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CloseReviews for Complete YouTube Saver
168 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Added this on to my browser today 9/19/2013 and everything seems to be working except for the MP3 converter, it works for all the other audio formats, but the MP3 converter downloads an empty shell file and then Firefox says cannot find file.Firefox version 24.0Complete YouTube Saver version 4.4.2Windows 7 Ultimate x64
Everything is working fine today, have no idea what changed, updated rating to 5 stars, thanks for your reply! Great program!
This is the symptom of incomplete conversion (as of the time you clicked on the file name). MP3 conversion is a fairly time-consuming process, please make sure you give it enough time to complete. On an average 2GHz CPU, you should calculate with 2-3 seconds of conversion time for *every minute* of video length. For feature-length films this will take several minutes.
Wait for the temp file to disappear before playing the file. If you’re still having trouble, contact us at our support email (cytsaver@hotmail.com), thanks.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Over the years I have tried many similar add-ons but now I have found this one and I can assure it is simply the best!!!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( for the review!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Oh very nice! Saving videos worked perfect right out of the box. Installed so quick! How to get it to recognize that I already have ffmpeg installed? linux mint 14 64 bit Thanks!!---Your instructions worked perfectly, thank you.I am still very happy with this add-on.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( for the review!!
To get CYS to recognize FFmpeg already installed on your system:
1.Go to Options> General tab.
2.Click on the "Specify FFmpeg location..." button and select the folder where FFmpeg has been installed.
-If that doesn't work for you, try the version of FFmpeg available on our site at:
Please feel free to contact us at cytsaver@hotmail.com if you require further assistance. Thanks!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
By far the best download plugin yet,
I've tried over 1/2 of them and this is the only one that consistently does what I need,
Great work guys!
Thank you for the five star review!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Works perfectly even on FF 23.0.1 Thanks so much for allowing me to save stuff to listen to later :)
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( This user has a previous review of this add-on.Good to know CYS is working well for you...thanks again for the support!!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Version 4.3 works fine now, those blocked videos also can download now. Thank you.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( This user has a previous review of this add-on.Appreciate the five stars, thanks!!! :)
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Generally works great. Over the last week or two it seems to no longer be able to download VEVO videos so I don't know if they have come up with some kind of block.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( has made some major architectural changes and Vevo videos as well as others can no longer be downloaded. An update is in the works and should be up shortly.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
It doesnt save comments. When I open "Main Page.html", for comments just says "loading.."
EIDT1: wow, that was a quick reply, tnx. I've installed 4.2.8 but it's the same :S, when I open "Main Page.html" in browser, there are no comments, again just "loading".
Version 4.2.8 fixes main page, statistics and comment page downloads disabled by recent YT code changes. Download here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/complete-youtube-saver/versions/ More updates on the way.
Another update is in the works and should be up shortly.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excelente programa, muito completo e de simples instalação. Recomendo a todos.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Works perfectly and the support team are very helpful. Just remember that if you use Linux the version of ffmpeg installed by default is likely an old one and you should get the binaries from their site, this is what caused mp3's to not work for me.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( for the 5 stars!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great, easy and simple. And if you have any problem with it, the best staff crew will help you to solve them step by step.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( we could be of help....thanks for the review!
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I like it very much so far. Much better than an unmentionable one that is full off malware.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (4.2.1-signed).Thanks for your review. Let us know what you would like see in CYS to award it 5 stars (cytsaver@hotmail.com). Thank you!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks C G! Your 4.2 update counteracts the latest waves of YouTube Monkey Wrenching.
I have found CYS to be absolutely THE most comprehensive and well designed power tool for capturing YT videos in situ. For a long time I pondered the low ratio of Reviews to Installs here and at first I wondered, are people not pleased? Could this be... Laziness in Thought?? Then I realized... This is one of those well kept secrets that you don't want anyone to know about or soon everyone will be using it; then YT's bandwidth will be saturated. And *Gobble will break it. (*Gobble = google)
However, I shall no longer acquiesce to the silence.
There are many Good YT video savers and a few Great ones each with their own unique approach. CYS exemplifies the vast difference between Good, and Great. I love the extensive configurable adaptive menu with optimized access to the full selection of resolutions and formats. For this task CYS attains the elegance of simplicity. A complete thought, focusing on doing one task perfectly, streamlined and with style. To use this tool is to experience gratitude and a sense of being indebted. Forget 5, I give this Infinite Suns out of 5.
If I could only have 1 Addon, This is THE ONE.
