Auto Resize Image Version History

25 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 1.1.0 181.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 60.*

* An option has been added to display the interactive settings dialog vertically (default and standard layout) or horizontally (new layout).

* Exif reading skills have been enhanced to extract Exif data from files which store them in uncommon ways.

* Exif reading is now aborted if it lasts more than 10 seconds, thus preventing the addon to stay blocked infinitely.

* Exif reading displays now some messages into error console.

* Formatting skills of exif values have been enhanced:
Rational values (which could be displayed as unreduced fractions) can now be displayed as reduced fractions or as 1/D fractions.
Decimal part of decimal values are now rounded rather than simply cut.
Integer part of any number can now be formatted and filled with leading zeros to get the desired digits count.

* Settings dialog has been enhanced so that some settings are disabled if no user values are set (e.g.: renaming is disabled if no renaming pattern is set).

* bugfix: GPS and interoperability data from Exif data were not extracted anymore (bug introduced in v0.15.3).
Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 60.*
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Version 1.0.0 175.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 60.*

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v59.* to v60.*.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the v58/v59/v60 TB barriers (previous version was only really compatible with TV <= v57).

* Due do its long-time stability and the absence of requests for new realistic features or upgrades, the addon versioning has been moved to v1.x.
Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 60.*
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Version 0.15.3 175.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 59.*

* An option has been added to remove undo information in 'button mode' resizing.
This also allows to remove undo information when saving the mail as draft whereas images have been processed through 'resize button'.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v57.* to v59.*.
Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 59.*
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Version 0.15.2 175.1 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 57.0

* bugfix: If interactive mode was disabled and automatic orientation upon Exif data was selected, then the addon crashed if the first image did not contained Exif data.

* bugfix: Resizing dimensions were not updated when orientation was set upon Exif data.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v56.* to v57.0.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the "v57" TB barrier.
Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 57.0
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Version 0.15.1 174.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 56.0

* Automatic orientation from Exif data is now used for all images in the resizing session when "do not ask again" has been checked in interactive settings dialog.

* Automatic orientation from Exif data is now used even if interactive settings is disabled.
Works with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.15.0 173.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* Exif data contained in the file are now read and displayed in interactive dialog if there are any.
NB1: These Exif data can only be handled if TB itself handles a file and not an image, meaning generally reading of Exif data will only be available for attachment images, and maybe for some inline images related to the version of TB...
NB2: All these Exif data are ripped off from the file when the image is resized.

* Orientation information from Exif data is used to get the native orientation of the image and pre-select the right transformations (rotation & flip) in the interactive settings dialog.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.14.6 127.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* Debug messages are now timestamped with local time.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances images could be falsely considered as "not attached to the message", and thus be skipped through the resizing process.

* bugfix: Decoding of filenames containing special characters was incomplete, thus leaving some base64-encoded charaters (e.g. %25 for '&').
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.14.5 126.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* Deletion of inline images can now be undone (available when an image has been deleted through interactive settings).

* A new interactive settings' option allows to force resizing whenever a transformation has been applied even if no resizing would be triggered given current settings.

* A new debug option allows to export settings in a file, allowing to send it to support contact.

* bugfix: When deleting an inline image through interactive settings, there could be some information left that may lead to an error message about the deleted image.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.14.4 125.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* bugfix: The addon is now fully compatible with TB versions >= 52.*.
With previous ARI versions, resizing of inline images needed to confirm a TB security warning when the resized image was replacing the old one. This message was "Thunderbird has blocked a file from loading etc."

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v52.* to v56.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.14.3 124.4 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* Management of remote backup settings in interactive settings dialog has been enhanced.

* bugfix: If 'debug log to file' mode was enabled and writing to file encountered an error, then the addon enters an infinite loop which makes TB consume all computer ressources.

* Some missing german translations have been translated.

* Some french typos have been fixed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.14.0 124.4 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* Attachment images stored as mailbox or imap images are now fully handled. These types of images are used in received/sent or draft/model messages, and also when using the feature 'Edit as new message'.

* In interactive settings dialog, a new set of checkboxes allows to individually enable or disable resizing for all kinds of attachment images.

* Image preview in interactive settings dialog has been improved.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances image preview in interactive settings dialog displayed an error message whereas the preview has been done properly.

* bugfix: For TB >= v.8.*, if the settings 'Resize only selected attachment images' and 'resize all attachment images if none is selected' were enabled, and if a previous attachment file had been removed from attachments list and replaced by another, then no image were found when starting the resizing.

