جستوجوی چندگانه
1,585 add-ons
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Softpedia - Free Download Encyclopedia
by Search Master
11 weekly downloads
A library of free and free-to-try software programs for Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Mobile Phones, Games and Drivers and an up-to-date news ...
Domain Whois
by Lehha.developer
11 weekly downloads
Информация о доменах RU, РФ, SU (описание whois-данных, параметр ТИЦ), подбор свободных доменов.
Private secure anonymous search (Google + Bing)
by SearchSecure
11 weekly downloads
Privatelee.com combines the best results from Google and Bing with the ultimate private search engine.
Privatelee does not save IP address or set uniquely identifiable or ad network cookies.
Features like WOT rating, infinite scrolling ...
Google (Persian)
11 weekly downloads
Firefox addon to search Google ( Persian )
این افزونه، امکان جستجوی گوگل فارسی را در قسمت موتورهای جستجوی فایرفاکس فراهم میکند
by minerva
11 weekly downloads
Megatorrentz.com offers free torrents, no registration required.Megatorrentz is a clean bittorrent source.
Twick.it, die Erklärmaschine im Internet
by Markus Möller
11 weekly downloads
Suche bei Twick.it, der Erklärmaschine im Internet
Google US / NCR
by Tension Extension
11 weekly downloads
Search results from https://encrypted.google.com/ in english without geoIP country redirection.
Performs a search request using the following parameters:
SEMRush.com (us)
by Wink
11 weekly downloads
SEMRush.com US database search.
Enter domain name, keyword or URL
File Search Engine
by $achsenPaul3
10 weekly downloads
File Search Engine for major filesharing websites such as Rapidshare, Hotfile, Uploaded, Netload, Mediafire, 4shared, Easy-Share, Minus, Depositfiles, ...
Search Wolfram|Alpha
by Isaac Khor
10 weekly downloads
Wolfram|Alpha is more than a search engine. It gives you access to the world's facts and data and calculates answers across a range of topics, including science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance...
Social Buzz
by nut84
10 weekly downloads
Social Buzz - Real Time Search for Facebook, Twitter and Google+. This Social Media Search Engine allows to use Multiple Keywords, Content types and Popularity Filtering, Locale options and provides Search Results Analytics.
Google Venezuela
by Richzendy
10 weekly downloads
Añada a Google Venezuela en la barra de búsqueda, para obtener resultados con relevancia regional y en idioma español.
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in فایرفاکس
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.