⚗ ʣ “Experimental”

by zoding

31 Add-ons in this Collection

Certificate Patrol by Carlo v. Loesch, tg(x), others

Your browser trusts many certification authorities and intermediate sub-authorities quietly, every time you enter an HTTPS web site. This add-on reveals when certificates are updated, so you can ensure it was a legitimate change.

Markdown Viewer by Thiht

Markdown document viewer.
Allows to visualize formatted markdown documents in browser.

FxIF by Christian Eyrich, Ted Mielczarek

View EXIF data in image properties

Extension Auto-Installer by Wladimir Palant

Important note: This extension will not work in Firefox 57 and above. Providing this functionality in Firefox is no longer possible, the extension is discontinued.

Window Master by Peter J. Sloetjes, MSc.

Functionality for multiple screens and windows. Easily open links in other windows or on other screens, move or merge tabs, and move or merge entire windows. With graphical controls for grid positioning.

InspectorWidget by Sailfish

Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.

No More Install Delay by trlkly

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10 reviews

2 users

UPDATE: XPI delay has been removed in Firefox 40!

Disable the install delay in Firefox. New 2.0 version now includes GreaseMonkey scripts!

Unlike similar addons, this works on Firefox 4 and beyond.

infoRSS by Didier Ernotte

Displays RSS, Atom, Twitter, parsed HTML and NNTP feed in a scrolling area in the status bar. Compatible with podcasting RSS which can be downloaded directly. It's also a good Google email notifier.

Dybutar by Diego Casorran

Dynamic creation of bookmark-style toolbar buttons which you can customize.

Controle de Scripts by Fernando Pereira Silveira

Controle de Scripts is an extension that allows you to control what JavaScripts do on your browser.

MR Tech Toolkit by mrtech

(Formerly Local Install) The primary goal of this extension is to provide the tools needed to install and manage extensions and themes locally and tons of other features.

Note: With Toolkit 6.0 Auto Archiving is fully working in Firefox 2.0 and temp...

GitHub Extension Installer by Diego Casorran

Install Browser Extensions straight from GitHub Repositories

Perspectives by perspectives-cmu, dschaefer

Connect securely to https websites by checking certificates with network notaries. See http://www.perspectives-project.org

CSHelper by mig

This extension packages versions of the CamStudio recorder application and the XVID Codec. It is primarily intended to be used with the screen capture feature of the Video DownloadHelper add-on, when on Windows.

UserScripts.org Search by Erik Vold

Rated 5 out of 5 stars 3 reviews

4 weekly downloads

A Open Search definition for UserScripts.org, to help find Greasemonkey user scripts.
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Results 1630 of 31

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