ReminderFox Version History

81 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 931.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 4.0b8pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*


    • now handles timezones properly (allowing you properly subscribe or import calendars that define their own timezones, like the NFL calendars here:
    • Now emboldens the current month in the calendar widget (just like today's date is emboldened)
    • When alarms/alerts are suspended from the status icon context menu, the status icon and status text will turn grey to indicate that alarms have been disabled
    • Reminder list and alarm windows now use ReminderFox icon to better differentiate them from other Mozilla windows
    • Can now add a reminder based on an ICS event copied to your clipboard (thanks to Guenter Wahl )
    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed issue where clicking Launch URL was opening up a separate browser window
    • Updated menus for Firefox 4 compatibility
    • Fixed: status messages in Reminder List window would sometimes not be cleared immediately when downloading subscribed reminders
    • A bunch of fixes to ensure alarms always occur when they should:
      • Fixed issue with alarms where some repeating ToDos's were not showing some alarms; if a previous instance was Completed, or if a previous instance originated more than 3 months in the past
      • Fixed: if there was a previous instance of a repeating reminder in the alarm window, you would not be reminded at the time of the next instance. Now, the old instance will be replaced with the latest occurrence of the alarm.
      • Fixed: if there was a snoozed alarm, repeating instances would sometimes not display
    Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
    View other versions

    Version 918.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 4.0b8pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*


      • User request - description text in alarm can now be copied to your clipboard
      • Added 'Go To Today' button on calendar widget
      • When opening reminder list, the calendar will highlight today's date (instead of the date of next upcoming reminder)
      • Added support for additional web-based mail sites
      • For overdue reminders that are marked Remind Daily Until Completed, the list display will now show their original dates in the description
      • Updated for Firefox 4 beta 2
        Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
        View other versions

        Version 918.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 4.0b3pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*

        Version 1.9.8
          New Features:

          • Support for web-mail to allow viewing web-based mails from a reminder. Now if you add a reminder while viewing a Gmail or Yahoo mail message, the reminder will be seen as a mail reminder, and will show up marked as a mail reminder in your reminder list, and when viewing the reminder the mail icon will show which will let you jump to that message in Gmail/Yahoo mail.
          • Added ReminderFox to the Tools file menu for accessibility and ease of access (Menu items: Open ReminderFox, Add Reminder, Add Quick Alarm, Options..., Help)
          • There is a new filter for "All Upcoming Reminders/ToDo's", which will only show upcoming events, and hide all of the previous events.
          • New quicksearch filter option for "Anywhere" which allows you to filter events where the search text occurs in any of the description, notes, category, notes, or location fields.
          • Toolbar tooltip for ReminderFox icon now shows Upcoming Reminders/Todo's - just like the status bar icon.
          • New Toolbar tooltip for QuickAlarm icon - now shows all quick alarms
          • Made Open ReminderFox toolbar icon not look like crap
          • When displaying quick alarm list (in context menu or toolbar icon), the quick alarms will be sorted by next alarm time.
          • Added a button in the Reminder List window to bring up the Options dialog
          • Usability: For setting a Custom repeat option, changed label in drop down from "Custom..." to "Click here for more repeating options". Also, when adding new reminder and Custom repeat is selected, the default Custom Repeat recurrence is set to weekly, as that is the most oft-requested repeat options ("How do I set up a weekday repeating event?")
          • Usability: Added a "cursor pointer" in the calendar when hovering over the next and previous year/month arrows (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • When importing events from the file system or emails to the ReminderFox status bar icon via Drag & Drop, you can now specify a category to set for each of the imported events / todos (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Usability: the dialog for managing 'Default' categories can now be sorted (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
            View improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • There are now a few Reminder Views by default to show some example views (Upcoming Birthdays).
          • 'DATE' has a wider definition for day, week, month, year. TimeSpan definition can go into past and future; used together with 'Export'/'Delete' it can be used for backup and deletion of all past events
          • 'Category' has popup menu as with "Add/Edit Reminder/Todo"
          • Sorting: View Editor has added up/down icons for sorting the 'view' and 'criteria'
          • Changes (edit/sort) will be saved with all actions

            Mail improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Send++: For a better overview which messages have a association to reminders the Send++ now directly tags the 'send' copy stored to the 'Send' folder with the 'ReminderFox' tag.
          • Reminders with 'mailto:' in the URL field (like contact reminders) will fill the mailto: directly into the 'To:' field of the compose window
          • Thunderbird AddressBook - when adding a reminder for a contact, the address book name is added to the Notes; the contact 'Birthday' is also added to the reminder(with to subject and day and month to start date)

          Bug fixes:
          • Update for all the haters out there!! Added preference to remove the "stupid fox paw icon" in the tooltip/alert slider; type about:config in the Firefox URL, and set the preference extensions.reminderFox.hideThatRidiculousFoxPaw=true
          • Fixed: When playing a custom sound for alerts/alarms, only the first few seconds would be played
          • Fixed: The default value for Show In Tooltip was not being honored.
          • Fixed: When viewing quick alarms from the context menu, would sometimes show additional implementation text.
          • Fixed: quick alarms would sometimes pop back up immediately when snoozed
          • Added defensive code to prevent the status icon from not showing in some situations
          • Fixed: Importing pure iCalandar files with only TODOs didn't work

          Bug fixes:

          • Fixed nl localization issues
          • Fixed issue where View list would not refresh in some cases


          • User request - removed column labels for Time label for "all day" and the Repeat label of "none", as they simply cluttered the list and made it more difficult to see the actual information you were interested in.

          Bug Fixes:

          • Fixed issue with older versions of Firefox and Thunderbird; was not able to delete existing reminders.
          • Fixed: when events spanned month boundaries by more than 4 days, they were not showing up on the calendar
            for the next month
          Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
          View other versions

          Version 918.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*

          New Features:
          • Support for web-mail to allow viewing web-based mails from a reminder. Now if you add a reminder while viewing a Gmail or Yahoo mail message, the reminder will be seen as a mail reminder, and will show up marked as a mail reminder in your reminder list, and when viewing the reminder the mail icon will show which will let you jump to that message in Gmail/Yahoo mail.
          • Added ReminderFox to the Tools file menu for accessibility and ease of access (Menu items: Open ReminderFox, Add Reminder, Add Quick Alarm, Options..., Help)

