تاریخچهٔ نسخه‌های 1-click Online Document View

4 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

نسخه: 2.3.1-signed.1-signed 11.8 KiB با این برنامه‌ها کار می‌کند فایرفاکس 1.5 - 56.*, سی‌مانکی 1.5a - 2.48

If you are viewing a document that frequently changes (on the server), you may not always be viewing the latest version due to Google's caching mechanism.
This issue has been fixed through this version of the add-on. You should now be able to view the latest version of the online document. (Thanks Przemek for your suggestion.)

نسخه: 2.2.1-signed.1-signed 11.6 KiB با این برنامه‌ها کار می‌کند فایرفاکس 1.5 - 17.0a1, سی‌مانکی 1.5a - 2.14a1

This version supports upto Firefox 17.0a1 and SeaMonkey 2.14a1.

نسخه: 2 7.0 KiB با این برنامه‌ها کار می‌کند فایرفاکس 1.5 - 4.0b8pre, سی‌مانکی 1.5a - 2.1b1

Add-on now supports online document viewing only when you left click on the document link in a webpage. You can use "Righ-click -> Save as... " to download the documents using a single mouse right click directly on the webpage. (Thanks Alex Essilfie and datasteak for pointing this out.)

The display message for this add-on in add-on manager within your browsers, is now just 2 lines long. Hope that helps. (Thanks Alex Essilfie for pointing this out.)

I tested this add-on for compatibility in viewing documents returned in search results of Yahoo, Bing and Google (http and https). Its works fine for search results of all the first 2 search sites. This add-on's feature is disabled on Google Search results pages by default, since it leads to broken links. Please use the "Quick View" option under the link of a document in the search results, to view the documents online (for Google Search website).

نسخه: 1.3 7.0 KiB با این برنامه‌ها کار می‌کند فایرفاکس 1.5 - 3.7a6pre, سی‌مانکی 1.5a - 2.1a1pre

Some sites use relative addressing (like '/hobbies.pdf') rather than absolute addressing (like 'http: //whatsupdoc.html/amusing/hobbies.pdf'), to link to documents on the site's web pages. Version 1.3 provides support for relative addressing of documents.

(Please let me know, if you encounter any sites, which do not require cookies/login to the view the site documents, that are broken with this add-on)
با سی‌مانکی 1.5a - 2.1a1pre کار می‌کند
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