Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
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CoboCards Pool
by CoboCards
0 weekly downloads
Search the CoboCards Pool for free flashcards, import and learn it.
by BackType
0 weekly downloads
BackType is a real-time, conversational search engine engine. We index and connect online conversations from across the web in real-time, so you can see what people are saying about topics that interest you.
Search for SAP SDN
by Tobias
0 weekly downloads
this search plugin provides an advanced search for the SAP SDN
by skylercollins
0 weekly downloads
Search only the best sites on liberty using!
Madara's RapidSearch
by caramεl
0 weekly downloads
Madara's RapidSearch is a modified google search form that expedites finding the RapidShare files you want.
Translate English to Icelandic
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate english to icelandic with google translate service.
Biblioteques UAB
by Felipe Corredor
0 weekly downloads
Complemento para realizar búsquedas rápidas por palabras clave en el catálogo de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Translate Irish to English
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate irish to english with google translate service.
by K搜
0 weekly downloads
Translate Italian to English
by koula.koula
0 weekly downloads
Translate italian to english with google translate service.
منابع دیگر
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