          • There is a new filter for "All Upcoming Reminders/ToDo's", which will only show upcoming events, and hide all of the previous events.
          • New quicksearch filter option for "Anywhere" which allows you to filter events where the search text occurs in any of the description, notes, category, notes, or location fields.
          • Toolbar tooltip for ReminderFox icon now shows Upcoming Reminders/Todo's - just like the status bar icon.
          • New Toolbar tooltip for QuickAlarm icon - now shows all quick alarms
          • Made Open ReminderFox toolbar icon not look like crap
          • When displaying quick alarm list (in context menu or toolbar icon), the quick alarms will be sorted by next alarm time.
          • Added a button in the Reminder List window to bring up the Options dialog
          • Usability: For setting a Custom repeat option, changed label in drop down from "Custom..." to "Click here for more repeating options". Also, when adding new reminder and Custom repeat is selected, the default Custom Repeat recurrence is set to weekly, as that is the most oft-requested repeat options ("How do I set up a weekday repeating event?")
          • Usability: Added a "cursor pointer" in the calendar when hovering over the next and previous year/month arrows (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • When importing events from the file system or emails to the ReminderFox status bar icon via Drag & Drop, you can now specify a category to set for each of the imported events / todos (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Usability: the dialog for managing 'Default' categories can now be sorted (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          View improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • There are now a few Reminder Views by default to show some example views (Upcoming Birthdays).
          • 'DATE' has a wider definition for day, week, month, year. TimeSpan definition can go into past and future; used together with 'Export'/'Delete' it can be used for backup and deletion of all past events
          • 'Category' has popup menu as with "Add/Edit Reminder/Todo"
          • Sorting: View Editor has added up/down icons for sorting the 'view' and 'criteria'
          • Changes (edit/sort) will be saved with all actions

          Mail improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Send++: For a better overview which messages have a association to reminders the Send++ now directly tags the 'send' copy stored to the 'Send' folder with the 'ReminderFox' tag.
          • Reminders with 'mailto:' in the URL field (like contact reminders) will fill the mailto: directly into the 'To:' field of the compose window
          • Thunderbird AddressBook - when adding a reminder for a contact, the address book name is added to the Notes; the contact 'Birthday' is also added to the reminder(with <year> to subject and day and month to start date)

          Bug fixes:
          • Update for all the haters out there!! Added preference to remove the "stupid fox paw icon" in the tooltip/alert slider; type about:config in the Firefox URL, and set the preference extensions.reminderFox.hideThatRidiculousFoxPaw=true
          • Fixed: When playing a custom sound for alerts/alarms, only the first few seconds would be played
          • Fixed: The default value for Show In Tooltip was not being honored.
          • Fixed: When viewing quick alarms from the context menu, would sometimes show additional implementation text.
          • Fixed: quick alarms would sometimes pop back up immediately when snoozed
          • Added defensive code to prevent the status icon from not showing in some situations
          • Fixed: Importing pure iCalandar files with only TODOs didn't work

          Bug fixes:

          • Fixed nl localization issues
          • Fixed issue where View list would not refresh in some cases
          Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1.*
          View other versions

          Version 1.9.8 930.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1b1

          New Features:
          • Support for web-mail to allow viewing web-based mails from a reminder. Now if you add a reminder while viewing a Gmail or Yahoo mail message, the reminder will be seen as a mail reminder, and will show up marked as a mail reminder in your reminder list, and when viewing the reminder the mail icon will show which will let you jump to that message in Gmail/Yahoo mail.
          • Added ReminderFox to the Tools file menu for accessibility and ease of access (Menu items: Open ReminderFox, Add Reminder, Add Quick Alarm, Options..., Help)

          • There is a new filter for "All Upcoming Reminders/ToDo's", which will only show upcoming events, and hide all of the previous events.
          • New quicksearch filter option for "Anywhere" which allows you to filter events where the search text occurs in any of the description, notes, category, notes, or location fields.
          • Toolbar tooltip for ReminderFox icon now shows Upcoming Reminders/Todo's - just like the status bar icon.
          • New Toolbar tooltip for QuickAlarm icon - now shows all quick alarms
          • Made Open ReminderFox toolbar icon not look like crap
          • When displaying quick alarm list (in context menu or toolbar icon), the quick alarms will be sorted by next alarm time.
          • Added a button in the Reminder List window to bring up the Options dialog
          • Usability: For setting a Custom repeat option, changed label in drop down from "Custom..." to "Click here for more repeating options". Also, when adding new reminder and Custom repeat is selected, the default Custom Repeat recurrence is set to weekly, as that is the most oft-requested repeat options ("How do I set up a weekday repeating event?")
          • Usability: Added a "cursor pointer" in the calendar when hovering over the next and previous year/month arrows (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • When importing events from the file system or emails to the ReminderFox status bar icon via Drag & Drop, you can now specify a category to set for each of the imported events / todos (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Usability: the dialog for managing 'Default' categories can now be sorted (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          View improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • There are now a few Reminder Views by default to show some example views (Upcoming Birthdays).
          • 'DATE' has a wider definition for day, week, month, year. TimeSpan definition can go into past and future; used together with 'Export'/'Delete' it can be used for backup and deletion of all past events
          • 'Category' has popup menu as with "Add/Edit Reminder/Todo"
          • Sorting: View Editor has added up/down icons for sorting the 'view' and 'criteria'
          • Changes (edit/sort) will be saved with all actions

          Mail improvements: (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Send++: For a better overview which messages have a association to reminders the Send++ now directly tags the 'send' copy stored to the 'Send' folder with the 'ReminderFox' tag.
          • Reminders with 'mailto:' in the URL field (like contact reminders) will fill the mailto: directly into the 'To:' field of the compose window
          • Thunderbird AddressBook - when adding a reminder for a contact, the address book name is added to the Notes; the contact 'Birthday' is also added to the reminder(with <year> to subject and day and month to start date)

          Bug fixes:
          • Update for all the haters out there!! Added preference to remove the "stupid fox paw icon" in the tooltip/alert slider; type about:config in the Firefox URL, and set the preference extensions.reminderFox.hideThatRidiculousFoxPaw=true
          • Fixed: When playing a custom sound for alerts/alarms, only the first few seconds would be played
          • Fixed: The default value for Show In Tooltip was not being honored.
          • Fixed: When viewing quick alarms from the context menu, would sometimes show additional implementation text.
          • Fixed: quick alarms would sometimes pop back up immediately when snoozed
          • Added defensive code to prevent the status icon from not showing in some situations
          • Fixed: Importing pure iCalandar files with only TODOs didn't work
          Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1b1
          View other versions

          Version 1.9.7 848.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*

          • Added a Next Month and Previous Month buttons on the calendar header, that will advance or go back one month
          • When you select a quick alarm from the status bar context menu, it will now display any associated notes as well
          • Updated ReminderFox toolbar icon - now uses the fox paw instead of duplicated ribbon icon; it was too confusing
          to tell which icon did what

          • Fixed: The "Go To Today" context menu on the calendar was not repopulating the reminder list with
          the current reminders if the calendar was showing a different year
          • Fixed: calendar widget would sometimes advance an extra month when clicking "blank" days to move it forward
          • Fixed: was not able to download a calendar from the Network options when not setting a user or password
          • Fixed "No password" error message for upload/download. It was instead saying an uninformative "Unexpected Error".
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*
          View other versions

          Version 1.9.6 846.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*

          New Features:
          • Copy Reminders - there is now a new option in the Reminder List context menu to Copy Reminder
          and Copy ToDo. This will create a copy of the selected reminder and open up the Add Reminder
          window with the pre-populated information.

