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Saves a lot of pointless clicking. I love this and use it every day.

My only change would to enable an option to trim leading and/or trailing whitespace. I'm not sure this is the place to make feature requests, so I'll look into that.

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Thank you for review. In the near future Copy Plain Text 2 add-on will be merged with AutoCopy2, so you will be able set many options for trim copied elements.

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This one great for productivity and flow. It sounds simple but cutting out the steps of right-clicking and hitting copy is HUGE! For rookie users those are too many confusing steps and for veteran users this will add up to countless saved clicks.

The other advantage is this author didn't sell out and this one does not report back to any questionable servers. The stinky(regular) AutoCopy and all extensions bought out by Wips do!

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Love this ext. Wish it would auto-enable itself upon FF start but otherwise no qualms with it. Get it.

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Love it, but where does the "Blink on autocopy" option actually blink? I don't have an icon in status/Add-on bar. Thanks!

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Thanks for your review and rating. Just right click on toolbar, choose Customize… and drag and drop AutoCopy icon on add-on (status) bar.

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Could you develop this for android too? This is so convenient.

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Отличное дополнение!
Только при вставке текста средней кнопкой мыши появляется неактивная кнопка как на скриншоте.
Если сделать щелчок левой кнопкой мыши, то она пропадает.
Исправьте пожалуйста. Спасибо большое!

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in stylish i can not use middle paste

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I encounter pretty much the same issue as sfdude when I enable "Paste on middle-click". I use TabMixPlus to open new tabs whenever I middle-click the tab bar. However, if there is an active cursor in any text field, whatever is in my clipboard gets pasted into that text field when I middle-click the tab bar to open a new tab.

It's annoying to have to go back and delete the pasted text, especially if I previously copied a large chunk of text.

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I'm facing a problem with latest Friefox version (18.0). Add-on seems to act unresponsive, wont select(paint) the text I'm trying to. Most of times it's working right tho.

I also noticed that you can now drag single words like images. Maybe it's something related to firefox update, I did't experience this bug before.

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Dear add-on user,
It seems that you have problem with Firefox. Although are some problems with AutoCopy 2 which are currently under investigation. New version should be quickly, so please be patient and wait for new AutoCopy 2 version.

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

good work.

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Love this addon, so convenient.

One problem. I'm using FF 17.01, and have "copy automatically in text fields" deselected, yet it still auto copies existing text in text fields.

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Good add-on, works with FF13.


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already use about;config for the 'middleclick paste' function..and also because i don't really want/need? the 'select=copy' function.(annoy people with a habit of doubleclicking randomly..)

But! clipping stuff Alot from sites makes it tiring to switch to keyboard to do the (double) 'enterspace'. if you somehow, somewhat add an option(checkbox: 'autocopy with (double) enterspace'?) for That i Will use this extension no questions asked. =D

liking the idea of blink on copy feature
keep up the good work!

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yeah, now I use this extension and I don't need to press ctrl+c to copy text..

I like this, very useful for someone who need a faster way to copy-paste when browsing internet..

simple extension, but very useful, yeah, that is AutoCopy 2!

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It works in Thuderbird once again, it works perfectly in Firefox, AND there's a new version of Copy Plain Text that works?! Be still my heart. Developer, you are a hero among men, a god amongst mortals, a beautiful, gracious, and talented soul.

I've been using Firefox for years; on any new system, Auto Copy and Copy Plain text were always first two extensions I installed. Lately, the "fixed" versions for Firefox did not work so well, and have not worked at in Thunderbird for ages (years?). This version brings back the Auto Copy I knew and loved from Firefox 2.something!

Auto Copy is a huge time saver: select text, alt-tab to another window and ctrl-v. Auto Copy eliminates one hand movement and two finger movements vs using ctrl-c, and over time that adds up to significant time savings if one needs to work quickly.

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Thanks for your review. Copy Plain Text 2 is specially designed for works with AutoCopy 2. See here:

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This is an update to a previous review on January 1, 2012. I had stated that it was not working when trying to copy bulleted text (in FF 9). It is now working in FF10 for me. Great add-on!

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Please add "cut" to the pop-up menu when highlighting characters ... sentence. So I don't have to do cntl-x instead.

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This add-on is good but one thing is missing.
For example, if you have something you want to paste in a text box, and by clicking the text box it automatically selects the hole text there, then you lose the previous text you wanted to paste in that box.
So there should be an option for disabling the effect when clicking on text boxes.
It's all that is missing in this otherwise perfect add-on.

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