Emails & Messaging
by tuk0z
About this Collection
Some nice tools for Mozilla Thunderbird and Webmails (Firefox) users
49 Add-ons in this Collection
Signal Spam
by Signal Spam, VERIFROM
15,844 users
Ajoute une fonction pour signaler, en un clic, les e-mails que vous considérez comme indésirables ou frauduleux à Signal Spam.
L'extension vous alerte si vous consultez un e-mail contenant des liens vers un site répertorié comme frauduleux.
Collector's Note De mieux en mieux intégré et fonctionnel à Thunderbird 57.x
Awesome Auto Archive
by wang opera
280 users
Automatically do Archive/Copy/Delete/Move actions based on user defined rules
Collector's Note Toujours bien fonctionnel avec Th 45.
Account Colors
by DW-dev
3,036 users
Associates user-defined colors with POP3/IMAP accounts and identities. Applies these colors to accounts, identities, folders, message list, message headers and compose headers. Users will always know which accounts/identities they are working with.
Expression Search / GMailUI
by wang opera
183 users
Powerful message searching through expressions. Type "from:fred to:tom" to see all messages from Fred to Tom in the current view. Support 'regular expressions' and 'click to search'.
by Sukhbir Singh
12 users
This extension configures Thunderbird to make connections over the Tor anonymity network.
Mailbox Alert
by Tjebbe
1,323 users
Mailbox Alert allows you to specify, for each seperate mail folder, a message, sound and/or a system command that will be executed when new mail is found there. ...
Remove Duplicate Messages
by Thorsten W. Schmidt
380 users
Doppelte Nachrichten im Postfach können mit diesem Add-On sehr schnell entfernt werden. Mit einem Rechtsklick auf einen Ordner und auswählen von "Doppelte Nachrichten entfernen..." werden auch Unterordner bereinigt.
Collector's Note Plus exactement son fork : "Remove Duplicate Messages (Alternate)" par Eyal Rozenberg. Trouve et envoie à la corbeille (ou supprime, au choix) tous les messages en double en quelques instants sur une machine dual core de 2013 :D
Duplicate Contact Manager
by Marian Steinbach, Copelnug
100 users
Facilitates handling of duplicates in your address book(s). Allow to search and remove similar contacts.
Collector's Note Ne fonctionne plus avec Thunderbird v52.x / Linux.
EMail Address Crawler
by CySlider
14 users
Automatically fill your address books or send mass mails with e-mail addresses extracted from all your e-mails.
by Alain Frisch
890 users
Keyboard shortcuts to change folder, move/copy messages, with folder name auto-completion.
Collector's Note « If you love to work with the keyboard then this addon is perfect for you. It will save you a lot of time moving emails to the correct folders (instead of drag and drop). »
by GS! Networks
56 users
Did your friend send you a cool link? Want to read the rest of that interesting article? Don't want to open up your web browser just to view it? You don't have to! Just view it in Thunderbird with ThunderBrowse!
Auto Address Cleaner
by markopee
236 users
Removes comment, display name automatically from addresses before sending mail.
Search as list
by psoebr
118 users
Search results appear as list (as per the "Open email as list" button).
- return to facet view with shift+close [x]
- auto open list view when few results found
- column config./sort/toggle [IMG3&4]
- apply columns to search as list menu [IMG5]
BiDi Mail UI
by The BiDi UI Team, Eyal Rozenberg
1,822 users
Direction control and BiDi-related charset misdetection correction
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