          • By popular demand, added back the Biweekly (fortnightly) repeat option in the Add Reminder repeat dropdown
          • Added context menu item on calendar for "Go to Today" which will reset the calendar back to Today's date.
          • Added option to show alarms in separate tabs or separate windows (as was the behavior in earlier versions).
          To disable separate tabs, go to the ReminderFox options Notifications tab, and in the Alarms
          section you can change the dropdown for "Show multiple alarms using" to "a separate window for each alarm"
          • You can now specify how long the alert slider will stay open. You can also set it so the alert slider stays
          open until you click it. The preference is in the ReminderFox options in the Notifications tab; the
          option is "Keep alert slider open". The default is "for 5 seconds", but you can change this to any length
          of time you wish. If you instead select "until clicked" then once the alert slider is opened, it will stay
          open until you click on it with your mouse.
          • Added UI preference for limiting status text length to a set number of characters (in the RemindeFox options Display tab; default: 40)
          • Added UI preference for setting maximum alert slider height, in pixels (in the ReminderFox options Notifications tab; default: 134)

          Bug fixes:
          • Was focusing Firefox window when alarm went off -- very annoying I'm told :)
          • alarm tab wasn't showing years properly (was showing "<1975>" )
          • calendar from toolbar wasn't redrawing "Today's" date; would keep original date emboldened, even after it was no longer
          the current date
          • Remind Until Complete status was not being properly saved when events were processed hourly;
          • Fixed: Multiple alarm dialogs could still open even when using Tabbed window option
          • Fixed: Repeating reminders will no longer show multiple alarms for different occurrences of the same reminder
          • Fixed: When importing reminders and choosing to Overwrite, was not displaying a Success message.
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*
          View other versions

          Version 1.9.5 835.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*

          New Features:
          • Tabbed alarms - alarms and quick alarms now show up in a single window as separate tabs, so they are
          now easier to manage in a single location.
          • You can now add notes on quick alarms
          • When adding a quick alarm or snoozing an alarm, you can select the calendar icon to add a specific day/time of
          when to show the alarm, versus just the "show X minutes/days from now" method
          • The calendar launched by the calendar toolbar button (right click on the Firefox toolbar and select Customize...
          to add it) has been updated - it now shows dates with reminders (in yellow), you can hover over the dates
          to get the reminder tooltips just like in the normal calendar, and clicking on a date allows
          you to quick-add a reminder for that date

          • Clicking on blank square in the calendar widget will move the calendar forward or backwards to that date
          • The 'Add reminder' dialog has been reordered to be consistent with Add ToDo/Event dialog
          • Context menu for Firefox - changed the postion of Add Reminder to come after Copy (as suggested by user
          K. Jason)
          • Updated to support Postbox email application - (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Updated for latest versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey
          • 'Send reminder'/'Send todo's' now also supports 'Export' (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          Bug fixes:
          • Bug 21772 - thanks to Philippe for fixing this one!
          • Bug 21565 - Search function does not work at first time (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          • Added slight delay when starting Firefox before showing alert slider, as it could result in a jerky sliding
          motion if loading a lot of tabs were open
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0.*
          View other versions

          Version 1.9.1 737.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.5.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a3, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0b2

          New Features:

          • Views. Events selected with a 'View' setting can now be sent with an ICS data file/attachment (via the View dropdown menu). Each exported event will have the View label added as a category item.

          • Send ToDo's/List. Selected ToDos'/List now can be sent with an ICS data file/attachment. Each exported event will have its 'List' name added.

          • Open associated event (Thunderbird). You can now open the event stored for a message. It's now also possible to do this for events stored or moved to 'ToDo's/Lists' [as requested by Agnes Perrot and our good friend jake ;-) ]

          • Tagging (Thunderbird). Reminderfox uses different 'tags' for messages eg.: 'Reminderfox' to show 'there is a Reminderfox event for this message', or 'iCal-REQUEST' to show 'this is an invitation request'. These tags now can use upper/lowercase letters. The ReminderFox tags don't stack at the top of the list anymore. The 'normal' keys are not changed anymore. The color of each tag set by Reminderfox can be set to another color with normal TB dialog.

          • Icon size on toolbar buttons now scales with 'normal/small' settings for the 'toolbar customize'

          • Todo events now can be imported from message/file (was silently skipped).

          • 'Open message' with events pointing to Draft/Templates will not open the message but only point to the folder. Those opened messages failed to support the [Edit] button.

          Bug Fixes:
          • 'List' name check for "ToDo's", "Reminders" or characters ':' ','; was causing problems with other functions

          • TB3.x compatibility for popup-menus

          • Seamonkey compatibility with SM 1.1.14 (Should do also for SB 0.9) [Thanks to Boothby-Smith for reporting]

          • MAC OSX bugs fixed for empty ToDo list, and alert slider.

          Thanks to Günter Wahl for these many contributions.
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0b2
          View other versions

          Version 1.9 716.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0b2pre

          New Features:
          • Views. You can now add Views in the Reminder List window. To add or switch a view, click the Magnifying Glass List icon. You can create views to show reminders that match a set of criteria (Description contains "birthday", Categories contains "Work", date falls within the current week, etc). This allows you to quickly get a specialized View on any list of reminders. (Big thanks to Günter Wahl)

          • Added new option to show the Week Numbers on the calendar. You'll find this in the Options->List display. You can select None, Default week numbering, or ISO 8601-style numbering.

          • Clicking the status or toolbar icon when the Reminder list window is open will now close the window. This makes it easy to quickly open the Reminder list, scan what you're looking for, and then easily close the window (as suggested by reader Travis).

          • New keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-Shift-O -> Opens ReminderFox. Ctrl-Shift-Y -> Opens Add Event window. From the Reminder List window, Ctrl-A opens either the Add Reminder/Add Todo window. Ctrl-T will advance the next tab. (Type about:config and modify the preferences
          extensions.reminderFox.keyboard.shortcut.openReminderFox and
          to change the shortcut combination -- or leave it blank to have no shortcut)

          • For the stylesheet used by the View/Print as HTML option, you can specify your own stylesheet or none at all using an advanced preference. Type about:config and modify the preference
          extensions.reminderFox.html.stylesheet to any stylesheet of your choosing (eg: to use a local stylesheet: file://c:/stylesheets/project.css). If you specify no value at all for this preference, then no stylesheet will be used.

