Rated 3 out of 5 stars

I installed this add-on on my PC at home (Windows 7 64 b), where it doesn't work: i.e. the add-on panel appears in Lightning; upon clicking it requires identification, after that a web page appears (KAMPP) that has nothing to do with it; after closing that web page, the add-on starts syncing and stalls there forever. I also installed it at work, on a Windows XP 32 b machine, and it works like charm. Is there anything I can do to have it work on W 7 64?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.3.1). 

Make sure you're not running a very old version of TB, then try creating a new Thunderbird profile and testing the add-on there. This will tell if a conflict with some other add-on or setting is the culprit.

A quick guide to managing profiles can be found here:

I can only reply once per review, so please use the support site for any follow-ups.