* bugfix: Reserved places for image in interactive settings dialog where incorrectly calculated. Thus rotation for mainly horizontal or vertical images was changing the dialog layout.

* bugfix: In interactive settings, all settings modifications were taken into account for next image when an image was deleted.

* bugfix: With interactive mode on, if 'Apply all settings to this session' was checked and the option 'Do not ask again' ticked, then if the latter option was unticked in resizing session and the image was skipped, so 'Do not ask again' unticked was taken into account and the next images were resized without being displayed in interactive settings dialog with the parameters of the first image of the resizing session.

* bugfix: With interactive mode on, if the setting 'Do not ask again' for 'Apply all settings to this session' was checked during any image resizing but the first one, and then the current image was skipped or deleted, then the next images were resized without being displayed in interactive settings dialog with the parameters of the last displayed image of the resizing session.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v51.* to v52.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.13.11 122.4 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 51.0

* bugfix: The setting 'Tick "Do not ask again"' was taken into account even if the setting 'Tick "Apply all settings to this session"' was unselected, thus this displayed the interactive settings dialog only for the first image.

* bugfix: The default setting of interactive mode dialog 'Tick "General > Do not ask again"' did not work: Setting "General > Do not ask again" was not selected.

* bugfix: An image skipped through the interactive mode trigger criteria could be automatically resized if it was big enough to match resizing dimensions.

* bugfix: An error message was displayed in error console when closing dialog if no image had been resized.

* bugfix: For TB >= v48.*, an inconsequential final error message was displayed.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v48.* to v51.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 51.0
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Version 0.13.10 122.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 48.0

* A new button in interactive settings dialog allows to delete the image from the message (mainly usefull for replied or forwarded messages).

* Size of original image file and estimated size of resized image file are now displayed in interactive settings dialog.
NB: Only available for attachment images, inline url-encoded images (named 'base64') and inline images stored as local files (named 'file').

* bugfix: An error message was displayed in error console when closing dialog if no image had been resized.

* bugfix: For TB >= v31.* the recipients filtering did not work.

* bugfix: HTTP images where not handled correctly and the resizing crashed, this blocked also the sending (bug introduced in v0.13.9).

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v46.* to v48.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 48.0
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Version 0.13.8 120.1 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 46.0

* bugfix: For TB >= v42.*, drawing image and resizing crashed (one more time, no thanks to mozilla developers who change standard API functions in a way that they are not compatible with older versions).

* bugfix: In interactive options dialog, some graphical objects were not greyed out when image thumbnail was beeing computed.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v44.* to v46.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 46.0
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Version 0.13.7 119.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 44.0

* A default setting has been added for interactive settings dialog which allows to tick automatically the 'do not ask again' checkbox.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v42.* to v44.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 44.0
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Version 0.13.6 119.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 42.0

* bugfix: For TB >= v36.*, drawing image crashed (no thanks to mozilla developers who changed standard API functions in a way that they are not compatible with older versions).

* bugfix: For TB <= v12, image file size of attachment images was not computed correctly (bug of native API).

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v36.* to v42.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 42.0
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Version 0.13.4 119.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 36.0

* In options and interactive options dialogs, for each dimension setting with a width list and a height list, then both lists have been merged into one and only. When selecting an item in the list, then the selected value will be used both for width and height.
It is still possible to have separated width and height settings using the setting "differenciate width and height".

* The item 'manual' has been added to every dimension list: this setting allows to resize the image following the exact display size of the image when it has been manually resized by the user.
Of course this setting is only relevant for inline images. For attachment images which can't be visually resized, there is a specific setting where the size value is defined.

* A new setting allows to skip inline images which are not attached to the message, which stands for images which are just linked and not embedded into message (the related HTML tag is moz-do-not-send).

* The addon allows now to filter files which have been backuped on a remote service such as cloud, preventing to resize images which have already been handled through TB feature called 'filelink'.

* The addon provides now a loading/resizing timeout which allows to cancel the running process if its execution time exceeds a specific duration.
Nb: Please leave high values (20-30 seconds) to allow time for large images to load.

* In interactive settings dialog, "skip" and "cancel" buttons are now displayed whatever is the selected tab of the settings.

* When updating addon, changes and modifications of settings (if needed) are done right at TB start, and not anymore when opening compose dialog.