          • You can now add a reminder for all Thunderbird email messages currently selected (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          • Thunderbird improvements - mail body includes more information when seding an invite; priority now added to mail message; change of Location reschedules the invitation (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          • OS Switching support - the reminderfox ICS file is stored separately depending on OS; this allows you to point to the same file in a duel-boot scenario (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          • Updated for Firefox 3.1 compatibility (and Thunderbird 3 preliminary work)

          Bug Fixes:
          • Fixed erroneous 'Custom' option in Custom repeat window.

          • Removed white font in View As HTML style

          • Sending mail messages from a Schedule reminder sends it directly (it no longer opens Thunderbird Compose window). (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0b2pre
          View other versions

          Version 1.8 655.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.1b2, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a2pre

          New features:
          (*) There is a new calendar popup button that can be added to the toolbar; this is nice for a one-click calendar if you just quickly need to see a date. The calendar is closed by clicking outside of the calendar, or selecting a date. Add this to your toolbar by right-clicking on a toolbar and selecting Customize... and then dragging the icon onto the desired location.
          (*) There is a new ReminderFox preference to be able to have alarm popups re-sound the alarm sound every specified number of minutes. This allows you better ensure that you'll notice an alarm, or make it so an alarm will be so annoying that you'll eventually have to acknowledge it :)
          (*) There is now an option to Disable context menus if you do not want the Add Reminder menu items to show for web pages and emails
          (*) Added an End Date column in the Reminder List window. This allows you to sort by end date. This can be useful if using the end date as a "due date" for ToDos when you want to sort by most pressing issues) You can add this column by clicking the column picker icon to the right of the column headers and selecting the desired column.

          (*) There is a new preference (found in the List Display tab) to set the size of the calendar (small, normal, large).
          (*) The Add/Edit Reminder and Todo windows now display the date (using the date string in the preferences) which will show the day of the week to make it easier to quickly tell which day you have set an event date for.
          (*) On the calendar widget, it now displays full tooltips when you hover over calendar dates (showing all available information, instead of just the description)
          (*) There is a new variable for the status tooltips: [timeUntil] - this tells you the time remaining until the event occurs. Depending on how close the event is, it will use the shortest amount of time units, eg: "30 minutes", or "4 hours" or "1 day". Thanks to Kunal Singh for contributing this code.
          (*) Added scrollbars to reminder tabs in the Reminder List window; this enables you to scroll through your tabs if you get too many to show in the window
          (*) In the Reminders List, it now shows when next alarm is scheduled in the tooltip when you hover over the alarm icon (example: "Alarm set for Jun 1st, 4:15pm")
          (*) Alarm popup now also shows the time until the actual event occurs, if the alarm occurs prior to the event. This value is updated whenever the alarm gets focus; so if you have it minimized and then open it, it will show you the correct time until the event occurs.
          (*) On the alarm window, moved Description to the top of the window, to better match how it is displayed in the Reminder List events
          (*) All alarms now display the calculated date and/or time for when the specified snooze will occur
          (*) You can control how many characters are displayed on the status bar text that shows today's reminders. The maximum number of characters to display can be configured via about:config by editing the preference: extensions.reminderFox.statusTextMaxLength. (default: 40)
          (*) Reminders now handle multiple comma-separated categories (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          (*) Resized icons on context menus to fit smaller 16x16 size; they were taking up more space than typical
          (*) On new installs, the calendar widget now shows by default in the Reminder List window
          (*) In Firefox, you can now open emails attached to reminders; this will open them in Thunderbird; if Thunderbird is closed, it will be started first. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed bug 19605: Now properly sort Reminders by time in tooltips and in the Reminder List when sorting by date
          (*) if you snoozed an alarm for a long time (like 28 days) it would pop up immediately
          (*) alarms only show Missed if the schedule event time has already occurred, instead of just if the original alarm time had passed. (My mom started using ReminderFox - uh oh! - and she was getting scared when she saw 'Missed' on her alarms thinking that she had missed her appointments)
          (*) Fixed: alarms for repeating events would show wrong date (the original date of the reminder)
          (*) Fixed bug 19203: Editing a todo from an alarm wasn't saving changes.
          (*) Calendar now properly shows events that span months
          (*) Fixed bug 19176: Cannot select June 1. 2008 from pop-up calendar.
          (*) Thunderbird: when using the Send++ to attach a reminder when sending an Email, the reminder is now properly associated with the email and vice-versa. (non-IMAP accounts only; thanks to Günter Wahl)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a2pre
          View other versions

          Version 1.7.2 619.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a2pre

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed bug 19144: Exporting reminders via the file export or network export wasn't working.

          New features:
          (*) Better experience for new users. Based on user feedback, on a brand new install of ReminderFox, there is now an initial reminder that will show in the status bar as "Welcome to ReminderFox!". This reminder will contain some welcome information and a link to the FAQ pages.

          (*) You are now able to view all Quick Alarms that you have set. When there are available quick alarms, there will be a new menu in the status bar context menu for Quick Alarms. This will show all the quick alarms and when they are scheduled to occur. By selecting one of the quick alarms in the menu list, you are then given the option to remove the alarm.
          (*) Calling 'Open' from alarm now headlessly opens the reminder for viewing/editing without opening the entire Reminder List window
          (*) You can now view which reminders you have snoozed and the current snooze alarm time. To do this go to the Reminders List window and make sure the alarm column is showing; an alarm that is snoozed will have a red alarm icon to indicate that it is snoozed; hovering over the icon will show the time that the snoozed alarm will go off.

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed 19000, 19048: ReminderFox was causing problems with some Thunderbird context menu items (copy, Move Again To...)
          (*) mozilla QA bug fixed:
          (*) Fixed: Open Associated Reminder on a Thunderbird email now properly opens the Edit reminder window (instead of the Add Event dialog)
          (*) Fixed 19078: some events with commas were adding a slash in the calendar file: /,
          (*) Fixed: wasn't saving quick alarms and preferences immediately; if FF crashed/terminated, changes were lost
          (*) Fixed 18857: now properly writing out alarms (for use with other reminder services)
          (*) Fixed: Firefox could crash if you had your list columns sorted and then completed a reminder using the spacebar keyboard shortcut
          (*) Resized the ribbon icons to be a little smaller (16px height) to better conform to the typical FireFox icon size (they were adding a bit more space on the toolbars than other icons)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a2pre
          View other versions

          Version 1.7.1 619.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) Better experience for new users. Based on user feedback, on a brand new install of ReminderFox, there is now an initial reminder that will show in the status bar as "Welcome to ReminderFox!". This reminder will contain some welcome information and a link to the FAQ pages.

          (*) You are now able to view all Quick Alarms that you have set. When there are available quick alarms, there will be a new menu in the status bar context menu for Quick Alarms. This will show all the quick alarms and when they are scheduled to occur. By selecting one of the quick alarms in the menu list, you are then given the option to remove the alarm.
          (*) Calling 'Open' from alarm now headlessly opens the reminder for viewing/editing without opening the entire Reminder List window
          (*) You can now view which reminders you have snoozed and the current snooze alarm time. To do this go to the Reminders List window and make sure the alarm column is showing; an alarm that is snoozed will have a red alarm icon to indicate that it is snoozed; hovering over the icon will show the time that the snoozed alarm will go off.

