
by Bart Goossens

68 Add-ons in this Collection

FG Printers by fgrassmann

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 27 reviews

3 users

Diese Erweiterung erlaubt die Anpassung des Druckbildes von Mozilla Calendar an die eigenen Vorstellungen. So kann z. B. die Schriftart und die Schriftgröße geändert werden. Außerdem werden nunmehr die Farben für die Kategorien tatsächlich mit ausged...

Smilie Inserter by Christian Wolf

Insert smilies in messages...

Folder Categories by Joshua Cranmer

Allows folders to be categorized in the folder pane.

Filter Button Thunderbird by M@htte0

Adds a button to run...

MarkSubfolders by gaby_hy

This Add-on provide ability to mark as read subfolders.

Update Notifier by Todd Long

Note from Mozilla: This add-on has been discontinued. Try Add-on Update Checker instead.

Notifies you when updates are available for your extensions and themes.

TB Header Tools Extension by Frank DiLecce

You can now modify the header detail of messages...

Color Source by Brett Zamir

Add syntax highlighting of code in various languages to email messages via context menu.
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Results 6168 of 68

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