Мои любимые дополнения

by Дмитрий

76 Add-ons in this Collection

AutoCopy 2 by Leszek Życzkowski

Copies selected text to the clipboard automatically.

Old Default Image Style by Dagger

Restores the default image style used for top-level images in previous versions of Firefox.

Noia Fox by David.Vincent

Theme for Firefox and Thunderbird
Based on Noia Iconpack by Carlitus (deviantART)

Noia Fox options is here (small icons, square tabs,...).

Custom Buttons by Yan, cubegm, others

Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons...

IE Tab + (FF 8+, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.6, 3.5, SeaMonkey) by IE Tab Pro

Rated 3 out of 5 stars 85 reviews

12 users

IE Tab + is an enhanced version of IE Tab. It supports FF 3.5 or greater, integrates IE Tab with Adblock Plus in the IE Tab engine, and synchronizes cookies between IE and Firefox. You can easily import settings from the original IE Tab into IE Tab +

Scriptish by Erik Vold, Nils Maier, others

The greatest user script engine on the Internet (a fork of Greasemonkey).

Add-ons Manager Context Menu by Zulkarnain K.

Add more items to Add-ons Manager context menu.

WorldIP - Geo Add-on with Security Features by Alrond

Professional Geo Add-on with security features and advanced network tools. Anti-phishing. Protection against DNS spoofing and fake sites. All DNS records for domain. The real location of web server, country flag, extended information about datacenter

Free Mp3 Music Search for Download by urmaul

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 11 reviews

123 weekly downloads

Mp3 Search is a torrent search engine which leads directly to pages with direct links to mp3 files. So you just need to enter song name and then download free mp3 music. And you don't need to register to download music.

NewsFox by Andrey Gromyko, R Pruitt

NewsFox is an efficient 3-pane(email) style Atom/RSS feed reader.

Copy Plain Text 2 by Leszek Życzkowski

Copies text without formatting

IE View by EmmaSawyers, searchresults

Lets you load pages in IE with a single right-click, or mark certain sites to *always* load in IE.

Customizations for Adblock Plus by eyeo GmbH

This extension provides various customization options for the Adblock Plus user interface.

QuickDrag by Stevie Smith

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 324 reviews

3 users

Extends the function of the drag-and-drop mouse gesture so that it can be used to load URLs, do a web search of selected text on a page, or save an image on a page. The successor to Super DragAndGo.

CuteButtons by ChoGGi

Adds icons to buttons and/or menus.
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Results 3145 of 76

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