by decembre

35 Add-ons in this Collection

View Dependencies by Florian QUEZE

View Dependencies adds a tab to the Page Info window, in which it lists all the files which were loaded to show the current page.

Markdown Viewer by Thiht

Markdown document viewer.
Allows to visualize formatted markdown documents in browser.

DOM Inspector Plus! [dm] by Javier "DarthMadara"

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 6 reviews

28 users

Improved DOM Inspector! [dm version]. Box Model new layout & more data, see screenshot!. Horizontal scroll for Dom-Tree, and some more.
Inspects the structure and properties of a window and its contents.

ViewAbout by Gary Kwong

Enables access to various about: dialogs from the View menu.

Tiny JavaScript Debugger by Patrick Brunschwig

TinyJSD is a JavaScript debugger for privileged code running Mozilla products like Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey. It serves to debug the application as well as extensions written in JavaScript.

UxU - UnitTest.XUL by ClearCode Inc.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars 5 reviews

1 user

This is a testing tool for addon developers.

Developer Assistant by Ted Mielczarek, Gavin Sharp, others

A suite of tools for developers.

InspectorWidget by Sailfish

Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.

PasteIP by miken32

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 2 reviews

0 users

Easy pasting of your IP address or User-Agent in a textbox. Comes in handy when posting on forums, etc.

DevPrefs by Noitidart

هنوز رتبه‌دهی نشده است

0 users

Automatically sets all preferences for Firefox addon developer production environment.

JavaScript Object Examiner by Chuck_Baker

هنوز رتبه‌دهی نشده است

0 users

Display JavaScript object methods and properties for any available scope.

Rainbowpicker by Toad King

Pick any color of the...

Extension Test by Kris Maglione

A simple add-on for extension testers, especially AMO editors and developers who plan to submit their add-ons to AMO.

UI Text Overrider by ClearCode Inc.

Provides ability to override UI elements' label, tooltip text, etc.

Multiple Addon Deactivator by ChrisLE

Multiple Addon Deactivator (M.A.D) is an addon that can (de)activate one, many or each addon at the same time
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Results 1630 of 35

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