Miz brit* Extensions*

by Miz brit

27 Add-ons in this Collection

Export All Certificates by simosx

Adds an option to export all root certificates.

TryAgain by Paul Lammertsma, Mathijs

TryAgain keeps trying to load a webpage when the server cannot be reached.

Phoenity Buttons by Dillinger

Rated 4 out of 5 stars 16 reviews

4,672 users

Adds some toolbar buttons using phoenity icons.

Dybutar by Diego Casorran

Dynamic creation of bookmark-style toolbar buttons which you can customize.

Classicish Add-on Manager by Dagger

A restyling of the Add-on Manager to a more native appearance.

lolifox - Fierr MOD by Virtual_ManPL, RealityRipple

Replaces the error page with a lolifox appearance with additional features.

Password Mask Changer by Dagger

Changes the mask character used in password fields.

Orbit 3+1 by MiK77, InvisibleSmiley

Orbit theme with three button sizes. Go to http://www.miksworld.de/orbit.html for configuration details.

IPvFox by Dagger

List the hosts, and corresponding network addresses, from which a page and its resources are loaded.

ACE CuteBird (Graphite) by John Locke

All-in-one Mac style theme! Please check preview here first (it rocks):

To get sub themes: Open Add-ons window, right click on Cutebird, click "About Cutebird"

more info at http://foxdie.us

Perspectives by perspectives-cmu, dschaefer

Connect securely to https websites by checking certificates with network notaries. See http://www.perspectives-project.org

Fierr by RealityRipple

Replaces the error page with a more stylish appearance with additional features.
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Results 1627 of 27

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