Compiling, Writing and Sending Emails
by AltanaESP Pty Ltd
About this Collection
Employing emails as the primary source of communications and record keeping, the add-ons in this collection provide a way of doing so more constructively and productively.
17 Add-ons in this Collection
Clean Subject
by sbiz
38 users
"Clean Subject" cleans the subject from multiple occurrences of subject prefixes such as ("Re: Re-2: Re:") and postfixes that are inserted by other clients. Words like "[SPAM]" can be cleaned as well. These prefixes can be defined in the preferences.
Collector's Note One of life's frustrating irritations is to deal with email subject lines that is cluttered with a kizillion RE:'s & FW:'s. Thus, when either forwarding or replying to such an email, one has to spend some time to clean up the subject line first. Annoying! Fortunately the Clean Subject add-on can be tweaked to automatically clean up the subject line for you and save you from one little irritations of life.
by andreifa
0 users
Do not send mail to the addresses found into notTo field.
Collector's Note When "reply to all", for an email with many recipients, and you would prefer to filter out some recipients, the notto add-on allows you to filter out recipients found in the to: cc: bcc: replyto: and followupto: lists by entering their email addresses into the Not to: field. Not a often used add-on, by quite handy when the need arise to do some recipient filtering when replying to emails.
Results 16–17 of 17
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