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed 19000, 19048: ReminderFox was causing problems with some Thunderbird context menu items (copy, Move Again To...)
          (*) mozilla QA bug fixed:
          (*) Fixed: Open Associated Reminder on a Thunderbird email now properly opens the Edit reminder window (instead of the Add Event dialog)
          (*) Fixed 19078: some events with commas were adding a slash in the calendar file: /,
          (*) Fixed: wasn't saving quick alarms and preferences immediately; if FF crashed/terminated, changes were lost
          (*) Fixed 18857: now properly writing out alarms (for use with other reminder services)
          (*) Fixed: Firefox could crash if you had your list columns sorted and then completed a reminder using the spacebar keyboard shortcut
          (*) Resized the ribbon icons to be a little smaller (16px height) to better conform to the typical FireFox icon size (they were adding a bit more space on the toolbars than other icons)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.7 610.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) There is a new preference in the Defaults options tab to allow you to customize the items that you want to hide behind the More>> button by default in the Add/Edit Reminder window. This is useful if there are certain properties that you are not interested in seeing by default (Categories, Repeat, etc)
          (*) Drag & drop support: You can now drag URLs, Firefox address bar text, links, email/web page text, emails, invitations, iCal (ICS) files, ICS links (subscribe) onto the ReminderFox statusbar to perform the associated ReminderFox action (adding reminder, importing events, etc). Thanks to Günter Wahl.
          (*) ThunderBird: There is a new context menu item "Open the associated Reminderfox event" in the message pane and thread pane. This menu item will be activated if an email has a reminder associated with it, and will allow you to go directly to the associated reminder. This now gives a complete, round-trip story for being able to go from a reminder to its associated email and back. (Thanks to Günter Wahl.)
          (*) Send++ (Thunderbird). You can add a new Send++ button onto the Compose Mail window (choose Customize on the Compose toolbar). Clicking this will send the email and add a new reminder tied to that email. This is useful for following up on an email thread. The sent message and any replies to your message will cause the context menu for "Open Associated ReminderFox event" to be activated and you can open up the associated reminder. (Thanks to Günter Wahl.)

          (*) Alert slider height can be configured via about:config by editing the preference:
          This sets the maximum number of pixels that the alert slider will take up; change it to a large value if you want more lines to show when your alert slider shows (Enhancement Request 18008)
          (*) If you hover over date-related description labels in Add Reminder dialog ("Date:", "Start", "End"), a tooltip will display the day the date falls on (this helps with the "is March 11th a Thursday or a Friday??" questions when picking a date)
          (*) Added value of "1" for all other time-based drop-downs (as it is frequently used for setting alarms "1 day before", etc)
          (*) Updated to work with Firefox 3.0 Beta
          (*) Corrected some default loading problems when opening the Reminder List window as a web page. You can do this by entering the url of the reminder dialog into the url bar:
          You could bookmark this url or make it part of your starting homepage, if you wanted to view your list in a webpage. You can also set this as your start page in Thunderbird, which gives a nice startup view (thanks to reader OIK for the tip!)
          (*) Message Priority is now taken into account when adding a reminder for a Thunderbird email; it uses the priorities 'very high' and 'high' to set ReminderFox item "Important"
          (*) Context menu items now have icons
          (*) Thunderbird scheduling: attendee can now receive and process event cancellations sent by the event Organizer

          Bug fixes:
          (*) General performance improvements (on date compare, clone). Thanks to Günter Wahl
          (*) Performance improvements in Add Reminder dialog
          (*) Fixed problem - wasn't always updating reminders (showing alerts, etc) if network connection errors, especially if resuming from suspend. This would cause alarms to be delayed until ReminderFox was opened.
          (*) Fixed bug 18159: snoozing reminders was not working; alarms were never showing again
          (*) Fixed bug 18793: some repeating reminders were not showing alarms on certain days
          (*) Fixed bug: adding ToDos with no dates was causing the calendar to screw up (showing NaN for the year)
          (*) Firefox 3: Fixed FF3-specific bugs:: dialogs had bad formatting, improper sizing, network passwords weren't being saved, download/uploading wasn't working
          (*) Fixed bug with French locale that was causing problems in Seamonkey
          (*) Tried to eliminate potential alarm timing issues (where alarms would not show up) by shortening the hourly thread to occur more frequently (30 mins) instead
          (*) Fixed bug: alert slider was showing each time a new window was opened, regardless of the user-specified interval
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.6.3 551.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0b3, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          Updated version for Firefox 3.0b3
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.6.2 551.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0b2, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0a1, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed localization problems in Romanian where new reminders could not be added
          (*) Fixed UI elements that were broken due to changes in FF3.0 (time menu list, alert slider)
          (*) Fixed Bug 18364 - Pop up reminders stopped working
          (*) Fixed Bug 18363 - Move Todo Up/Down does not work
          (*) Fixed problem with tagging emails when adding a reminder (Thunderbird 1.5)
          (*) Updated working version for Seamonkey 2.0a1
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.6.1 551.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0b2, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed localization problems
          (*) Fixed - ToDo's tooltips can have newlines in them, just like regular reminders
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.6 550.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0b2, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) In addition to the starting time of an event, you now can specify the end date and time as well. The list display tooltip will show both the start and end times, and the calendar display will show the entire span of the reminder's dates.
          (*) Events can be used for invitation/scheduling following the iCalendar/iTIP definition with REQUEST, REPLY (accept/decline) and reschedule. So a reminder can be sent by an organizer as an invitation/schedule, and the attendee(s) are now able to Accept or Decline the invitation. Doing so will update the reminder status and set up an email to be send to the attendees or back to the organizer with the response status. The organizer can easily track the status of all attendees. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          (*) Reschedule/changing some invitation/schedule items (date/time, location, recurrence, description) by the organizer will now send an update to all attendees on the list. The attendees are not allowed to modified those items. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          (*) A date/time stamp can be easily added into the notes field. Place the cursor at the required position and press [F8]. [as suggested by Michael Bierman]

