Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
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Jisho Search
by kevinazhu
13 weekly downloads
Search Jisho, the Japanese-English dictionary, with Japanese or English using Firefox's built-in search engine.
Science Stack - Academic Search Engine
by Will
13 weekly downloads
Academic Search Engine for research paper from Mendeley and PloS. Science Stack provides is useful for finding relevant material and building a bibliography. You have a full scientific library at the click of a button.
Google Drive Files Search
by St3ph
13 weekly downloads
Gagner du temps pour rechercher vos fichiers sur Google Drive en lançant la recherche directement depuis Firefox. Search MP3
by Victor San Martin
13 weekly downloads is a site music search engine for locating an mp3-audio files over the Internet. We don't host any files on the server, all data comes from various different sources on the internet.
AnyCloud Search
by AnyCloud
13 weekly downloads
One search through all your documents across all your email and cloud accounts including Gmail, Outlook, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, Sharepoint, Sharefile, Salesforce, Hubspot, Azure, Jive, S3, SugarSync, and 30+ other services.
DuckDuckGo Deutsch, WOT, Suchergebnis unbeschänkt
by Karnomius
13 weekly downloads
Die datenschutzfreundliche Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo in der Region Deutschland, unbeschränkte Suchergebnisse und WOT-Symbole für jedes Ergebnis. WOT eine der größten Bewertungsplattformen für Websites ist in DuckDuckGo integriert, aber normal aus.
Google@Omgili - Subjective & Objective Search Combined
by rangeva
13 weekly downloads
Get deep insight about Google's results by finding discussions and people talking and linking to them. Search for reviews, Q&A and forum threads with Omgili, and preview screenshots (Snapshots, Youtube, Wikipedia, RSS, etc.) on Google's results page.
Translate French to English
by koula.koula
13 weekly downloads
Translate french to english with google translate service.
The Unix and Linux Forums (
by neounix
13 weekly downloads
This add-on adds a custom search engine to the Firefox search bar to quickly search The UNIX and Linux Forums ( using the forum's custom Google site search engine.
Open Library Search
by jeffkaplan
13 weekly downloads
Open Library: One web page for every book ever published.
Rapidshare Search on Google
by cihand
12 weekly downloads
Search Rapidshare files on google that shared on the web sites or forums
Rapidshare dosyalarını, google kullanarak arayın.
Herhangi bir sitede veya forumda geçen Rapidshare linklerini bulmaya yarar
Eğer yükleme sorunu yaşıyorsanız "hedefi farklı kayd...
by Александр Ильин
12 weekly downloads
Хабраха́бр (он же Хабр) — многофункциональный сайт, представляющий собой смешение социальной сети и коллективного блога, созданный для публикации новостей, аналитических статей, мыслей, связанных с высокими технологиями, бизнесом и Интернетом.
Live Search
by Vict
12 weekly downloads
Search with the Windows Live search add-on for Firefox.
Works with Firefox 3.0-3.5
MemeReview Twitter and Web Search
by jpayne
12 weekly downloads
Search Twitter and the Web with a single query. Installs into your Firefox search chrome.
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in سیمانکی
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.