1,075 add-ons
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Google.be Nederlands
by hello2121
9 weekly downloads
Hiermee kan u zoeken via de Belgische versie van Google met Nederlandstalige interface. De resultaten zijn niet beperkt tot het Nederlands maar kunnen in alle talen zijn.
SEMRush.com (ru)
by Wink
9 weekly downloads
SEMRush.com russian database search.
Enter your domain, keyword or URL
Google Adwords Ads Test (UK)
by Юлиян Попов
9 weekly downloads
Tool for Google Adword advertisers to test their ads (UK)
Google Play - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL)
by Binary App Dev
9 weekly downloads
Google Play - The #1 Google Play Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Google Play."
(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Binary App Dev
Default Passwords - CIRT.net
by Michel Chamberland
8 weekly downloads
Search CIRT.net default password database
Torrent Search torrentproject.com
by hosts
8 weekly downloads
Torrent search engine, searching in millions, live only torrent files.
geek tools rbl query
by Mark Healey
8 weekly downloads
Provides RBL lookup for any fully qualified domain name or IP address.
Startpage (ru)
by XRevan86
8 weekly downloads
Данный плагин имеет поддержку "предположений" (suggestions) и поиска на русском языке в поисковой системе Startpage.com.
api.drupal | 6x
by bukem
8 weekly downloads
Search of api.drupal.org for drupal 6 hooks and functions.
Torrent SSL
by ipduh
8 weekly downloads
Search for Torrents across all the Torrent Trackers and Torrent Directories with the IPduh Torrent Search. All queries are transmitted to IPduh over an encrypted connection.
Immunity Zone - Internet Freedom on Demand
by MindProtectionKit
8 weekly downloads
Immunity Zone is an on Demand Virtual Browser. It immunizes against web attacks and makes you invisible on the web. All pages are loaded on our servers and displayed by a Browser-inside-a-Browser. It disables Web Tracking and Browser Fingerprinting.
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in فایرفاکس
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.