          (*) When selecting event times from the dropdown, there are now submenu items for other common times (eg: 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45). Of course, you can still click on the toplevel times as before, or manually enter in any specific time.
          (*) Added toolbar icons to launch ReminderFox and Add a reminder. You can add these to your toolbars by right-clicking on a toolbar and selecting Customize... and then dragging the icons onto their desired location.
          (*) When using a year calculation in a reminder, you can use a new notation to get just the year value. eg: "My birthday was < 1978# > years ago" will give you "My birthday was 29 years ago". And "My < 1978 > birthday" still gives you "My 29th birthday". You can now also calculate future years in combination with the new notation: "Mortgage will be paid off in < 2037# > years" --> "Mortgage will be paid off in 30 years".
          (*) The ReminderFox list window and the pop-up alarms are now treated like normal Windows (and not dialogs.) These windows can be minimized/maximized, and alarms now properly notify the OS when requesting focus (flash in the taskbar) so they are not as easy to be missed.
          (*) Alarms now contain the alarm text in the window title so you can more easily detect different alarms in your status bar.
          (*) In the Alarm action menu, when you select "Open" it immediately goes to the reminder, instead of having to hit the Okay button.
          (*) The variables for List Display->Date Appearance no longer need to be separated by a character. You can now use something like "[longYear][longMonth][date]" and things should work fine.
          (*) You can now add newlines in your status bar tooltip labels. For example an Upcoming Reminders Label of:
          [shortDay] [shortMonth] [date] [longYear]:\n[reminderDesc] ([time])\nCategory: [category]\nOccurs in [daysUntil] days\n
          would give you:
          Wed Jan 11 2008:
          Lost is on! (9:00 PM)
          Category: Television
          Occurs in 4 days
          (*) Better integration with Sunbird/Lightning. If you have your reminderfox calendar file shared as a visible calendar of Sunbird, whenever you make changes with ReminderFox, they will be reflected inside of Sunbird. (You don't have to manually do a Refresh Remote Calendars to see the updates.)
          (*) Added '1' in the snooze time values in the alarm popups (useful for when snoozing for "1 day" for example)
          (*) Updated to work with Sunbird 0.7 and Firefox 3.0b1
          (*) Added DTSTAMP to all ICS events for better inter-calendar support (as mentioned in the ICS spec).

          Bug fixes:
          (*) bug 17788: URI-encode network passwords
          (*) bug 15123: allow for multiple calculated years defined in a single reminder: "Tom's < 1978 > birthday and Dan's < 1980 > birthday"
          (*) Now generate the same UID format for both reminders and ToDo's.
          (*) bug 17983 - default to today's date when adding reminders from the Add Reminder context menu and the Add Reminder button
          (*) bug 17708: replaced overloaded "Done" label on the Reminder List window with standard "OK"
          (*) Fixed the common problem where a user specifies the protocol as part of the address string in the network settings preferences. If this occurs, the protocol is trimmed from the address and the protocol specified in the drop-down is used
          (*) Fixed "Unresponsive script" hang when adding repeat reminders of Monthly By Day with a specified interval (Thanks to Jürgen P.)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.5 486.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a4, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New Features:
          (*) Subscriptions. You can now subscribe to a remote calendar (such as This lets you subscribe to the many 'live' calendars, such as those found at,,, google's public calendar search, etc. You can easily subscribe to a calendar by right-clicking on a link to a calendar and selecting Subscribe With ReminderFox (webcal:// and regular ics file links are supported). You can also add and edit subscriptions by going to the Options and adding/editing a custom list with a URL.
          (*) Filters - in the Reminder List window, there is now a drop-down control that lets you filter what items the list shows; you can show all events or only those events for the selected month, week, or day (based on what you have selected in the calendar). You can also show just the events that are coming in the next week or the next two weeks. The filter lets you have even more control over what is displayed in the list, so you can see only what you're interested in. You can set the default filter in the options.
          (*) Quickly add a reminder from the status bar! There is now an action off of the status bar icon's context menu for Add Reminder. This brings up the Add Reminder window without having to go to the Reminder List first. This lets you quickly and easily add reminders.
          (*) Custom Repeat Options. Finally, you can set up your own custom repeat intervals. You can now set repeat intervals for days, weeks, months, years (eg: repeat every 6 weeks; repeat every 2 months), and specific days for weekly reminders (every 2 weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). You can also set a Repeat Until date for your repeat reminders, which is a date that the reminders will repeat until and then stop This could be used to set up a block of dates for when you are on vacation, etc.
          (*) Repeating todo's. You can now set repeat options on ToDo items. This can be used for the alarm popups to show at repeat intervals (daily, weekly, etc). Note that unlike reminders, by default you will only see one instance in your list with the original date that you set, because a ToDo list is more of a static list. However, if you filter the list (selected month, week, day, upcoming week, upcoming two weeks), it will show you the individual repeating instances.
          (*) When sending a reminder, you are now given the option to send as an Invitation, which allows you to set the Organizer and Attendees of the event.. This can be used to send meeting invitations via email to other participants which they can then easily add to their calendar client (if it supports ical)
          (*) Add Reminder From Contacts - For Thunderbird contacts, you can now add a Reminder for that contact which will contain all of their pertinent information. From your address book, right-click on the contact and select Add Reminder from the context menu. (Thanks to Günter Wahl [as suggested by Denis])
          (*) Properly display scheduling events. For events that were sent as invitations or schedules, the ReminderFox reminder window will now show extra details showing the Organizer and Attendees. It will also show their current status (required, etc), as well as your current status. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          (*) The standalone Add Reminder window now has a drop-down list for selecting which list to add a reminder to. So when adding a reminder, you can quickly choose from your reminder or any of your custom ToDo lists.
          (*) Map Location - the Location field now has a launch button beside it that will bring up a Google Maps page of the location.
          (*) You can now rename custom lists (select your custom list in the options and click Edit).
          (*) When removing a custom list, you are now prompted that all associated reminders will be deleted as well, and they are automatically removed for you.
          (*) You can now import/download events that are specified using other US Timezones (such as Yahoo! Sports calendars, which use US/Pacific) and they will show up with the correct times.
          (*) Closing alarms with ESC or 'X' no longer acknowledges the alarm by default. Now the alarm is simply dismissed for this event. (Thanks to Corey W.)
          (*) Added category/location to variables, so you can now use those in your tooltips.
          (*) Added location to quick-search, so you could search for all events happening in Raleigh for instance

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: removing custom list wouldn't always properly remove it
          (*) Fixed: Bug 17143 - wasn't removing Remind Until Complete status when completing reminders from alarm popup window
          (*) Importing reminders from ICS attachments would not recognize some attachments as calendar events
          (*) Fixed: Wasn't showing URL or location on alarms for ToDos
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.4.1 417.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a4, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) Import/export preferences. From the Options, you can now export your ReminderFox preferences in order to save them or transfer them to other profiles.
          (*) New repeat option: weekday (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri).
          (*) New properties: location and URL. You can now add a location and URL to any reminders or ToDo's. These options are available by clicking the MORE>> button to expand the Add Reminder window. Clicking on the Launch URL button next to the URL field will bring up that page in your browser.
          (*) Add Reminder for a web page. You can now right-click on a web page and select Add a Reminder... from the context menu. This adds a new reminder with the current web page set in the URL field. You can also select any text in the web page and then select Add a Reminder; this will add the selected text in the Notes field. This is useful when you need to remember particular web addresses as part of your reminder or ToDo.
          (*) Send and receive iCal-based Calendar events via email. From ThunderBird, you can now accept any invitations sent by any iCal-based calendar (google calendar, Outlook with Internet Calendar enabled, etc). From inside of the message pane for any emails that contain an iCal attachment (or embedded in the text body), you can select "Import Reminders from iCal" to add them to ReminderFox. Conversely, from ReminderFox, you can select reminders and choose Send Reminder... from the reminder list context menu. This will open up ThunderBird composed message containing those events as an ical attachment. This is useful for inviting others to an event in your list, and for sharing reminders via email. (Big thanks to Günter Wahl)

