Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great Addon! Thanks a lot.But I have a problem each time I try to add a new task in Thunderbird. I get a error message that the calendar can not be modified. I guess this is a problem with RTM or with the free version where you are only allowed to sync once a day. Is there some workaround? Save new entries locally and only sync once per day?Or do I need to upgrade to the pro version of RTM?Thanks a lot. Kind regards

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.3). 

StormCows should work the same whether you have the free or the Pro RTM account. But you might see this message if the RTM list you added is a Smart List. Unfortunately you're not able to add tasks to a Smart List via StormCows right now. I'd like to find a way to work around this in the future:
