
by mohamjon

87 Add-ons in this Collection

Today's messages by Florian Debiesse

Show only your messages received during the current day, the last 7 days or the last 30 days thanks to 3 buttons.You may use pin button to keep filters applied when switching to your other inbox/folders.

iLeopard Mail by REO-2007

It is a Theme of the Mac Leopard-style which did iLeopard in a model.

Filter SubFolders by Craig Miskell

Applies mail filters to sub folders of an IMAP account, not just the Inbox

Custom Alarms by Philipp Kewisch

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 4 reviews

0 users

Customize the reminder dropdown in Sunbird and Lightning's event and task dialog.

To configure this extension, open the addon preferences from the addons manager.

Boomerang by Michael Roux

Rated 2 out of 5 stars 6 reviews

0 users

Boomerang E-Mail ist ein Plugin für den Thunderbird E-Mail-Client und basiert auf dem Boomerang e-Mail Algorithmus (patent pending).

Es stellt Funktionalitäten bereit, um eine beliebige e-Mail (inklusive Anhänge) der Reihe nach zu mehreren Empfänger...

Folder Categories by Joshua Cranmer

Allows folders to be categorized in the folder pane.

Export for Thunderbird & Lightning Launcher by dadagoo GmbH

Rated 2 out of 5 stars 8 reviews

2 users

Export for Thunderbird & Lightning is the worldwide unique printing and exporting solution for Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning for Windows.
Multi lingual user interface: English, German, French and Spanish

Expiry Timestamp by DreamsoftSG

Set expiry timestamp for the message(s) and manage them.

Docky Unread Count by lpiepiora

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 21 reviews

1 user

Displays total unread messages in Docky.

Phoenity Thunderbird by graciliano

A simple and colourful theme for...

CrossOver by riz

Now works with Thunderbird 2.0.
An Aqua Theme for Mozilla.

OxyBird2 by Vimalkumar Velayudhan

An Oxygen icon theme for Thunderbird 3.1 and Lightning 1.0b2
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Results 7687 of 87

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