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Go Google
Open google instantly with this super fast add on.And its just < 10KB.!
No need to type google in your address bar anymore.Just try this awesome to open up google instantly.
Couch Managers Mock Draft Monitor
Requires Restart
Follow your slow CouchManagers mock draft from your status bar. Keep track of the draft progress and know right when you're on the clock.
Requires Restart
Use your mouse-wheel to select the next message by placing the mouse over the right hand side of the message list pane and then scrolling.
Send Format LDAP
Requires Restart
Gets supported email formats (text/HTML) by the recipients from LDAP directories.
Check Recipients
Requires Restart
Checks the existence of email addresses of all recipients in Compose message window from local address books and LDAP directories.
Paste Feed Location
Requires Restart
Fix bug 296542 by adding a Paste context menu to the Feed Properties (add subscription) dialog.
Options Toolbar Button
Requires Restart
This is a small devision of Michael Buckley's Toolbar Buttons extension. or
Linux Growl
Requires Restart
Sends linux notifications using notify-send when a new email or a RSS feed is received.
sudo apt-get install notify-osd
Print Preview Toolbar Button
Requires Restart
A small devision of Toolbar Buttons or
Patch to Alert Invalid Addresses
Requires Restart
Shows alert if there is any invalid address in sending message.
Requires Restart
While you're surfing your favorite pages/topics on the web TipTopic informs you on who else is browsing the same pages/topics and is interested in/ available for discussion. Enjoy live dialog with your favorite topic followers while surfing the web!
Kardia CRM Add-on for Thunderbird
Requires Restart
(beta) Integrates with the Kardia CRM system, to provide information about the people in the Kardia CRM database directly via Thunderbird.
NOTE: This add-on requires a Kardia CRM server (see description for more information).
Requires Restart
This extension adds a menu option (and a toolbar button) to compose an email "with attachments"...
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.