فرهنگهای لغت و دائرةالمعارفها
616 add-ons
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MyDict Online Chinese-English Dictionaries
by makefire
0 weekly downloads
MyDict All-in-one Online Chinese-English dictionary integrates all the online dictionaries like dict.cn, baidu, dictionary.com in one place. As sometimes you need to compare many online dictionaries to get the precise meaning, now you can use MyDict.
Buscar en OSI
by Oficina de Seguridad del Internauta - INTECO
0 weekly downloads
Búsqueda de información en el espacio web de la OSI
Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia (id)
by bratasena
0 weekly downloads
(id) Gunakan plugin ini untuk mencari artikel di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia (id.wikipedia.org).
(en) Use this plugin to search for articles in Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia (id.wikipedia.org)
ihl sözlük
by haberpijuh
0 weekly downloads
ihl sözlük için haberpijuh tarafından geliştirilen arama aparatı.
Estonian - English
by rock-et
0 weekly downloads
Estonian > English translation with aare.pri.ee online dictionary.
Encyclopedia - get more than Wikipedia!
by firehelper
0 weekly downloads
More than Wikipedia!
You get results from: Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, Answers.com and other encyclopedias.
Better research!
Babelfish translate (FR > EN)
by Jeremy Morton
0 weekly downloads
Translate from French to English using Babelfish.
Babelfish translate (EN > FR)
by Jeremy Morton
0 weekly downloads
Translate from English to French using Babelfish.
search games, homework research and more
by dennyhalim.com
0 weekly downloads
kiddysurf.blogspot.com safe search. either search for fun games or research your homework, this is the place.
ADS Search
by nialldeacon
0 weekly downloads
An unofficial search plug-in for the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.
Translate English to French
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate english to french with google translate service.
Translate English to Belarusian
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate english to belarusian with google translate service.
by lisabnt5
0 weekly downloads
Staples.com , search Staples.com with ease from Firefox search box
by Freddo@PJFI
0 weekly downloads
Search Wikisposure - Our project documenting online pedophile activists, organizations, activities, and crimes.
Translate Bulgarian to English
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate bulgarian to english with google translate service.
Openfilm.com: Search Film Festivals
by vladget
0 weekly downloads
Openfilm.com: Search for film festivals happening around the world.
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in فایرفاکس
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.