Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
BBC News by Wil Clouser (clouserw), pmpcat
3 weekly downloads
Search for the latest news from the BBC.
Marriott Hotel Search by City/Airport Code by
3 weekly downloads
Search hotels by city or airport code and book directly at for the best rates guaranteed, Marriott Rewards points and the ability to change most reservations with no penalties.
Project Gutenberg by charlener
3 weekly downloads
Search engine add-on for public domain e-books in Project Gutenberg via book title search.
Googeefree Search Plugin by Greg Hosilyk
3 weekly downloads
Now you can search Google without getting Experts-exchange results.
SourceForge search plugin by sagar38
3 weekly downloads
This search plugin allows you to search in Sourceforge. by Geezmo
3 weekly downloads
Search for movie plot on Plots are in hungarian language! - World Clock Search by TimeAndDate
3 weekly downloads
Search the World Clock, the biggest time zone-related website in the world.
SpamMeNot - m4t by jusore
3 weekly downloads
Check temporally email accounts (without need to create it). It is recommended to use it together with BugMeNot.
JobTweet - Twitter Jobsuchmaschine by jobtweet
3 weekly downloads - Twitter Job Searchengine
Search Twitter for Job Openings
Berilium - Torrents Search by Berilium
3 weekly downloads
With this addon you will be able to search over 200 top torrent sites and trackers fastly using a unique page that will show you all your wanted files filtered by score. Try it now, you will love it.
Magento Search by rcastera
3 weekly downloads
Magento Search - A Search toolbar for Magento's Forum, Knowledge Base, WIKI, Blog, Features, etc.
(All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.)
BTScene torrents by janco13
3 weekly downloads offers free torrents, no registration required.
Earth Vista by ziatia
3 weekly downloads
Earth Vista - Search everything in one place - by
Lyrics Search by YmSchaap
3 weekly downloads
Find your favorite lyrics. Search our lyrics database with over 10,000 lyrics.
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.