1,075 add-ons
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Cursos para Niñ@s bebeeee.com by bebeeee
2 weekly downloads
Cursos y Formación Online bebeeee.com Buscador Infantil de Cursos Online y Formación en Internet. Protegido con SafeSearch
Thailand - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS) by Binary App Dev
2 weekly downloads
Thailand - The #1 Thailand Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Thailand." Binary App Dev (End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
EdocFind Ebook PDF Search Engine by the_lifebook
2 weekly downloads
EBOOKS, PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel Files and Flash Animations Search Engine
GooglePlus by Scott Ferguson
2 weekly downloads
Use Google SSL to search Google+ posts
This Opensearch plugin is faster and uses less bandwidth than the default Google+ search plugin which uses a lot of images.
Includes Google Suggestions (wowee).
Google Forum(discussion) Search by Paul Newman
2 weekly downloads
Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.
This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).
Szukaj Paczki Poczta Polska by IvanKidmanovic
2 weekly downloads
Narzedzie wyszukiwania paczek Poczty Polskiej. Do wyboru z paska wyszukiwarek
Google Stackoverflow by org.sunjw.firefox.addon
2 weekly downloads
Searching Stackoverflow.com through Google.
Whirlpool Forums by mn
2 weekly downloads
Keyword search of all public threads on forums.whirlpool.net.au right from the search bar.
Amazon JP search by help me pay my rent 2012
2 weekly downloads
Amazon JP search plugin. Searches on the Japanese Amazon website.
Börse: Wertpapier- und Kurssuche in Realtime by boerse-frankfurt.de
2 weekly downloads
Das Tool ermöglicht Ihnen, direkt über Firefox ein Wertpapier aufzurufen, ohne erst zur Website zu wechseln. Wenn Sie das Tool installieren, können Sie einfach Name, WKN, ISIN oder Kürzel in das Eingabefeld im Browser-Fenster eingeben.
Arch Packages by Nikolay Frantsev
2 weekly downloads
Provides search Arch Linux packages on packages.archlinux.org.
Motherpipe Anonymt Sök by Motherpipe
2 weekly downloads
Motherpipe är en anonym sökmotor. Inga cookies, ingen tracking och ingen loggning av personliga data. Denna add-on lägger till Motherpipe som förstaval för Firefox sökbox, adressbar och sök från högerklick. Nu med Twitter.
Telebisyon.net by Telebisyon.net
2 weekly downloads
Search information on TV series, episodes, celebrities, TV station, news, TV schedule, and videos at Telebisyon.net.
Katalogi by
2 weekly downloads
Katalogi | sequere.eu - przeszukiwanie Polskich Katalogów Internetowych
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in فایرفاکس
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.