          (*) Alarms remember snooze time. Now when you snooze an alarm dialog, it gets stored inside of the calendar file. This means that the snooze time is now remembered even if your restart Firefox, and now works better if you are synchronizing your calendar to other computers.
          (*) Quick alarms persisted. Now when you add a quick alarm via the status bar context menu, it will be remembered even if you restart Firefox.
          (*) Tooltip now shows list items sorted in the order that they are ordered in the list (you can stop asking me about this now, Jake :)
          (*) Added ability to reorder your list of default Category items in the Options

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: Calendar wasn't showing some completed reminders as greyed out
          (*) Fixed: When resuming from Hibernation/Standby and hovering over the tooltip, it would sometimes continue to show events from the previous day
          (*) Fixed bug where ReminderFox could not start if using a network password and you cleared all your passwords from Firefox
          (*) Corrected order of tabbing through items on the Add Reminder dialog
          (*) Fixed: was sometimes getting the wrong upcoming date for repeating reminders in the tooltip
          (*) Fixed: when importing events from other calendar files, was sometimes adding superfluous information to the ReminderFox calendar ICS file

          (*) Fixed: sorting ToDo's my date was not working
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.4 417.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a4, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) Import/export preferences. From the Options, you can now export your ReminderFox preferences in order to save them or transfer them to other profiles.
          (*) New repeat option: weekday (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri).
          (*) New properties: location and URL. You can now add a location and URL to any reminders or ToDo's. These options are available by clicking the MORE>> button to expand the Add Reminder window. Clicking on the Launch URL button next to the URL field will bring up that page in your browser.
          (*) Add Reminder for a web page. You can now right-click on a web page and select Add a Reminder... from the context menu. This adds a new reminder with the current web page set in the URL field. You can also select any text in the web page and then select Add a Reminder; this will add the selected text in the Notes field. This is useful when you need to remember particular web addresses as part of your reminder or ToDo.
          (*) Send and receive iCal-based Calendar events via email. From ThunderBird, you can now accept any invitations sent by any iCal-based calendar (google calendar, Outlook with Internet Calendar enabled, etc). From inside of the message pane for any emails that contain an iCal attachment (or embedded in the text body), you can select "Import Reminders from iCal" to add them to ReminderFox. Conversely, from ReminderFox, you can select reminders and choose Send Reminder... from the reminder list context menu. This will open up ThunderBird composed message containing those events as an ical attachment. This is useful for inviting others to an event in your list, and for sharing reminders via email. (Big thanks to Günter Wahl)

          (*) Alarms remember snooze time. Now when you snooze an alarm dialog, it gets stored inside of the calendar file. This means that the snooze time is now remembered even if your restart Firefox, and now works better if you are synchronizing your calendar to other computers.
          (*) Quick alarms persisted. Now when you add a quick alarm via the status bar context menu, it will be remembered even if you restart Firefox.
          (*) Tooltip now shows list items sorted in the order that they are ordered in the list (you can stop asking me about this now, Jake :)
          (*) Added ability to reorder your list of default Category items in the Options

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: Calendar wasn't showing some completed reminders as greyed out
          (*) Fixed: When resuming from Hibernation/Standby and hovering over the tooltip, it would sometimes continue to show events from the previous day
          (*) Fixed bug where ReminderFox could not start if using a network password and you cleared all your passwords from Firefox
          (*) Corrected order of tabbing through items on the Add Reminder dialog
          (*) Fixed: was sometimes getting the wrong upcoming date for repeating reminders in the tooltip
          (*) Fixed: when importing events from other calendar files, was sometimes adding superfluous information to the ReminderFox calendar ICS file
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.3 378.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a4, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) Categories. You can now add Categories to reminders and ToDo's. You can add a category from your default list of categories such as "Birthday". You can add any number of categories, such as: "Project, Personal, ReminderFox". The list of default categories can be configured in the options. You can also quickly tag any reminder with a category by simply typing any text in the category field. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)
          (*) Quick search filters. You can now quickly enter search text to filter your list of Reminders and Todo's based on the text you enter. You can search and filter on Description, Notes, or Categories. For instance, this can be useful to quickly see just the list of reminders belonging to the Birthdays category, or any reminders with "mom" in the description. (Thanks to Günter Wahl)

          (*) Better list tooltips - the tooltips in the reminder list window have been improved a bit to show the date, categories, and completed date (if applicable)
          (*) From the status bar context menu, the Show Alerts option has been changed to Suspend Alerts and Alarms. This now handles alarm notifications as well. Now you can enable this if you want to temporarily suspend all notifications. Also, if you use both Thunderbird and Firefox, you could suspend alerts/alarms in one application so as not to receive multiple notifications in both programs.
          (*) Now tested, verified, and working on Flock (Thanks to Jane Ocean).

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: You can now use Unicode characters in the Date Appearance, Today's Reminders Label, and Upcoming Reminders Label options.
          (*) Fixed: Thunderbird - some users could not delete reminders
          (*) Fixed: Thunderbird - Calendar was sometimes initially showing up blank
          (*) Fixed Bug 16717: If you had multiple alarms occur at the same time, only the first alarm would show and the rest would appear blank
          (*) Fixed Bug 16855: Adding a Reminder to an email was failing if you had the time showing as part of your list date string
          (*) Fixed: ReminderFox was not functioning properly when using Cz locale
          (*) Fixed: List dates weren't handled correctly if Date Appearance option had text before the date
          (*) Fixed: Marking non-repeating reminders as complete was not using the current date for the Completed Date
          (*) Fixed: ReminderFox was overwriting some ICS fields used by other calendar programs (such as FinchSync)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.2.1 341.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          (*) calendar tooltip now shows completed reminders with strikethrough (like on the list)

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: if reminders were sorted, updates to repeating reminders were not always showing in the list
          (*) Fixed: was not working with German localization
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.2 347.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          New features:
          (*) There is now a new List Display option to show today's reminders in bold font in the list. This makes today's reminders stand out a little more in the list. This option is enabled by default and can be turned off via the Options.
          (*) You can now show and utilize the calendar widget for ToDo's and custom list items as well
          (*) When setting the date for reminders and ToDo's, there is a new button that can be used to display a calendar widget for setting the date.

