Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
616 add-ons
Bank Knig Search
by bankknig
3 weekly downloads
Free russian books from the bankknig.com site. Site contains more then 120.000 books and all of them available for free downloading without registration.
3 weekly downloads
Thousands of famous quotations from many authors that can be browsed, searched, heard, and translated to several languages.
Google ScholarFr
by Alexandre Girardot
3 weekly downloads
Google Scholar France : Recherche d'articles et publications scientifiques Google
by Dan_Kirshner
2 weekly downloads
Dictionary word look-up suggestions from the search bar.
ZAG Index
by Sven Fuchs
2 weekly downloads
Elektronisches Inhaltsverzeichnis der Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Geologie, digitalisiert und bereitgestellt von www.hydrogeologist.de
Google Dictionary English-French
by fievel
2 weekly downloads
Search engine for Google Dictionary French <-> English.
Gry-OnLine Search
by Saibamen
2 weekly downloads
Wyszukiwarka pozwalająca znaleźć gry w serwisie Gry-OnLine.pl
Wikipedia (ukrainian) | Вікіпедія (українська)
by okinasevych
2 weekly downloads
This is a search plug-in for Ukrainian-language Wikipedia at uk.wikipedia.org.
Це пошуковий плаґ-ин для української мови Вікіпедії на uk.wikipedia.org.
Polish to German
by firefalkon7
2 weekly downloads
Przetłumacz z polskiego na niemiecki z google translate
Słownik polsko-niemiecki
Translate polish to german with google translate service
Polish-german dictionary
Vikidia (fr)
by Vorsipellis
2 weekly downloads
Plugin de recherche pour le wiki Vikidia francophone.
Larousse FR-EN v0.1
by Thomas
2 weekly downloads
Add word translation French to English by Larousse.fr to the search box.
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
by Michael Büchner
2 weekly downloads
Die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ist das zentrale Portal für Kultur und Wissen. Sie macht das kulturelle Erbe Deutschlands über das Internet zugänglich.
Lexis Multi-function Chinese Character Database
by Koala Yeung
2 weekly downloads
Search Chinese character for its Cantonese pronounciation, meaning and etc.
by Cesar Martinez Izquierdo
2 weekly downloads
Diccionari Normatiu de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at mycroftproject.com
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.