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CloseReviews for Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save
346 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Muy buen aporte me funciono al 100%
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.15.1).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Works great...except when add-on "IE Tab" is enabled. If so MAF can save and read maff files correctly, and it can save mht files correctly, but it cannot open mht files which were created in firefox or IE. IE CAN open the mht file created in firefox with MAF.
However, once "IE Tab" is disabled, MAFF works perfectly saving and opening mht and maff files.
Great add-on. Keep the improvement coming!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.15.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
@radoskor007, wystarczy skasować lub usunąć regułę /^file:\/\/\/.*\.(mht|mhtml)$/
disable or delete the rule /^file:\/\/\/.*\.(mht|mhtml)$/
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
需要中文版的可以到maf.mozdev.org下载MAF 0.15.0测试版。
在maf.mozdev.org下载的0.13.4和0.14.3也包含测试用的中文包(Beta Chinese Pack)。
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I use Shelve(Version 1.19) instead...
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefo ... sions/8282
- ShelveSlog Howto 29/08/2009 version 1.0
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Jeżeli ktoś ma włączone rozszerzenie IE Tab to mu nie wyświetli pliku .mht zalecam wyłączenie IE tab. Testowałem na dwóch rozszerzeniach do FF 3.5.x (Mozilla Archive format i UnMHT) i trzeba zrezygnować z IE tab aby wyświetlić plik MHT w FF, pozdrawiam:)
Swich off add-on IE Tab to view .mht file in FF:)
(IF You have IE Tab of cors)
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I encountered the same issue as mentioned earlier by Ajay Jain: after installing the addon, the save as... dialog won't come up. I think that I was able to track down the problem, though -- it seems to be a conflict with Download Sort. After disabling that extension, MAF worked as advertised.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.14.3).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I wish this kind of add-on for Firefox since long long time ago.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.1 in MS-Windows XP-Home SP3. It really works well, save web pages in MHTML and no need to use IE anymore, to download or read single page Web Archive. Even I still can read older files (*.mht) that had been saved by IE-7.
Thanks for creating this great add-on.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I wish this kind of add-on for Firefox since long long time ago.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.1 in MS-Windows XP-Home SP3. It really works well, save web pages in MHTML and no need to use IE anymore, to download or read single page Web Archive. Even I still can read older files (*.mht) that had been saved by IE-7.
Thanks for creating this great add-on.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
There is a problem in the new version 0.13.4
I can't open any saved pages with the ext. ".MHT", even the old saved ones by previous versions or even the pages saved by internet explorer 6. it show a blank page named "untitled". The only pages I can open are those with ".HTM" extension.
I'm using Firefox 3.5.1, windows XP SP2.
It has been reported that, if the file extension is written in uppercase, Firefox fails to open the file. Renaming the file extension to lowercase can be a viable workaround until the problem is solved.
I'll mention this in the "known issues" section of the release notes for the next version.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
"Warning Warning Will Robinson"
I do not know why, but, version v0.13.4 doesn't work well for me, in fact, when I tried (multiple attempts) to open the *.mht web-page files that I'd created using this latest M.A.F. version, I experienced very strange happenings.
Immediately upon trying to open those saved *.mht web-pages - which incidentally were Microsoft "Windows Installer" & ".NET Framework" as well as eBay auction item pages, the file managers that I had used to navigate too those created *.mht files - in this case "Explorer Plus" or "Power Desk" or "Windows Explorer", all immediately closed the file manager windows, when I either "right clicked" and then selected either "Open" or "Open with" context list commands.
I tried numerous things, including altering the available M.A.F. options, but alas all too no avail. So I had no option but to uninstall v0.13.4, shut down Firefox v3.0.11, restart Firefox and reinstall v0.12.3, and then I began too re-save all of the same web-pages that I'd previously created using v0.13.4. After I had done those web-pages I was again able to open and view any or all of those v0.12.3 created *.mht web-pages, using either Firefox v3.0.11 or v1.5.0.12 - or even IE6.xx, without any problems whatsoever.
I can't explain why v0.13.4 did, what it did, but it was the only alteration I'd made or allowed to update on my Firefox v3.0.11 installation in the last month, and therefore I'll stick with v0.12.3 for a while to come and thought it was best to let other know of my unfortunate experience.
The BEST Firefox Add-On available to mankind or at least to anyone who saves a web-page onto their computer (IMHO),
It seems strange to me that the problem you reported can be caused by MAF or Firefox, it seems more like an issue with some other extension of the file manager (not of Firefox). However nothing can be taken as granted until the problem is addressed, and you can certainly help to solve it.
I'd be very surprised if the problem depends on the contents of the archives you are trying to open, or the MAF version that generated them. Did you try again with the old archives after reinstalling MAF? Did you try upgrading the extension again and then opening the new archives?
I think that to be more effective, this report should be moved to the MAF support mailing list or newsgroup. Can you please post the details of your problem there (see http://maf.mozdev.org/feedback.html)? We can then work on it and try to understand the cause, and solve the problem, which would be more useful than only saying it exists. Thanks!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great software. Use it instead of unMHT.
Just one issue, it would be nice to not open multiple tabs maff file in one go. Nice to open an index page and then select which pages you want to open.
Otherwise great product
Thanks for the suggestion, in a future version of MAF I'll provide a simple and visible interface to open only some pages of a MAFF archive.
For the moment, you can probably do what you need from the "Archives" dialog, accessible from the "Tools" menu. Just click on the "Add" button, select the archives whose pages you want to open, then select the pages in the list and click the "Open in Tabs" button.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Developers: unMHT (very popular indeed) needs to be disabled (or uninstalled) before using this extension. Or else you get blank pages.
I had tons of old maff files that needed to be unzipped and reconverted to mht using unMht or Iexplorer. Pain in the Culo! but gladly kept old maffs until this extension came back to life!
Great stuff.
I and Arai worked together to make UnMHT and MAFF compatible, however it's still necessary to press a special button in UnMHT's preferences if you previously installed MAF version 0.7 or earlier.
I can confirm that, after this step, the latest stable versions of the two extensions do not conflict with each other in my system.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I can't believe you finally updated it! I've been using Unmht for ages, will give this another try.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.13.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.12.2).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
The best for easy archiving. Note - will break if SkipScreen extension also enabled at same time (v. 0.1.05262009). Just disable latter and all good again.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.12.2).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great Gob Nice Add-On, but it need to make Firefox as a default .mht file Program!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.12.2).What you ask is after all possible in MAF, even though the feature is not immediately accessible at present.
* Select Tools » Mozilla Archive Format » Preferences
* Select File associations
* Click "Create association for .mht and .mhtml extensions"
If you need more support or have other questions, feel free to contact me through the project's feedback page (http://maf.mozdev.org/feedback.html).
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent way to save an offline copy of a web page.
The MHTML file created by MAF is very clean and easy to edit, compared to the ones created by Internet Explorer.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
super extension, that's what I am waiting for such a long time - so we could work.
Many thanks
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