          (*) View as HTML will now show only the selected reminders or ToDo's if you have multiple items selected
          (*) statusbar tooltip now displays custom list items under their own category
          (*) Now compatible with Sunbird. You can even share the same data file between Sunbird and ReminderFox using a bit of a workaround (see ReminderFox FAQ for details).

          Bug fixes:
          (*) Fixed: Sorting ToDo's wasn't always remembering order (when using Move ToDo Down)
          (*) Fixed: if sorting by date, wasn't taking time into consideration
          (*) Fixed: modifying a repeating reminder would switch focus to the earliest instance in your list
          (*) Fixed: 15677. Network sync was still attempting to connect even if no network address specified
          (*) Fixed: When deleting multiple reminders with repeating instances, ReminderFox would stop after deleting the first reminder
          (*) When marking the most recent occurrence of a repeating reminder as completed, it will now use today's date for the completed date (instead of the reminder's instance date)
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.1.1 328.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          ReminderFox 1.1.1:
          Bug fixes:
          (*) fixed: fixed bug 16133: remote reminders weren't being downloaded if there were no ToDo's in the remote file
          (*) fixed: reminder list wasn't always being updated if the list was sorted
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.1 328.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          ReminderFox 1.1:
          (*) Column sorting. You can now sort any columns in the Reminder list, including ToDo's and custom lists. The column sorting is persisted for each list, and will stay sorted the next time you open the list window.

          (*) Quick Alarms now show the targeted hourly time in parentheses for people who are bad at math (*ahem* Dan Lee)
          (*) Calendar now highlights dates with completed reminders in light-grey.
          (*) You can now select minutes, hours, and days when electing to Snooze a reminder (though the snooze time is not remembered on restarting of Firefox)
          (*) Added some Help links which launches the language-specific FAQ
          (*) ReminderFox is now compatible with FinchSync; this allows you to sync your events and ToDo's with PDA's and SmartPhones. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl)
          (*) Thunderbird: mail icon now shows in alarms and edit window, so you can quickly jump to related emails. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl)
          (*) Thunderbird: TB 2.0 now properly changes the label color when adding a reminder. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl) In Thunderbird 2.0, ReminderFox utilizes the new tag system. When you add a reminder to an email, the email gets tagged as 'reminderfox'. You can use the Thunderbird capability to edit that tag to be any color you want.
          (*) New web site layout and redesign by Jojaba. Huge thanks to Jojaba for this!
          (*) View As HTML now uses new web style as well

          Bug fixes:
          (*) fixed: when using automatic network synchronization with some providers (like, it was possible for an empty remote file to overwrite your local reminders. There is now a check in place to prevent this from happening.
          (*) fixed: couldn't delete reminders attached to emails that had since been deleted
          (*) now you can enter in various separators besides the current default when adding times for events (such as '.' and ':' and 'h')
          (*) fixed problem where completing repeating reminders was clearing the Remind Daily Until Completed flag
          (*) marking non-repeating reminders as Remind Daily Until Completed was not working if the reminder date had already passed
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.0.1 305.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          ReminderFox 1.0.1:
          localization: Fixed problem with Quick Alarms in some locales
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 1.0 305.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          ReminderFox 1.0!!
          (*) Quick Alarms - you can now create a Quick Alarm via the status bar icon's context menu. This allows you to quickly set an alarm to be reminded of something that will happen shortly. Example: "check pot roast" in '20 minutes'. Note that these are just quick temporary alarms, and are not added to your reminders.
          (*) Alarm actions - You can now more easily interact with reminders from the alarm dialogs. There are now options to mark the reminder/ToDo as complete, delete it, view it, or simply acknowledge it. This way, once you receive an alarm notification, you can quickly complete/delete it if you no longer need it.

          (*) You can now select multiple items when performing most operations in your lists (deleting, marking as complete, reordering ToDo's, etc).
          (*) When deleting a repeating reminder, you are now given the option to delete all instances, or just delete the selected (and previous) occurrence.
          (*) New column for Alarms in the reminder/ToDo list. This column shows an icon for any reminders that have alarms set for them; hovering over the icon will show you the details of what the alarm is set for.
          (*) Calendar no longer highlights reminders that are marked as complete
          (*) Automatic backups of reminder files are now kept in your profile's reminderfox directory (snapshots for today and yesterday)
          (*) Thunderbird: You can now select text inside of an email and when you select Add a Reminder from the context menu, the highlighted text will be included as part of the reminders notes. This is useful for quickly grabbing dates, times, and places from an email. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl)
          (*) Thunderbird: When a reminder is created from a reminder, the email's label (color) is changed to signify a reminder is associated with it. Now when the reminder is deleted or completed, the email's label is cleared back to the original state. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl)

          Bug fixes:
          (*) fixed: localization - View as HTML wasn't showing some character sets properly
          (*) fixed: importing from other calendar systems could erroneously show alarm data in the notes field
          (*) fixed: wasn't always setting a repeating Remind Until Completed reminders to today's date.
          (*) bug 15266 - repeating reminders BYMONTH was stored incorrectly, which could cause problems with other calendars
          (*) fixed: incorrectly setting some recent past reminders set for Remind Until Complete to today's date
          (*) fixed: moving ToDo's up or down would not reorder properly when Hiding Completed Items
          (*) made calendar font size a bit larger as it could be difficult to read with some fonts
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 284.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 2.0.0.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          Tested and updated version number for Firefox 2.0.
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions

          Version 284.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.0a1, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 1.5a, Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1

          (*) View As HTML now works from Thunderbird
          (*) View as HTML now shows dates, times, and notes for reminders and ToDo's, as well as indicating completed status
          (*) ToDo's and List items now handle years in their descriptions just like reminders ( "get gift for our anniversary" shows up as "get gift for our 6th anniversary")

          Bug fixes:
          (*) localization: fixed Options dialog sizing problem
          (*) localization: fixed problems with moving reminders to ToDo's list
          (*) localization: fixed problems where Adding a Reminder in ThunderBird would not use the proper character set for some languages such as Hebrew. (Thanks to Guenter Wahl)
          (*) Fixed problem where synchronizing to some calendar services would cause problems with reminders that had descriptions containing commas
          (*) Fixed problem where synchronizing to some calendar services (such as memotoo) would not properly download remote changes
          (*) Fixed problem where synchronizing to some calendar services (such as iCal Exchange) would show "201" error dialog when uploading
          (*) Fixed View Mail with certain msg-IDs that contained quotes
          (*) Fixed problem where could no longer View ToDo's or Lists as HTML page
          (*) Fixed problem where password couldn't be cleared out in the Options
          Works with Thunderbird 1.0 - 3.0a1
          View other versions