1,075 add-ons
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Amazon Germany (Deutschland)
by ter50
0 weekly downloads
Amazon ger search add-on searches on the German Amazon website
Amazon com
by ter50
0 weekly downloads
Amazon com search plugin. Searches on the US Amazon website.
This add-on takes part in the store affiliation programme.
Online Link Scan
by OnlineLinkScan
0 weekly downloads
Allows you to scan for any suspicious link that might lead you to harmful threats which can attack your computer. A dropdown with an icon appears in the search bar. Type a URL to automatically run a malware scan & view results off onlinelinkscan.com
Amazon co.uk / Amazon.de mit Suchvorschlägen
by net2go
0 weekly downloads
Amazon co.uk / Amazon.de mit Suchvorschlägen. Dieses Addon sucht auf der britischen Amazon.co.uk und der deutschen Amazon.de Shop mit Suchvorschlägen. Sie benötigen kein lästiges Wechsel zwischen den Suchmaschinen.
Amazon France (France)
by ter50
0 weekly downloads
Amazon France search plugin. Searches on the French Amazon website.
by Waytag
0 weekly downloads
Waytag (noun): A single word address that starts with a ! used to locate people or businesses that have waytags.
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
server5 - Die alternative Internet Suche!
Dieses Such-Plugin verwendet die alternative Suchmaschine server5.
ClubMp3.cz MP3 search v.1
by coldfire
0 weekly downloads
Vyhledejte a stáhněte svou mp3 snadno,rychle a ZDARMA
Sahidic Bible
by Christian Askeland
0 weekly downloads
Ch. Askeland and M. Schulz created this regex-searchable database in 2010 with the assistance of T. Griffitts. The data has been corrected and expanded by the Göttingen Coptic Old Testament team. The Göttingen team now manages the database.
Givalike Open Search
by Ben Katz
0 weekly downloads
Search Over 1 Million Nonprofits on Givalike.org.
server6 search
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Server 6 - The Professional Web Directory!
Server 6 - Der Profi-Webkatalog!
Google Namibia SSL AF
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google Namibia SSL soek in Afrikaans
Google Namibia Afrikaans SSL.
Hierdie search plugin gebruik Google Namibië SSL in Engels vir sy soektog.
منابع دیگر
- Learn more about the search bar in فایرفاکس
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.