Reviews for Send Later
266 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Wonderful and so helpful! Thank you very much!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.2.9).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Es un gran complemento, muy útil si se quiere respetar el tiempo de descanso de los receptores de tu correo.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.2.7).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
What's the point if you have to be online to send a message ? Useless...
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.2.7).As Scotty once said to Captain Kirk, I can't change the laws of physics. The code for Send Later runs in Thunderbird and therefore Thunderbird needs to be online for scheduled messages to be sent.
Given that there are around 100,000 users of the add-on, it seems that there are a large number of people who don't believe it's "useless."
The user guide offers alternatives if this requirement is not workable for you:
Giving the add-on a one-star review because it doesn't do something which is literally impossible for it to do is a bit much.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It works perfectly although it is a bit complicated to setup.
Edit: The first thing I would simplify would be the main menu that pops up when you select the send later. I would like the shortcuts to be on top since those are the most used ones. I would also have a default shortcut for next day at 8 or 9 since that is what most people would use the send later fuctionality for (probably). I know that send in 15 minutes or 2 hours is useful too but the next morning is what is being used 99% of the time (Perhaps it is a me problem and I am being out of touch). I would also redesign the manual input of day and time because it does not work if a conflicting input is selected under it in the between hours and days. Probably splitting in 3 modes would be the most ergonomic design. 1 for shortcuts, 2 for recur, 3 for completely manual. If manual is selected it will go without checking what is in the between inputs. Also I found no fuctionality for the shortcuts "add to outbox" and "send now" from the default settings. Send now is the default of thunderbird and add to outbox is not really useful since it would stay there and probably would be forgotten.
I know that probably those things are small and almost everything can be customised how I want it but since you asked I answered xD Great job anyway and I really like your work. You are awsome to create something so useful and be so kind to also ask for info to improve it!
Thanks for the feedback. Any specific things you'd like to see simplified?
EDITED TO ADD: A lot of what you are suggesting here is personal preference, and I am doubtful that your assumptions about what other people use "99% of the time" are entirely accurate.
I am not sure what you mean when you say "it does not work if a conflicting input is selected under it in the between hours and days." but it sounds like you're saying that there's some sort of bug, so I'd like to explore that further. This isn't really a good forum for back-and-forth, so if you want to continue this discussion I'd recommend either emailing, or starting one or more issues or discussions in GitHub about the issues you see and/or changes you'd like to be made to the UI (I would not recommend grouping all of your suggestions into one message as you did above; you should create separate issues or discussions for each category of change.
As for whether it should be an issue or discussion, if you'd like to get input from other people about whether they agree with your proposed changes then a discussion would probably be the right thing to do.
You can do issues here:
or discussions here:
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excelente... un poco compleja de usar al inicio, pero cumple con lo que promete y es muy flexible y personalizable
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.2.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Espectacular! Mil gracias!!!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.0.11).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Works pefectly with gmail. The only issue, and it's one which seems to be confusing some users, is that certain other mail providers are not compatible with the method for scheduling a message in the drafts folder.
For example, gmail is compatible, gmx is not. In the latter case, messages are kept in the drafts folder.
When you check the drafts folder, the first column header in the message list is the Send Later schedule time. If it shows any date/time at all, everything is fine and the message surely will send as planned.
If on the contrary, the phrase "Encryption compatibility problem" is shown, then you are out of luck because your email provider can not handle this.
I'm not aware of this specific incompatibility and I'd like to try to get to the root of it. Can you email me at and I will work with you to try to figure out what's going on and see if it's fixable? Thanks!
This may be an issue if you're using PGP on an account and you have Send Later configured to encrypt drafts. There is a workaround for this. Email me and I'll walk you through it.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I just downloaded "Send later" add-on and it seems to be working fine.
Being a senior citizen I scheduled daily mails at 10 a.m., alerting my family members I may need their help if I was incapacitated to contact them. My intention was to cancel sending such mails each day before 10 a.m. if I was OK and did need their help on the day.
I miss an additional button in the add-on that would allow me to cancel only the next scheduled sending without affecting any future scheduled times. Is this feature a possibility? Thanks.
Thanks for the suggestion! That's a cool idea. I've opened a ticket for us to track it at . Don't have an ETA, but we'll consider it when prioritizing future work on the add-on.
EDITED TO ADD [2023-08-26]: This is implemented in the current prerelease ( ) which will be released soon.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Make it possible to use this add-on for a variety of emails. For example, in the list of emails. For 5 selected emails - apply the "Send within a week" function (or others).
Another note - TB is slowing down a lot because of this add-on (~ 150 messages are planned).
I've created a ticket for your suggestion at . It's a reasonable idea, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it. You should know that you can use the Mail Merge add-on to schedule multiple form letters with Send Later.
Regarding the speed problem, this should be addressed in the current version, but if not, then you should make sure that all of your Drafts folders are configured for offline synchronization; I think that will speed things up considerably.
EDITED 2023-08-25 to add: This feature is implemented in the new pre-release / beta version of the add-on. See . Please try it out and send feedback to !
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.0.6).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Works perfectly Thunderbird, 91.4.0, Mac Montery 12.0.1
Thank you
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Ce module est très utile et fonctionnait parfaitement. Mais depuis la dernière mise à jour de TB (version 91.3 chez moi) il ne fonctionne plus. Help !
This add-on is most useful and worked perfectly. But since last update of TB (I have now version 91.3) it does not worf, au secours !
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.0.6).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I absolutely love this plug-in. Unfortunately recently for domains, all e-mail sent vial "Send Later" is bounced. I imagine it's because of the listed time in the header which is not the same as the time sent. Bounced e-mails come with a link for fixing the problem: It took me ages to figure out that it had something to do with Send Later - but it is: only those e-mails to e-mailadresses ending with which were sent via this plugin bounce. This is super sad, but I'll still use it for everything else and can only hope this problem will be fixed one day. Thank you so much for working on this wonderful add-on!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (9.0.6).The issue you described should be fixed in the latest version of send later. Please check that the extension is up to date, and let me know if it is still not working with gmx accounts (
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
The most important add-on for Thunderbird. Before i upgrade to a new TB version i always check send-later is already supported on it.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This add-on work fine on my TB, but i found one missed function that is important, we need Send Later can do auto update attachements. I've set scheduling my message with attachement, but it's keep old attachement in next sent. Tobe know, the attachment files are daily update with many data change. Hope you can solve this, thank you.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (8.9.8).Thank yo for the feedback. Auto-updating attachments is a challenging feature to implement, but I have opened a ticket to remind myself to look into options for how to do it.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent. It works as promised, very practical and useful, especially for me who work in late hours. I'm a paying subscriber. Worth it! Though the interface can be simpler.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (8.9.5).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This app has been working great for me :). Not much more to say! I'm running the latest Thunderbird, 78.12.0 and works great.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (8.9.4).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
thanks! Very useful! :-)
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (8.9.4).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
To use Send Later, no OpenPGP key can be associated to the account.
With OpenPGP key associated, draft is saved with encryption by the key.
This makes Send Later fail due to `Encryption compatibility issue`.
Probably Send Later cannot decrypt the scheduled mail by itself.
OpenPGP having been promoted as a standard feature of Thunderbird,
it would be nice if Send Later could handle this
(Though I know considering OpenPGP behavior would be too hard or perhaps impossible).
Edit on Thu Jun-17-2021 (Reply):
Got it. I'll wait for the Thunderbird update. Thank you!
Send Later can't handle this case because of a deficiency in Thunderbird. The Thunderbird development team is in the process of addressing this deficiency. Soon there will be a way to avoid this issue. See
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