* When updating addon, if main icon has been previously removed from toolbar then its display is not forced anymore and it is left in the customization palette.

* The addon allows now to log debug information directly into a user-defined file.

* bugfix: For TB >= v24.*, when clicking the 'reset to factory defaults' button, final warning message was not displayed.

* bugfix: If main icon has been removed from toolbar then addon crashed when loading while opening compose dialog, hence some initializations were not fully completed.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances inline images were not analyzed properly and resizing crashed.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v25.* to v36.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 36.0
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Version 0.13.1 99.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0

* Some german translation strings have been corrected.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances, handling of parallel runs did not block automatic resizing through "auto-save-as-draft" whereas another resizing was already in progress.

* bugfix: User-defined renaming patterns of interactive settings dialog containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0
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Version 0.13.0 99.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0

* Basic graphics edition features have been added. Transformations are available through interactive settings dialog only:
- flip (horizontally, vertically)
- rotation (-90°, +90°, 180°)
- cropping (left, right, up and down)

* Preview of image in interactive settings dialog reflects transformations applied in real time. Update of preview can be disabled to enhance addon reactivity.
Nb: This is only a comfort feature because a thumbnail image is built as soon as interactive settings dialog opens, so the addon reacts quite smoothly even for very big images (in interactive settings dialog transformations are applied to thumbnail).

* Opacity of cropping layer in preview of image in interactive settings dialog can be changed.

* Transformations settings can be saved all along a resizing session, so this allows to apply automatically same transformations to several images.

* A setting allows to set whether transformations are applied before or after resizing (rotation and cropping change dimensions of final image if they're applied after resizing).

* In interactive settings dialog, new dimensions are now displayed. This information is updated when changing settings (max dimensions, transformations, etc.)

* If image filename displayed in interactive settings dialog is too long and cropped (default maximum size is 40-characters long) then full name is added as tooltip information for filename label.

* The whole interactive settings dialog has been redesigned.

* It's possible to define some default settings for interactive settings dialog, such as maximum dimension of preview image, opacity of cropping layer, value of several checkboxes.

* It's now possible to keep original dimensions when "resizing" images. This allows to use other "non-resizing" features, such as format conversion, removal of exif data, transformations, etc.

* Feature which allows to skip images from messages which are replied to or forwarded (added in v0.12.2) has been replaced by a specific checkboxes set which allow to individually enable or disable resizing for all kinds of inline images.

* Some localization typos have been corrected.

* Dutch translation has been added (thanks to Arnold Groot).

* German translation has been updated and added again (thanks to just4fun73de).

* bugfix: If "auto-save-as-draft" was fired whereas interactive settings dialog was displayed then resizing crashed as soon as dialog was closed.
Nb: Please note that if some resizing is enabled when auto-saving-as-draft (see settings dialog > General > Actions > Save automatically as draft), then auto-saving is disabled during active time of interactive settings dialog (when it is displayed).

* bugfix: If the same image (same URL) was added several times as image to resize (body images), then every occurrence was resized following the settings of the first one.

* bugfix: If reducing images was disabled in settings dialog then interactive settings dialog crashed and resizing was performed using general settings.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v21.* to v25.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0
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Version 0.12.2 73.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 21.0a1

* Interactive mode supports now trigger criteria, allowing to skip interactive mode for images whose dimensions are below user-defined limits.
This setting can be enabled or disabled and is also available in quick settings.

* A new feature allows to skip images from messages which are replied to or forwarded.

* In interactive settings dialog, clicking "apply to global settings" does not disable "apply to this session" checkboxes.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 21.0a1
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Version 0.12.0 72.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 21.0a1

* The addon offers now an 'interactive settings mode': this mode displays a dialog for each image to resize allowing to set some settings (dimensions, jpeg quality, name) for resizing of this image only.
This dialog offers also to keep current settings as settings for all other resizings through the session or to crush default settings.

* The addon offers now to set main settings through a "quick settings" menu into addon custom button displayed in toolbar (Nb: On Mac OS X, seems menuitems are not visibly checked when clicking on them).

* If images are converted to jpeg or png format, then file extension is now forced to new format.

* bugfix: When installing or upgrading the addon on MacOS systems with Gloom not installed, no information popup dialog was displayed and the addon crashed.