Thank you for your kind words, we appreciate the support!!! Thanks!:)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Created an account specifically to give props to this add-on. I've used a lot of different ones, and this is BY FAR the best, rock solid, and it doesn't depend on a flakey third party website to work. This is the best.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( you for your review, highly appreciated!
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
В какие папки на компьютере ваше расширение сохраняет установочные файлы. Так как файл exe, следовательно после сброса Firefox от этого расширения должны оставаться неудаленные папки. Скажите, где хранятся папки с данным расширением?
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (Спасибо за ваш отзыв. Все расширения устанавливаются в расширениях папке вашего профиля Firefox. Наше расширение в подпапку:
Thank you for your review. All extensions are installed into the extensions folder under your Firefox profile. Our extension is within the subfolder:
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great add-on. Only flaw is how mp3 downloads are somewhat abnormally large on download (since, if I'm not mistaken, the whole video is downloaded and only then is it converted by FFmpeg) but I guess that's a fine trade-off for not having to depend on a 3rd-party.
Anyway, I just wanted to make a feature request to allow having multiple default folders based on the file format (ex mp4s will be saved to my videos while mp3s will be saved to my music). Thank you.
Thanks for the 5 star review! Yes you are right, the whole video is required to convert to MP3 but CYS will always download the smallest video file with high enough audio quality to produce the desired output. As for your feature request, it’s a good idea…we’ll consider it for a future update, thanks.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
for now can use realplayer it still downloads from youtube and so does youtube downloader
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( you for the stars. Will you, please, also spread the word about CYS in other circles, thank you. :)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Can't get it to work with FF15.0.1, unfortunately. All of the menus appear, but it never creates the save file. I removed all cookies, as suggested, but still no go. Real bummer.
Update #1: As seen below, I was asked to be "realistic" in my review. As much as I love the idea behind an app, I have to provide my review upon my experience with it... if I can't get it to work after trying all previously posted methods, then it's still broken. Stars are not given for grand ideas, they're given for how well a product works. Work well and you get 4-5 stars... fail to work at all and you get 1 star.
I downloaded the new version a few days ago, but a busy schedule has prevented me from trying it. Should the latest version work when I try it, I will update this review and change the rating.
That is as realistically fair as I can expect any reviewer to be.
Update #2: IT WORKS! It's everything I expected it to be based upon the options provided, but it took the most recent update to get it working with YouTube.
Changing my rating appropriately, as promised.
Please, try to be realistic. A 1-star review is hardly fair considering the effort going into developing this extension. YT may change their system any time, and this may break our software - without this having anything to do with the overall quality of our work.
Please, use version 3.4.1+, it works perfectly, and cookies are not an issue.
Thank you for giving CYS a second chance, highly appreciated! Thank you! :)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
For the last couple of days Ver 3.0.2 is not functioning. It lists the different available formats as before, but Firefox then downloads only a few bytes – 16 or 26bytes - nothing is written to the directory.
Otherwise & until now, CYtS would be my goto plugin for Yt download functionality. So, rated 5.
Anyone else experiencing this aberrant behaviour?
And now, 2012-08-21, I update the above with the advice that this issue be parked meantime. I've disabled CYS (latest version), disabled recently-installed Ghostery (latest version) gone back to FFv14 (latest version), (had been on beta release channel FF15 with auto-updates) ..... all to no avail on this Toshiba W7 64bit.
I did however then discover I was also experiencing the same issue with DownloadHelper 4.9.9. So - I reckon it's some problem on my laptop with FF's downloading.
Other machines here running XP & Vista Business are experiencing no CTS issues whatsoever.
And now updating again - Aug 22nd, @ 10.05am GMT, problem solved. Did as cg-addons (Developer) advised, deleted all youtube cookies and can again now download with no problems. Thanks for the hint..!!
Thank you for your fair review! I am not able to confirm any problem on Firefox 14.0.1 or SeaMonkey 2.11., downloads/conversions are working perfectly from where I am. There may be sporadic problems with YT, it happens. Video file corruption would affect one file (one particular video format for a particular YT video), YT database corruption may affect several videos/files, or server outage may affect users in a geographical area, as a load-balancing server might drop out without the system realizing it immediately. For us to be able to help you more specifically, please, send us an email with more specific information, i.e. YT video(s) affected, CYS version, FFox version.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excelente herramienta para descargar y transformar el video en MP3, los otros complementos que busque no me fueron efectivos como este.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.