My Favorite Add-ons

by SouzaRM

68 Add-ons in this Collection

Image Zoom by Jason Adams

Adds zoom and rotation functionality for images...

Google Contacts by H.Ogi

Access to Google contacts and synchronize them with Thunderbird address books.

Tag Toolbar / Tag Popup by H.Ogi

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 92 reviews

17,324 users

Add toolbar for toggling tags.

Toolbar Buttons by Button Guy

Adds toolbar buttons to the customize toolbar window in several programs including Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. Some of the buttons make commonly preformed actions quicker, others add new functionality.

Copy Urls Expert by Kashif Iqbal Khan

Copy multiple urls (links) to clipboard. Provides options to copy urls of all opened tabs and urls in selected text. You can customize the format of copied urls. You can also open multiple links from clipboard.

Mailbox Alert by Tjebbe

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 181 reviews

1,374 users

Mailbox Alert allows you to specify, for each seperate mail folder, a message, sound and/or a system command that will be executed when new mail is found there. ...

DOM Inspector by SeaMonkey Council

Rated 5 out of 5 stars 78 reviews

14,567 users

DOM Inspector is a tool that can be used to inspect and edit the live DOM of any web document or XUL application. The DOM can be navigated using a two-paned window displaying a variety of different views on the document and all nodes within.

Private Tab by Infocatcher

Adds private tabs.

Edit Email Subject (EES) by jisse44, John Bieling

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 130 reviews

8,624 users

This module allows you to change/edit email subjects

Custom Buttons by Yan, cubegm, others

Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons...

about:addons-memory by Nils Maier

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 149 reviews

7 users

Adds an about:addons-memory page that details add-on memory usage

Add-ons Manager Context Menu by Zulkarnain K.

Add more items to Add-ons Manager context menu.

Element Inspector by zbinlin

In the DOM Inspector,quickly navigate to the any elements

Addons Manager Hilite by custom.firefox.lady

Remembers last selected (hilited) extension/theme/plugin/userstyle in Add-ons Manager. Version 3.0 also includes sorting buttons. Turn off/on the add-on selection list box and/or fine tune behavior via its Options.

Customizations for Adblock Plus by eyeo GmbH

This extension provides various customization options for the Adblock Plus user interface.
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Results 1630 of 68

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