* bugfix: User-defined list of patterns to filter filenames which contained non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: User-defined list of patterns to filter screenshots which contained non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: User-defined renaming patterns containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: Image filenames containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly if resizing was undone.

* bugfix: If no file was attached and resizing was fired then an improper warning message was displayed ("no recipients").

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v20.* to v21.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 21.0a1
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Version 0.11.2 59.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 20.0a1

* Inline images handling has been rewritten using more API functions, thus enhancing stability.

* The addon is now able to handle http images which are drag-&-dropped from the browser or added using an http link.

* Resizing dimensions panel offers now several predefined sizes in a list. However it's still possible to define a custom resizing size.

* It's now possible to force format of resizing images in one of both native formats (JPEG or PNG).

* New options have been added to renaming pattern to insert automatically current date or current time in resized image file name.
Date and time formats used in renaming are editable through settings dialog.

* Resized images aspect is no longer kept for images which are added through formatting toolbar button ('insert an image'). Nevertheless a new setting has been added which allows to display resized images with original aspect.

* Some help dialogs have been added in order to guide user through addon configuration.

* Behaviour, relations and messages of settings dialog have been enhanced to improve accessibility for non-sighted people.

* If undoing resizing is set so that a confirmation is asked, it's now possible to disable the setting through displayed confirmation dialog.

* Execution of compression can now be filtered regarding recipients of the message being composed: user can define separated white and black lists of patterns which can control if compression if skipped or not regarding if one or all email recipients match given patterns.

* A new feature allows to skip resizing of images whose file size is lower than a user-defined limit.

* German translation has been removed (former official german translator did not answered me for several months and its email address is invalid).

* Icelandic translation has been added (thanks to Sveinn í Felli).

* Some minor changes.

* bugfix: When resizing an image file with the same name as an already-resized image file but with a different case, image file was given a doublon name. Now doublon-names check is case-insensitive.

* bugfix: Image formats setting was case-sensitive, thus setting formats with another value than "*" could lead not to resize all images if the extension wasn't exactly case-sensitively specified.

* bugfix: At settings dialog startup or when resetting dialog, if one of resizing setting ('enlarge'/'reduce') was disabled and one of its related dimension setting was set to 'custom' then related textbox was not disabled.

* bugfix: Jpeg quality setting was not taken in account for TB >= v7.0 (canvas API for handling of jpeg quality setting has changed since this version).

* bugfix: Context menu for attached files in attachment box was not displayed for TB starting from v8.*.

* bugfix: Images embedded into messages from imap accounts were not handled if message was replyed or forwarded.

* bugfix: Https images drag-&-dropped from the browser or added using a link were not handled; previously only http images (without the final 's') were handled.

* bugfix: Http(s) images whose link did not finished with an image filename were not handled.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v6.* to v20.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 20.0a1
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Version 0.9.0 48.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 8.*

* Inline images are now handled: they can be resized and unresized like attachment images.

* Settings dialog offers full control on how images are resized: inline and/or attachment images can be resized when "sending now", "sending later", "sending in background", "saving message as draft", "saving message as template", "auto saving as draft" or not.
For each mode, it's also possible to specify if undo is possible or not, and if resizing should be skipped if any image has already been resized (generally using dedicated custom button).

* If message is saved in mailbox (draft, template, send later, etc.), then it's possible to resize or unresize inline images once the message is edited.

* Resized attachment images can be displayed with a user-chosen style in attachments pane (color, italic and/or bold).

* Renaming resized images is now smarter enough to avoid doublons.

* It's now possible to enable or disable regular expressions in source filename filtering.

* A special filter has been added for copy/pasted images. Regular expressions can be enabled or disabled for this filter.

* Temporary files created while resizing are now stored in a dedicated subdirectory of system temporary directory. This subdirectory is flushed and deleted as soon as composing dialog is closed (when message is sent or dialog is closed).

* For TB >= v5, the addon installation files are not unpacked anymore in extensions directory.

* Swedish translation has been added (thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs).

* bugfix: The addon crashed when undoing resizing of image files whose original source file is also individually attached.

* bugfix: The addon crashed when using source filename filtering with regular expressions enabled and the renaming pattern contains an invalid regular expression.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 8.*
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Version 0.5.2 27.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre

* The feature which allowed to add a user-defined suffix to be appended to resized images has been replaced by a renaming feature. Resized images can be renamed with a user-defined pattern.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre
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Version 0.5.0 26.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre

Initial release.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.2a1pre
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