the option to search private and you can try and browse the net using their proxy for more privacy.

Questo utente ha inserito una recensione precedente su questo componente aggiuntivo.

Assegnate 3 su 5 stelle

I like the search engine, but the fact that the installed search automatically searches via POST instead of GET, despite my settings, is really frustrating