Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
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Packet Storm search plugin.
by ffranz
39 weekly downloads
This plugin lets you search on Packet Storm - - database. Packet Storm offers an abundant resource of up-to-date and historical security tools, exploits, and advisories.
by Wil Clouser (clouserw)
38 weekly downloads
Search your LinkedIn network for the people you need when you are on any Web site. / + Suchvorschläge
by Holger_D
38 weekly downloads
Amazon-Suche (de/ mit Auto-Vervollständigung Ihrer Suchanfrage.
Entscheiden Sie nach der Eingabe auf einer Zwischenseite, ob Sie bei oder suchen möchten!
Google Translate ANY => DE
by ucn|
37 weekly downloads
Übersetzt jede Sprache ins Deutsche mit Google Translate.
by Juan Miguel Cejuela
37 weekly downloads
Buscador para el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (DRAE) (most authoritative dictionary of the Spanish language)
Google (en)
by zetaretor
37 weekly downloads
Google Search Engine with forced English results page regardless of language preferences and/or location.
Wayback Machine
by jeffkaplan
36 weekly downloads
The Wayback Machine: Over 450 billion archived web pages.
Yahoo! Canada
by Gustavo Rauber
36 weekly downloads
Search Yahoo! Canada directly from your toolbar.
DDG onion
by silent_parakeet
36 weekly downloads
Search add on for the DuckDuckGo hidden service on Tor (3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion).
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in سیمانکی
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- Make your own search tool
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