Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Did work until recently very well, now I had to delete this add-on because in Version 102.11.2 and the version before it slowed down my TB, made it unusable and I could synchronize my Google Calendar also without it - only "Google Tasks" are no longer synchronizable.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Works well both ways, thank you. Could you please add time sync for Google tasks and other fields supported (like tasks.org)? For now tasks are shown as all-day events only, without any options to set the time

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This works well; both ways. I just checked. Thank you so much to the people writing the program. Thunderbird 102.10.0 provider for google: last update November 13, 2022

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I installed this in the latest T'bird. I did get a notice from Google "Provider for Google Calendar was granted access to your linked Google Account". It did duplicate my "home" calendar on T'bird with one using my Google email. But it didn't actually do what I needed it for, make my T'bird calendar entries visible on my phone's Google calendar. It just doesn't sync, though it did pull in one entry I made from the phone onto T'bird. So it's basically broken.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

I give it three stars at present for being a uni-directional tool. It syncs from Thunderbird's calendar to Google's calendar fine. It does NOT sync from Google calendar to Thunderbird's calendar. Thus, I have to be careful to have orphaned listings in Google that I forget about. Happy to upgrade stars when it becomes bi-directional.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Dates imported from .ics files show the right time prior to importing, but are added to calendars with a wrong time (+2 hours for me). This issue has already been reported to your github page in February.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Sorry as other have written the synchronization has taken its toll and essentially locked up Thunderbird doing just small actions. If you update the add-on please let us know.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

due to massive synchronisation problems that constantly result in thunderbird freezing, the programme is unfortunately no longer suitable for fluid work.
I was very satisfied until december last year.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Super !

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I installed this on recommendation to gain additional functionality in sync with Google Tasks.

What I did notice after a while was the Calendar was not updating existing entries when changed outside of Thunderbird. The synchronise calendar function seemed ineffective.

Only when Thunderbird was recycled, did it make an attempt to aligning its copy of the calendar with that which was shown on Google's server.

In the end, I disabled the plugin, which removed all the calendars, so I reinstalled Thunderbird to restore the calendars that were setup during that install.

It did get the Task functionality I sought, but the cost was too high, so I continued with my previous work-around.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Works well, but I might notuse it as extensively as most might with many changes to calendar items.
The reason for 4 stars is the reminder does not always allow me to dismiss appointments, not sure if its a Thunderbird / add-on issue. Its as easy as just closing the popup window though.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Why does this add-on require full access to my entire computer. That's a big nope (for ANYTHING requesting that level of access).

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

DO NOT INSTALL THIS ADDON! It is no longer needed to integrate Google calendars into Thunderbird, but it CAUSES MASSIVE PROBLEMS! I had to deal with crashes, ghosting, zombie meetings etc for a year before I noticed that all problems go away if I simply REMOVE THIS ADDON! I actually opened a bug in bugzilla and they told me, "not our problem, that problem is caused by the addon".

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Bonjour tous,

Cela refonctionne chez moi, il faut suivre à la procédure ci-dessous :

Ce qui empêche ce "module" de fonctionner c'est un changement de l'API Google Calendar.
Pour refaire fonctionner ce module il faut :

1) Supprimer le module dans Thunderbird en exécutant Thunderbird en mode sans échec, faire la combinaison des touches "Windows"+"R", Il s'ouvre la fenêtre "Exécuter" et taper : « Thunderbird -safe-mode ».

2) Puis il faut supprimer dans Thunderbird tous vos agendas google créés avec ce module.

3) Puis il faut supprimer les autorisations données au module dans votre compte Google.
Une fois dans votre compte Google faite une recherche "applications tierces" et supprimer l'autorisation de "Provider for Google Calendar"

4)Réinstallez le module "Provider for Google Calendar" dans Thunderbird, ajoutez vos agendas google.
Une nouvelle autorisation va se créer vers la nouvelle API google Calendar.

Tout doit de nouveau fonctionner parfaitement, cela a été le cas pour moi.

Hello all,

It works again for me, you have to follow the procedure below:

What prevents this "module" from working is a change in the Google Calendar API.
To make this module work again you need:

1) Remove the module in Thunderbird by running Thunderbird in safe mode, press the key combination "Windows"+"R", The "Run" window opens and type: "Thunderbird -safe-mode".

2) Then you must delete in Thunderbird all your google calendars created with this module.

3) Then you must delete the authorizations given to the module in your Google account.
Once in your Google account, search for ”Apps allowed”and remove the authorization for "Provider for Google Calendar"

4)Reinstall the "Provider for Google Calendar" module in Thunderbird, add your google calendars.
A new authorization will be created for the new Google Calendar API.

Everything should work perfectly again, it did for me.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Calendar and Tasks:

It works, and I use it everyday. Many calendars!

But the syncing has to be improved when an appointment has changed on server and the laptop was in suspend mode with started thunderbird.

Many popup windows with the same question regarding where it has to be changed (on server or locally) and thunderbird has long response for everything.

Then it is terrible, the popup windows are too much and thunderbird has to be killed and restarted.

I have not found a setting to preselect this decision (not in thunderbird and not in the addon setting area)

Additional with google tasks (calendar: List of...user) it is only possible to set a day, but not a time.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Dismissing notifications is broken, clicking dismiss does nothing.

Changing events on GCal's web UI does not update the calendar in Thunderbird.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Seems to be fundamentally broken. It *gets* information from GC, but any *change* to a GC entry causes [at least] two problems:

1) the local (to Thunderbird) calendar entry is not updated
2) you get into an inescapable UI loop with two dialog boxes, one of which says the item has changed and asks whether you want to discard/submit.

Regardless of the selection, you then get an event reminder popup, which when dismissed results in the first dialog box appearing, again. And again.

Nice idea, but just doesn't work at all.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Works great! Developer was fast-acting when Google changed their OAuth API and broke everything.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

thunderbird version 102.7.1 (64-bit). Does not sync with google calendar and even does not display Google Calendar as a possible choice when setting a new event. 5 stars if this problem is fixed and if it is given to the user the possibility to choose the default calendar.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3). 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

2 months ago,it would have a 5* rating. Now it's stopped syncing and I have missed appointments, so I must give it the lowest rating. According to other reviews, this is a problem for many that has not been addressed.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (102.0.3).