Ngamer01's Favorite Add-ons

by Ngamer01

27 Add-ons in this Collection

xpDefault Colored Buttons by AlainMop

Rated 5 out of 5 stars 23 reviews

15 users

Default XP theme for ThunderBird 45. (Mail and Lightning calendar)
After long time of inactivity, Michal Stanke decided not to update xpDefault.
I propose to try, and make this version, tested on Vista and Win 8.1.
new 45.0.3 16 oct 2016

Random Theme Switcher by rob64rock

This extension switches your themes at random.

Restart Thunderbird by Briks Software, David McNamara

Restart Thunderbird with ease.

Is It Compatible? by eternicode

**Notice: This addon is no longer maintained.** Are your addons compatible with the next version of Firefox? Find out straight from the Addons window! **Version 0.6.0 is available from the Versions page, it was never approved by AMO**

GitHub Extension Installer by Diego Casorran

Install Browser Extensions straight from GitHub Repositories

Update Notifier by Todd Long

Note from Mozilla: This add-on has been discontinued. Try Add-on Update Checker instead.

Notifies you when updates are available for your extensions and themes.

glowygreen-thunder by glowplug

Dark green and gold theme.

glowygold-thunder by glowplug

Black and gold theme.

glowywine-thunder by glowplug

Dark red and gold theme.

Oxygenate by neo14515

An Oxygen icon theme for Thunderbird and Lightning

glowyblue-thunder by glowplug

Dark blue and gold theme.

arcticglow-thunder by glowplug

Theme based on arctic blues.
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Results 1627 of 27

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